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"You've gonne through so many Bishops. I don't understand how... how you managed."

"That's a good question, kiddo. An important one. If there's one thing you must remember at all costs, is to keep moving. They will try to take everything from you. But they cannot stop you. You should write that in your diary. In big letters and red underline.


They will always try to stop you, but if you keep going, you'll end up changing. That's the thing, kid. You get to change. You get to evolve, if you prefer. The Bishops are forever the same. They are too slow. It's the only defense you have from them, do you understand? One day they will try to grasp you and you will shed from your skin. They will only catch the ghost of who you used to be."


"Who was your first bishop ?"

"Keons. He was good to me. Like a protective but strict father whose shadow never leaves my path."


"Listo was horrible. Really kid, don't get near him. He gets hold of people, you know? You hear him talking endlessly. A voice that never ends, malking it impossible to unplug your brain."

"It has already happened to me."

"You don't imagine. It gets worse. I used to sing him away. And he stole my car radio."


"People don't talk much about Lisden."

"Is he like... good?"

"Well, in fact, that's the problem about Lisden. He's obsessed with classifications, with a manichean view of the world. He has his ideas about what's right and wrong, and a rather restrictive view of normalcy. Either you fit in perfectly or you have a problem. But you have to remember, kiddo, the world isn't like that. Good, bad, these don't exist. The only thing you can really divide in this world is between what's in there and what's out here. "


"I didn't ask you about Reisdro, I got lost in the names, I think."

"He makes you feel that way."

"What ?"

"Lost. His tower is in the middle of them all, you know ? Nevertheless, you feel forever lost. Like running into the dark without ever seeing what's in front of you. I wanted to destroy the Bishops at that time, and be with the Banditos forever. But it just stopped making sense. I didn't know who I was anymore. Who I could trust. What was the point of it all. You see ? Lost in the dark." 


"Vetomo tried to teach me discipline. He said he would put me back in my place and make me stay there. But what really is my place? I am free, kiddo, free to go wherever I want as long as it makes sense to me. Remember that: you don't have to care about categories. Nothing can imprison you and art has no boundaries."


"Was Andre hard?"

"Andre actually didn't really care about me."

"So that's... good, isn't it?"

"Not specially. By just considering me like an useless heathen, he made me think I was alien, evil and worthless. Sometimes, ignoring is worse than hurting. You just feel like you don't deserve anything in this world."


"And Nico, how is he?"

"I don't like to talk about Nico."

"I'm sorry."

"Let's just say he's the opposite of Andre."

"How so?"

"He cares too much. Now nothing I do seems even good enough. I regret the time I just had the ability to dare. The time when no one cared."

"You are really contradictory, you know?"

"Yes, that is growing up, kid, you always wish for something until you realize you were better off before."


"You never got under Nills lead, did you?"

"No. Nills would make me disappear. If I get to him, I will never come back."

Keons. Sacarver. Listo. Lisden. Reisdro. Vetomo. Andre. Nico Nills. 

Keons. Sacarver. Listo. Lisden. Reisdro. Vetomo. Andre. Nico Nills.

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