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Looking through the window.

I scooped a spoonful of Mac and Cheese into my mouth, my tastebuds taking in the savory food. It had been a while since I ate the cheesy pasta, but Loki found a box lying around the back of my kitchen cabinet.

"So how exactly are we going to get back there?" I said, "I had the portal to the quantum realm shut down after we lost so many."

"That was a bad idea," the god commented, rolling his eyes, "you'll have to build another one."

"Fine, but that'll take some time."

"I'd offer my assistance, but I have somewhere to be at the moment."

He pulled the phone out of the pocket of his jeans, and stared at the clock on his lockscreen. I recognized the device as one of my old phones, the Star Trek phone case still on the back.

"I did not give you permission to take that," I said, snatching it away from him, "and where are you going?"

"A date," he said bluntly, "I found tinder on your phone and put it to good use."

"You made an account? Loki, you've gotta be kidding me."

"I'm only going to be in this world for a few more days. Might as well break a few hearts before disappearing off the face of this earth."


"That's how I was born, Stark."

I shrugged, and set down the empty bowl of pasta in the sink. The clatter of the ceramic against metal set off a loud noise, and I flinched. Loki popped open my fridge and pulled out an avocado, biting into it.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't see that," I said, squinting, "that's a nasty way to eat that."

The god didn't say anything, but disappeared off into a different room; he was probably going to steal some of Peter's old clothes for his date. Once again the tower was empty, the occasional whir of technology roaming about. I had let Happy go on a temporary vacation, but I wished I had someone to talk too. Loki wasn't very good with..... emotional responses.

I made my way to the lab, going over blueprints in my mind. I had been around for the making of the Quantum portal, but I was too busy hanging out with Peter to help build it. I regretted all of that in an instant.

"Ethan," I said once I walked into the elevator, "did my dad save any of his work?"

"Regarding the portal?"

"Yeah. did he keep a copy of the plan outline?"

"Yes, miss Stark. I will pull it up for you."

"Thank god," I said, drawing a sigh of relief, "that gives me less work."

"May I correct you?"

"Tell me it isn't anything bad," I said, rubbing the crease between my eyebrows, "go ahead."

"You'll need someone to work to machine. I assume both you and Master Loki will be traveling, so someone must work the controls."

"I'll ask Happy."

"You sent him out for vacation. As well as the staff."

I opened my mouth, about to say to call them back. I shook my head, remembering that they needed the break. I shouldn't make them work over something I promised them for months on hand.

"What about Mr. Parker?"

I didn't answer, and started to continue my journey to the lab. I wasn't sure if Ethan was fully aware of what happened back in wakanda, or if he didn't understand the scope of human emotion. Most likely both, but either way, I didn't want to talk about him anymore.

I walked through the sliding doors of the work room, and breathed in the familiar smell of oil and smoke.; electrical fires were common in this room. I hadn't been here since I brought Peter back to life, and everything was still lying around.

"Jeez," I muttered, stumbling over a cord lying strewn on the ground, "I need to clean this up."

I kicked it under a melding desk, and made a beeline straight for the blueprint projector. As ethan had said, he pulled it up. The plans my father had made for the war seemed too delicate to touch, and I was scared to touch them in fear of accidental deletion.

"Ethan, make a copy of this file," I said, "just in case."

"Yes Miss Stark."

"Thank you."

I had been a good hour into my work when I heard the doors behind me open. Loki strode in, wearing a blue and white button shirt, and black pants. He looked classy, so I smiled at him.

"I-" he stared, but paused when he saw me, "oh."

"What?" I said, furrowing my brows. Loki kept looking, so I glanced at my reflection in the screen in front of me. I had oil marks streaked across my face, and I had wisps of hair falling down my cheeks. "I look like a mess."

Loki mumbled something, and stared at the floor.

"Did you say something?" I said, tossing a wrench down on the ground, "I couldn't hear you."

Loki shook his head, grinning. I knew he was lying, but I knew not to pry. He was probably making fun of me, per usual.

"Have fun at your date," I said, "I'll be here if you need me."

"Omniscient," he said, "I said you look omniscient."

"Thanks?" I muttered, shrugging it off, "I'll see you later Loki."

The man smirked, and disappeared from the room. I kept working, before Ethan interrupted me.

"You appear to have missed Master Loki's intention."

"Excuse me?"

"Omniscient. Adjective; knowing everything."

"And? He's calling me a know-it all."

I set down the wrench for the second time, and sighed. I didn't see the point of ethan's interruption.

"Asgardians are known for finding omniscient women attractive."

Oh heck no.

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