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Burning bright.

"T-that's not funny," I choked out, taking a step back.

If I had the option to run out of the room, I would have taken it. But the desire to know why they lied to me was stronger. None of them moved thier gaze from me, watching as I panicked.

"My father," I rambled, "I-is dead."

Naturally, that was the first time I had openly admitted it since his passing. I'd always avoided the word, clinging onto the hope that it was real, but now it seems too crazy to be true.

"That's what we thought," T'Challa explained, "until one of our villagers found him wandering around the land."

"Beck-," I mumbled, "Mysterio, he's trying to mess with our minds!"


"Yes! He can c-create illusions," I said, my arms flinging wildly, "My father isn't alive!"

"I think you must see for yourself," he said calmly, "there is no illusion."

"Ask Peter!" I exclaimed, "he was there! He saw my dad die."

"Miss Stark, please, come with us."

My brain was fuzzy, and I couldn't process anything he was saying. I knew it was possible to bring someone back to life, but after years? There was no way. I was hungry for answers, so I blindly followed after the trail of guards.

As I stumbled down the tiled hallway, I glanced through every window in the hopes to find Peter. He must have been in a separate building, because I couldn't find him or Shuri anywhere.

T'Challa stopped in front of another large metal door, and waited till I caught up.

"This is our containment unit," he said, "we needed you to verify that it really was your father before letting him go."

"Because you aren't sure if he's actually my dad?"

"We've run tests, and he's very much real. His DNA matches as well, but we need to be sure."

"I don't think I can go in there..." I mumbled, "I need Peter."

T'Challa nodded at one of the guards, and sent him running off to find the boy. We stood in the hallway, waiting, and I had to resist the urge not to scream my head off.

"How do I know you're real?" I said, narrowing my eyes, "Beck can do anything."

"I'm sure this man could not create a whole country." the king said.

"Fair point," I muttered, staring at the floor.

I heard the patter of feet running our way, and I looked up to see Peter. He clearly didn't hear the news, because he was rambling on about his reactor.

"Y/N!" he said, "look! I'm all fix- uh.. Why are there so many people?"

I grabbed his hand, and smiled weakly. I didn't want to tell him, I wanted him to see this person for the first time with me.

"Let's go," I said, "which cell is he in?"

"The last one," T'Challa said, "take as much time as you need."

"Wait-" Peter rambled, "who's in a cage?"

"Shh, Peter," I said, squeezing his palm, "I need you to stay quiet for now."

The doors opened, and I walked slowly inside, fear bubbling inside me. Inside the containment chamber were rows of glass cells, people of all species inside. Most of them looked dangerous, slamming against the windows as we passed by.

"Don't tell me they caught Beck," Peter guessed, "what was he doing in Wakanda?"

"It might be beck, we don't know."

"Then who is it?"

I didn't say anything, stopping in my tracks. I could see the farthest cell from where we stood, a familiar face pacing around inside. Peter didn't notice at first, until he saw my blank expression.

"Oh my god," he said softly, "is that-"

"I think so..."

"No," Peter said, stepping back, "I watched him die. That's not him."

"But what if it is? We know raising people from the dead isn't impossible!"

"But he's been gone for years..."

"I know, but we have to know who he really is."

I stepped forward, my legs shaking. To see that face again, the hardened expression he always wore, was shattering. If my dad was really alive, I wanted to scream. He made me suffer months on end, while he was off parading around Wakanda.

It wasn't fair.

Peter followed warily behind me, but soon I was striding up towards the cell with a pace. I needed closure. I needed to know this was fake, that my father was finally at peace.

The man noticed my head his way, and stood up quickly. He looked exactly the same day he left, except he seemed unharmed. I tried to find any trace of a battle on his skin, but I was left with nothing.

"Who are you?" I spat out.

The man came closer to the glass, not breaking eye contact with me.

"Tony Stark," he said, "who else?"

His sarcasm seemed the same, but I didn't believe anything at this point. Why would he be so cold to his own daughter. He'd done it before, but in this particular situation, it seemed entirely odd.

"Prove it," I said, placing my hand against the glass, "what was my mother's name?"


"Why did she leave?"

"She didn't love me. Why are you asking me these questions, I'm obviously who I say I am."

"Are you a Skrull?"

"No, I'm not."

"Prove that."

"They took a DNA test," he said, rolling his eyes, "what more do you want out of me?"

"I don't know!" I yelled, "I just know you aren't real."

Peter came up from behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the boy, who nodded at me as if to say: let me handle this.

"Before you died," he said to the impostor, "what did you make me promise?"

I watched as the man in the cell racked his brain for answers.

"To bring me home?" He guessed, "I died idiot, how am I supposed to remember."

"Okay, it's not him," Peter said, "let's go."

The boy turned away, and I was tempted to follow, but I needed to know what this horrible person was doing impersonating my father.

"I can have you killed," I muttered, "tell me the truth, and I'll spare you."

"I can't," he said, pointing up towards the camera, "you aren't the only ones listening."

I tapped my watch three times, and sent out a virus into the system. One I was sure the security audio had been temporarily disabled, I turned back to face the man.

"Speak," I said, "you have one minute."

I bet you all know whats coming next at this point hehe

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