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Everyone was prepared to leave 2 backpacks of Edd and Matt 1 with Ringo which is a catpack and another backpack with all Edd and Matt's belongings and clothes. "Ok lets go!" Tord and Tom chuckled. "Are you 2 tigether?" Edd asked. "N-no!" Tom shrugged. "Awww but you 2 look perfect to each other." Matt chuckled. "Tord help me out, Tord?" As Tom saw Tord blushing like a tomato. "Lets just go." Tom sighed. "Where are we gonna pass?" Edd asked. "Window." Tom answered seriously. "Oh ok." Matt answered.
Later (Sorry im lazy BTW its night time 😂)
After they got out of the window jumping at a 3 story building (i dunno how) They ran as they prepared their weapons. Edd: Baseball bat with a nail on the top. Matt: A Mopstick. Tom: A pole. Tord: guns.
As they ran of the forest they saw a little girl crying in a bunch of logs. "Hey little girl where's your mom?" Tord asjed to poor wounded little girl as she pointed at a zombie walking around a tree. "Oh dear, should we keep her?" Edd asked. "I think we should." As Tord covered the little girls wound with band aids. "Whats your name?" Tom asked. "Mellowyn" the little girl said. " How about I call you Lowyn." Tord said. "Mellow for me." Tom said. "Wyn is nice." Edd said. "Mellowyn is beautiful." Matt said. "Fine we will call you wach in different names ok, Lowyn?" Tord said. "Ok Mr." Mellowyn said. "Tord." Tord said. "How about Dad?" The little girl said. "Ummmm,ok? "Tord answered. "Welcome to the family." Edd said. "Kitty!"  Mellowyn cheered up when she saw Ringo in Edd's catpack. "We will take Ringo out later ok, Wyn?" Edd chuckled. "Ok,Uncle." Mellowyn said." Why dont we stay in that house over there! Its has lights on!" Tom pointed. "Ok lets just see if there are zombies inside." Tord said while Mellowyn asking Tom for a piggy back ride. "Ok Mellow." Tom chuckled and carry Mellowyn, Tord blushed as he saw Mellowyn or should I say his child and Tom laughing together. "Lets go." Matt whispered not letting any zombies hear them. As they walked towards the house they saw 4 girls living there together eating. They really looked like them. As they knocked on the door. A red hoodie girl with devil horned hair opened the door that looks like Tord. "Yes? May I help you?" She said. "Excuse me can we stay with you tonight." Tord said. "Pardon me? Who are you?" She questioned and another Norski Tom saw. "Im Tord pleased to meet you ma'am." As he kissed the wrist of the girl looking like a gentleman. "Ehehe well Im Tori, Tord." She chuckled. "TORI, WHO IS IT?!" A girl shouted."Shhhhh the zombies might hear us!" Tori warned the eyeless girl like Tom. "Sorry." As she rolled her eyes. A another girl walked towards the boys and Tori and said "Who are you?" The girl said. "Im Tord." Tord greeted. "Tom" Tom waved his hands. "Edd is my name." Edd greeted and bowed. "And lastly im Matt." Matt greeted gentlemanly too. "Ohhhhh Im Ell come in ,come in." Ell told the boys and Mellowyn to come in. "So im Ell." Ell greeted. "Im Tori!" Tori chuckled. " Tamara's the name" Tamara greeted unpolitely. "Im Matilda" as Matild sang a tune when saying her name. "And im Mellieyn..." A smol little boy came out of Matilda's leg from hiding. "Im Mellowyn." Mellowyn greeted. "Sooooo we have everything in common?" Tori asked. " I guess so." Tom answered. After a long night of introdusing themselves,showing Ringo and another cat name Ringe, playing games and going to sleep was the medicine to keep everyone forget about the zombie apocalypse. Ell's house was secured by fences the zombies wouldn't get in. As they all have long adventure waiting for them ahead.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wow cant believe I finished 3 chapters in one day!
Im so tired but it was totally worth it😅. Aooo bai
NekoSwIrLsÒwÓ out!

I will fight for you like a soldier [(Zombie Apocalypse Story (cancelled)]Where stories live. Discover now