Cutting My Hair/Walker Arena Battle To The Death

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    I walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door, then looked in every drawer and corner for something sharp, but couldn't find anything. Finally, I stared into the mirror, and punched it hard, watching blood drip from my knuckles, as shards of glass fell into the sink. I picked up a reasonably big shard, and gripped it with one hand, grabbing hold of my own hair with the other,then closed my eyes, slicing into the silky strands, feeling more and more cold inside with each chunk that fell to the floor, but knew the Governor would never be able to use my hair as a weapon against me again after that. I opened my eyes when I was finished, and stared into the glass shard, a broken and bruised woman with short hair staring back at me, and threw the shard, sniffling slightly.

     I walked back into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed, and stared at the wall, swallowing hard..I don't know how long it was, but days or weeks went by, and I was only dragged out of the room by Merle to have the Governor beat me to a bloody pulp again, and eventually, I learned to take it, staying silent and emotionless, realising that none of my adopted family were coming for me, and I was on my own. I made sure that if my hair even got close to being as long as it had been when I arrived, it got cut almost immediately, either by my own hand, or by Andrea, who I barely even knew, but seemed decent, considering she dated the man who violated and tortured me.

    I grew to be empty inside, all emotions, save for anger, locking themselves away deep inside of me, and loved scaring and threatening the people of my new home. No one dared cross me, except for the Governor himself, after I landed five men in the infirmary, when all they did was say something the wrong way to me. And I could tell that pissed my tormentor off to no end, and that he knew he'd never get answers from me, not anymore..So he used me..I became his favorite new toy..He made me his interrogator, torturing and questioning anyone who dared defy him, or enter the town uninvited..And I was damn good at it, too, picturing his face on every human that went under my hands and knife. But he seemed to soon grow bored of watching me coldly torment human beings, and eventually, he had me dragged into his office..

    I glared at him defiantly, and raised an eyebrow. "You know, you could have just come up to my room, since you like doing it so much.." A stinging slap met my face, and I laughed darkly, spitting out blood, then smirked. He glared back at me, and said, "Watch that dirty mouth of yours, Charlotte, or I might grow tired of playing with you..I have a new game for you, and I think with the enjoyment you get out of hurting others, you'll love it." This piqued my interest, and I plopped down in a chair across from him, lowering the hood of my black jacket to see him better.

    I said, "Oh, I like the sound of this..Some new torture, maybe? I'm getting a bit tired of the same damn routine.." His eyes glittered with both anger and excitement, and that pissed me off.."Don't go thinking you can get your fucking way, though..Unless there's something in it for me, I quit your little playtime." He slowly stood, towering over me, and no matter how brave or strong I'd gotten because of his torture, I shrank back in the chair. "Charlotte, I don't think you quite understand our little agreement..Either you do as you're told, or give me some answers about those people..Or I'll feed you to my Biters."

     I stood up, and muttered, "You son of a bitch..You just don't give up, do you? What is it you want this time?" He grinned, and said, "Now, I know you recall the arena..I've made it bigger,just for you, and tonight, you'll have your first match..It's kill or be killed this time, and the Biters have all their nails and teeth, just to make it more interesting for the crowd. I have a list a mile long of people that are willing to step in that arena just to kill you..And if you survive, there are some intruders waiting to be interrogated in separate rooms in the warehouse..I think I'll even let them watch the match from the sidelines. The match starts at eight tonight.." I felt fear and excitement wash over me, but said in an empty, cold tone, "Deal..Blood and pain for blood and pain..Either theirs or mine.."

     I stood up, and was dragged back to my room, then sat down on the bed, contemplating what was about to happen to me. "That motherfucker thinks I'm weak..He wants to break me, or kill me. Well, his ass is gonna be surprised when I win." I drew the knife at my hip from its sheath, and looked at my reflection in the dim light filtering in from the window, and slowly smiles a cold, evil smile. "The poor bastard that takes me on won't even see it coming..And those intruders? As good as dead.." My smile faded, as my thoughts suddenly flickered unwillingly to Maggie and the family I'd been forced to leave behind, and shook my head angrily. "They didn't come for you..You told them where the bastard lives, and they didn't even look for you..You're different now..You don't need their asses..And as soon as the intruders are taken care of, it's the Governor's turn.." I slammed the knife deep into the wood of my dresser, and laid down, waiting for night to fall, and my fight to the death to begin..

    As soon as it hit eight o clock, Merle walked in, and smirked at me. "Time for ya to go meet your Maker, Princess..Let's go!" I slowly stood up, yanking my knife out of the wood of the dresser, and slammed him against the wall, pressing the blade to his neck. "Don't. Call. Me. Princess.." He held up his hands in defeat, and muttered, "Whatever ya say, darlin." I yanked the hood of my jacket up over my face, and pulled the skull half mask I loved wearing over my nose and mouth, only showing my eyes, then stormed outside, and walked through town to the arena, everyone I passed moving out of my way. I walked up the steps to the new and improved arena, which now looked like a boxing ring, ropes surrounding the fighting area, and chained to the ropes were fully dangerous Walkers, their rotting teeth gnashing with hunger, and grunts pouring from them. I leaned against the ropes, and played with the point of my knife, as I waited for my opponent.

      The Governor walked into the arena with a familiar dark haired woman, and she glared at me, shaking. The Governor said, "I believe you know this lady, don't you? Tortured her husband and son almost to death." I slowly nodded, keeping my eyes on the woman, and stayed silent, wondering if my captor really had brought the intruders to watch like he said he would. My eyes flickered around the crowd slightly, but not knowing what they were supposed to look like, I gave up almost instantly, turning my attention back to the woman in front of me. Her name was Alyssa Gomez, and her husband Robert, and son, Gavin, had been put under my interrogation methods not long before. I guess she wanted vengeance for the state I returned them in, but I didn't regret a single thing I had done, knowing if I hadn't done it, my fate would have been equal to theirs.

     The Governor stepped outside the ring, and said, "Now..This is a fight to the death, ladies. No holds barred..You each have something at stake if you don't win..So do your best." He walked over to the crowd, and sat down, then nodded at me. I slowly nodded back, and smirked under my mask, motioning with one hand for Alyssa to come at me. She charged, fists up, and I dodged quickly, whirling with my knife, and slashed her across the arm. The Walkers strained against their chains, the scent of blood driving them crazy, and Alyssa whirled around. My eyes widened, as I realised she had her own knife, and I let out a groan as she jumped on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I dropped my knife, having to use both hands to keep her knife from sinking into my throat.

    She shook with effort, as she tried hard to bring the blade down, and I used one knee, slamming it into her back, and as she jerked backwards, I slammed my fist into the side of her head, causing her to fall. I rolled over on top of her, knocking the knife from her hand, and she whispered, "You're a monster.." I whispered back, "You have no idea.." I grabbed my knife, and slammed it into her thigh, then yanked it out, closing my eyes and smiling, as she screamed. I climbed off of her, and, knowing she couldn't run or get up with that leg wound, grabbed her by the shirt, and flung her into the middle of two chained Walkers, not even blinking, as they began ripping her to shreds and eating her.

    Soon, her shrill screams faded to silence, save the wet, meaty sounds of her flesh and bones being chewed, and I looked at where the Governor sat. I smirked under my mask, as he glared angrily at me. He motioned to someone, and I whirled around to the horrified shrieks of the crowd, as the chains holding the Walkers back were released. I gripped my knife tightly, as they staggered towards me, and slammed my knife into their brains, one by one, breathing angrily, as I realised I had been betrayed. The Governor wanted me dead, one way or another, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Soon, all the Walkers were dead, and, covered in blood, I raised my middle finger at him, then stormed off to the warehouse to collect my survival prize; To interrogate the intruders..

Only Human After All~A Walking Dead fanfic(Maggie GreenexOC) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now