Chapter 11; Changing Winds

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NOSTALGIA. It's a particularly hysteric emotion. When a person feels crippled by the weight of his or her bygone memories. Suffocated by all of the inner turmoil. All of their feelings are so repressed, that to express them, feels like fighting no less than a war.

Starring at the dagger, Baba as Govind says had sent for me, made me feel crippled. This was the third time in the past twelve years, that I had received any message from him in a physical form. I slowly gripped the dagger in my hands and closed my eyes. Remembering the serene and loveable face of my father. In the imagery of my mind he was still young, but I knew that he must've grown older. It had been long since I'd seen him. Let alone, be in his presence.

My gaze slowly shifted to the parchment that I had received from Govind on my father's behalf. It clearly spelled the place they had chosen for their incognito stay, for a whole year.


It read.

It was a pretty genius plan by my eldest Uncle, Yudhishthira, I could tell. The tactics behind his logic was clearly visible to me. Matsya was a moderate Kingdom, with no pompous reputation. It was the sort of state which people did acknowledge but didn't bother giving them their attention. Secondly, it was very near to the geographical location of Hastinapur. Not to close, not very far away either.

As the saying goes, The Kuru Princes would never be able to believe that their sworn enemies were hidden, right under their noses and they couldn't find them.

It was pure genius.

I swayed my fingers, against the parchment to feel the very words. Something about it made me feel that Baba was present near me. I smiled. And looked at it intently.
Suddenly, my gaze fell upon something written on it, but in a relatively smaller size. It seemed to be written by the same scribe. With a curious heart, I narrowed my eyes, trying to decipher it.

||अहं त्वयि स्निह्यामि||

My lips quivered. Tears streaming down my face. I slowly kissed the piece of parchment, keeping it close to my beating heart. The more I read it, the more I wanted him to be here. He had been my inspiration. The only man who had inspired me not to be like the women of our society. To fight. To stand up and defend my honour. Not ever needing a man to do it for me. And today as I was being celebrated as the best warrior in the six kingdoms, he wasn't here.

I sighed, wiping my tears away. As my mind drifted into a distant yet cherished memory.


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