Prologue: The Birth

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It was a dark night, close to midnight

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It was a dark night, close to midnight. The entire kingdom of Indraprastha was silent in anticipation. The most wanted and awaited night had fallen upon the kingdom. The Queen was in labour. And soon, after a long time a child would be born to the Pandavas.

Pain was an underrated statement for Draupadi. There was no doubt that she was in pain. Immense pain. A pain worse than of a warrior who suffers in the battlefield. It was like someone was ripping her body apart. They told her that childbirth is the best yet the worst experience for a woman. Right now. She couldn't see the best in her experience. It had been almost sixteen hours since she had preceded into labour. She had convinced herself for this to be easy, as she had already given birth to five beautiful boys in the past. But every experience was different, this one in particular was the most mortifying.

Arjun waited outside the medical chamber of the magnificent palace of Indraprastha with anticipation. Although he was surrounded by his brothers and his cousin, Krishna he couldn't help but be anxious. This was different from his first son from Draupadi, Shrutkarma. He found himself becoming more anxious, maybe because this was the most complicated pregnancy of his common wife.

"Do not worry, Partha. The midwives are there to assist her." Said Krishna. Having being repeated the sentence at least thirty times by now. "She's born out of fire, she can survive childbirth." He said assuring the to-be father. Arjun nodded. He had experienced the joy of fatherhood earlier but felt the same excitement and anxiety again. As if he were to become a father for the first time.

Soon his thoughts were interrupted by a child's cry. He felt the Adrenaline rush to his veins. The head midwife came out with a baby wrapped in a towel. "It's a girl my prince. By the grace of lord Narayana, you have been blessed with a girl."She said revealing the most awaited secret. She handed the child to him. He smiled. She was the most beautiful child he'd ever laid his eyes upon. She opened her eyes. He almost gasped. Her eyes were the rarest of all. They were dark green in colour. Never had he seen such eyes. So beautiful. "The Queen is healthy my prince. She's unconscious due to the exhaustion caused by labour. She will regain consciousness soon." Said the midwife. Arjun nodded and thanked her for her help.

"Happy with the product?" Said Krishna in a humorous tone. Arjun chuckled.
"It couldn't have been better, Madhava." Replied He. Arjun would be lying to himself if he claimed that he didn't want a boy. But a girl was even better. "She's so beautiful." He added. Krishna smiled. Soon all the Pandavas held her, felt the joy of holding her and gave her back to her father.

Have you thought of any names yet?" Asked an excited Bheem. The second of The Pandavas.
"The whole population of Indraprastha is eager to meet its princess, Arjun." Added Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava.
"Panchali and I had decided that this child of ours would be named by you, Madhava. Well it was more Panchali's wish than mine. But I would like that too."
"Draupadi is wise, we all know that Yudhishthira Dada , has a taste for old fashioned long names. We don't want the poor girl to be named 'Chitradurga' or something."Said Nakul. The fourth Pandava. Everyone laughed.
"It would be my honour to name your child, Partha." Said Krishna smiling. He took her from Arjun's arms. She instantly opened her eyes. She smiled, almost as if she felt the divinity hidden in his touch.

"Her eyes are the rarest of all I've ever seen. They remind me of Vrindavan, the place where I spent my childhood. Her heart and soul will be as pure as the Vrind (tulsi) leaves. Thus, Arjun with all of the compassion in my heart, I name your child,  Vrinda." Krishna affirmed. Arjun had tears in his eyes. "That's a beautiful name, Madhava. Thank you." He said folding his hands with respect. Krishna patted his shoulder.

"Madhava, please do the honours of announcing this wonderful news to the people of Indraprastha." Said Sahdeva , the youngest Pandava. Krishna nodded in response. He took the baby in his arms towards the royal balcony, below which the whole kingdom had gathered. Krishna and Arjun walked towards the edge. Krishna raised his hands so that Indraprastha could take a look at their princess. "People of Indraprastha, I present to you daughter of the mighty Dhanurdhara Arjun and queen Draupadi. Vrinda.

Everyone cheered. Krishna smiled. He knew that a new chapter in this great epic was to begin. And there was no doubt that this little child, wrapped in silk was to play a major role in it.


Thank you for reading!


Alaina 🦚

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