The Prison/Schoolgirl Crush

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       The next morning, I was up before everyone else, except Rick, who I could hear pacing in his room down the hall all night, and grabbed my backpack, slinging it over my shoulders. I snuck through each room silently, until I found the closet where they'd stashed my weapons, and picked out a repeating rifle, two small caliber pistols, and my sword,sliding all but the sword into my jacket pockets. I jumped, as a hand lightly touched my shoulder, and spun around to find Carol standing there, a friendly smile on her face. She asked, "You knew where we hid these the whole time, didn't you?" I shrugged, a bit uncomfortable, feeling the motherly aura flowing from the woman. A bit chastised, I muttered, "Yes, ma'am..Well, actually, I just figured out the spaces that were more likely than the others, and given how many closets are in the house-" I stopped, my face heating up, and shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose I did." She searched my eyes, noticing my obvious shift in mood, and whispered, "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. And Maggie convinced us to let you stay. I, for one, never said either way, but I wanted to say..Welcome to our family, Charlie."

     She walked off after that, leaving my emotions in a confused state. I wasn't sure if she liked me or not, and the idea of being a part of a family, blood or otherwise, was something I hadn't entirely thought about for awhile. And when I did start thinking about it, I felt fear crawling through my veins. I was thinking about what would happen if I did let these people in, and let them become my family. If I did that, and something happened to them, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I shook my head, and shrugged, muttering to myself, "It's not like you've got anyone else, Charlie..Might as well take what you can get. After all you've been through, what's a little more heartbreak?" I sat down on the couch and waited, hearing people slowly getting up around the house, and eventually, everyone came into the living room, sporting their own weapons. Rick looked at me, and the sword, and nodded. "Figured you'd find those sooner or later. Let's get going, before the Walkers get too out of hand."

     He lead us outside, and we silently followed him. I brought up the rear of the group, Maggie and Glenn in front of me, Carol and T Dog stayed near Lori in the middle because she was pregnant, Beth and Herschel walked behind Rick, and Carl stayed beside his father, gun at the ready. I'd never seen a boy so ready to kill anything, and it kind of scared me, to be honest. He seemed nice enough, but what if I accidentally hurt his people? Would that little boy turn on me? I shrugged off the thoughts, focusing on helping keep everyone safe, and almost slammed into Maggie and Glenn, as the group stopped by some trees. Rick pointed down a grassy hill, where a fence topped with barbed wire sat, guard towers on both sides. I blinked, and whispered, "A prison? That is a smart idea, Rick. Reinforced walls, chain link fence with barbed wire, an infirmary and mess hall, possible weapons in the armory, and beds to sleep in." Rick nodded, and smiled gratefully at me, then said, "The only problem we'll have is clearing all those Walkers out of the field, and closing the gates so they can't sneak up on us. If we can do that, we can go inside the prison, and start clearing it out."

     I shrugged, and patted my sword. "I'm game. Let's go kill some sons of bitches." We walked down to the field, and Rick had Carl, Daryl, and Carol go up into the guard towers to cover us, while Maggie, Glenn, and T Dog yelled at the Walkers, killing them one by one as they approached the fence. Lori stayed at a safe distance away with Herschel and Beth, and Rick nodded at me. Together, we raced out into the field of Walkers, heading for the gate, and I drew my sword, viciously hacking down any of them that dared get close to me or him. When we reached the gate, Rick pulled out a strong cord, and wrapped it around the links of the fence, locking the Walkers in behind it. As I helped him, I didn't notice the Walker creeping up behind me, and fell on the ground, as it tried to rip my throat out.

    A loud shot rang out, and I blinked, as black, stinky good splattered my clothes and face, and shoved the now dead Walker off of me, standing up. I glanced across the field through the fence, and nodded at Maggie and Glenn, who had apparently both shot the zombie trying to eat me. Rick and I started killing every Walker we ran past, and he yelled,"Light it up!" Shots began firing from all around, killing every Walker they could. As I stabbed one Walker through the skull, my sword got stuck, and I pulled out the repeating rifle, shooting with deadly accuracy and determination, not noticing the awestruck looks on the faces of the group. Soon enough, the Walkers in the field were all dead, and I reclaimed my sword, wiping the blood off on my jeans. Eventually, everyone else came running out into the field, cheering and dancing, and I smiled a little, watching them. My heart throbbed with something I hadn't felt in awhile, and I knew then that there was no turning back. They were my family now, and I would protect them with every fiber of my being, and in return, they'd protect me, too. As I walked past a supposed to be dead Walker, it grabbed my left ankle, tripping me. Its grip was tight, and its jaws closed around my ankle, luckily only getting my pants leg, as I tried to kick it away.

Only Human After All~A Walking Dead fanfic(Maggie GreenexOC)Where stories live. Discover now