Lets get english girl wasted

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Omfg you guys, last night I had a dream that I met Thomas Sangster at a party and we were talking and getting on really well and he called me beautiful and then he freaking kissed me and when we pulled away, he made some dorky comment and I laughed and told him that one of my favorite things about him was his doryness and then he leaned in for another kiss with that adorable little smirk he does, aND THEN I FREAKING WOKE UP AND FELT MY HEART BEING RIPPED FROM MY CHEST SO I JUST LIED THERE AND CRIED! It felt so real and I just needed to get that off my chest so thanks guys and enjoy the chapter while I cry again.

Lizzie and Thomas spent the rest of the day together, cuddled up on the couch in a pillow fort they had made, with lots of junk food and Johnny Depp movies. They had watched all of The Pirates of the Caribbean movies (which were Lizzie's personal favorites) and had just finished Transcendence, Thomas was now trying not to laugh as Lizzie went on a rant about the movie. (Slight spoiler alert)

"How could they make  movie like that? That ripped my soul! He was helping the world! He loved her so much that he was going to make all her dreams come true even though he was a flipping computer! He didn't even do anything wrong! Well, I mean taking over those people's bodies was a bit extreme but goddamn it was for a good cause. They just ruined an epic love story." She stopped pacing, huffed, and sat down next Thomas in their fort. He wrapped his arms around her small body, trying to calm the girl down.

"Want to watch a happier movie now?" 

"Well, I would say Sweeney Todd, but he dies at the end of that one too. OH MY PIZZA! We gotta watch Benny & June! No, wait, that one hits too close to home."

"What about a scary one? The Ninth Gate?"

"Great movie but it will remind me of my brother." Thomas gave her a strange look but Lizzie laughed at his cuteness.

"I would also say Corpse Bride but that reminds me of my childhood and that's not good for my anxiety."

"I have so much to learn about you." Thomas said without removing the look.

"You could spend 100 years in a class, babe, and still be confused. "

"I don't doubt it, Lizzie. Alice in Wonderland? You love that one."

"Yeah, but it pisses me off that she leaves Wonderland. Oh! Let's watch Finding Neverland! That's perfect."

"That's not a non-sad movie! She dies!"

"Yeah, but he doesn't and as long as Johnny Depp is alive everything in the world is fine." 
They put the movie in and cuddled again, just enjoying being in each others arms.


Halfway through Edward Scissor Hands, there was a knock at the door which Thomas had gotten up to get. Kaya and the guys walked in with bottles in their all their hands.

"I brought boos!" Kaya yelled and made her way into the house without waiting for Thomas to invite her in. She walked into the living room and raised an eyebrow at Lizzie and Thomas. "Are we interrupting something here?"

"No, we were just watching some movies. But I love you so much Kaya, you got my favorite rum." She took the bottle and took a long sip. Dylan walked in with a 6 pack in both hands and yelled, 
"What are we waiting for? Let's get english girl wasted!" 

Lizzie sat back and watched her friends laughing and having fun together. She felt a nice warm feeling, like she had friends that really cared. Thomas leaned back on the couch and wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her on the cheek. Thomas. Lizzie couldn't even explain how amazing it was to have Thomas. She had finally been saved.

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