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While the whole gang was walking they took a break in a forest sitting on a log doing camp fire since it was night time the whole gang except Edd,Tom,Tord,Mellowyn and Mellieyn was looking for more humans alive(XD)"So Tord, where is this lab you're talking about?" Tom said while carrying the sleeping Mellowyn and Tord carrying the sleeping Mellieyn. "Norway °^°." Tord answered while doing the °^° face. "What!" Tom shouted. SPANK! Tom was hit by Edd by using a newspaper he was reading earlier. "Oh fuck.." Tom cursed while rubbing his head. SPANK! Tom was hit again by Edd. "Edd the heck!"Tom said while rubbing his head. "Tom no screaming the smol beans are sleeping and no cursing." He let Tom remember since the kids started living with them. "Oh sorry, mom." Tom chuckled. SPANK! Tom exe. has stopped working. "Why?" Tom cried inside. "Pffttt..." Tord covered his mouth like he was about the burst out laughing. "Yawn!" Mellowyn yawned rubbing her eyes. "Oh look who's awake." Tom chuckled. "Morning dada." Mellowyn smiled and rubbed her eyes again. "Uhhhhh..." Tom was paralyzed for Mellowyn's new way of calling him, he blushed as red as a tomato and he couldn't be mad at the 7 yrs. old Mellowyn. "Dada, are you sick?" The smol bean touched Tom's forehead. "No he is not, kjaere." Tord chuckled. "Oh ok.." Mellowyn looked down. "What's wrong, kjaere?" Tord looked worried to Mellowyn. "I was on an empty void alone and saw you and dada walk away from me, I dint cry cause I'm a brave girl." Mellowyn started to crumple her skirt. "Oh Mellow it's okay to cry and plus me and papa will never fo that to you." Tom kissed his smol beans forehead. "Would you look at that we should sleep now BTW Mellieyn is asleep now." Edd yawned and slept with Mellieyn his 'sisters best friends' child.Tord clapped his hands as Edd placed  placed Mellieyn on a small mat they brought. And let Mellieyn sleep with him."Ok!" Mellowyn stood up and prepared her little mat to sleep in and after that she snored softly. "Aww she's too precious." Tom almost died from Mellowyn's cuteness. "Hey Tom~" Tord sat closer Tom." Ekkk!" Tom was startled. "I have something to tell you." Tord hold Tom's hand towards a tree. "O-ok." Tom blushed. "After all thise days we have been the old memeories we have with Edd and Matt, I have kept this feeling for a long time and now I must tell you that.." Tord paused. "What is it?" Tom placed his hand on Tord who knew Tom have a soft spot."I-" Tord was preparing for his last 2 words. I- LOVE YOU TOM!" Tord blushed and covered his face while hugging Tom. "Awwwww look at that cute little commie hugging me, well what do you know I Love you too." As Tom hugged Tord back. They stared each other much better as the one they have in Ell's house they kissed under the moonlight. "Who knew you're a good kisser, Witness~" Tord licked his mouth. "Eheheh." Tom blushed. Tom and Tord walked away from the tree they where they were hiding. "Yey!" The whole gang surprised them. "Guys! Ok thanks but how did you knew O///O" Tom blushed together with Tord. "Ohoho! Mellowyn, Mellieyn and Edd told us cause they saw you guys kissed thats cause they woke up cause they noticed you are not there thats all." Ell clapped her hands. "Oh ok Thanks!" Tord clapped. "Well did you guys found any other humans alive?" Tom asked. "Yea, in ASDF Land." Matt sighed. "They were many!" Tori added. " Well then, LETS GO!" Tord clapped his hands while handing the whole gamg weapons. "Lets save those people." Tord said preparing with the gang their stuff. "Me hand later, people first." Tord chuckled which made Tom suspicious which Tord never cared for anyone even anybody.

Wew a new chapter done welp imma make a drawing with the whole gang including Mellowyn and Mellieyn. Baii guys!
Kathywreeds out!

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