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Dress described is above! yes, I am aware it's not really a dress, but a girl can dream :(


I know, I know.

"For Bucky's sake," I grumbled, "I'm starting to regret this."

I was trying to zip up the back of my skirt, but the sequins kept getting in the way! I don't remember the last time I tried to wear something like this, which would also explain the fact that I looked like an alien in the mirror.

The last time I wore a dress-like thing, it was all black and pretty much a suit. This.... Was a change.

I was slipping on a chunky white sweater, when the door to my room slid open and Peter ran in.

"Y/N which tie looks bett- ohhhhh my goooood," he paused, almost tripping over his own feet, "you look really cUte in that!"

"Cute?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. I mean, I appreciate the compliment, but cute was not the look I was going for...

"oH, well, not cute," he blushed, "you're not cute- NO YOU ARE CUTE, I just wanted to call you hOt, but I didn't know if you were okAy with that t-term..?"

"Peter, I swear, you act the same as you did in highschool," I laughed.

"At least you liked me in highschool, so is it really all that bad if I haven't changed?"

"No comment."

"hEY! What's that's supposed to mean?!"

"Whatever you interpret it as," I winked, "I'm going down to the lab to check on some things, want to come with?"

"Of course," he nodded, following behind me, "what are you checking on?"

"None of your business!"

"Then why'd you ask me to come with?!"

"Emotional support," I teased, grabbing his hand, "and I'm kidding. It is your business."

"Then what is it?"

"I can't tell you what it's for, but I built something big."

"I'm getting mixed signals from what you're saying... you say it's my business to know, but you can't tell me what it's for, but you said it's something big?"



"Awe, don't get stressed," I cooned, patting his rosy cheeks, "you'll find out what I'm doing soon enough."

He stuck out his bottom lip, as if to pout, but I wiped it off his face with a quick kiss. That seemed to shut him up for a while, haha.

I strode into my lab, and waved a hand to let Ethan know I was checking in on my project. I had been working on it for a couple nights now, tirelessly, since the party was tonight.

Never thought I'd actually build one of these in my lifetime, but at least I can check it off of my bucket list.

"What in the heck is that...?" the boy behind me mumbled, "OH MY GOD NO WAY!"

"You know what this is?"

"Duh!" He gushed, running over and trying his best not to touch it, "it looks like you combined Remote sensing and DNA scanning machinery into one big satellite prototype!"

"Yeah, actua-"

"Wait, did you add nano-technology to the outside rib structure to decrease wire sensitivity?"

"More like to-"

"OH MY GOD and you added a firewall casing to block out viruses or unauthorized login attempts?"

"Sometimes I forget you like this kinda stuff," I cut him off, "and that you're actually good at it."

"Maybe you should let me help you then," he winked.

"Nice try, Parker."

"Boo.. but why would you need this? I mean, yeah it's super cool, but how does this have anything to do with the party?"

"I told you already, you'll see."

I picked up a headset from the table next to me, and pushed it over my head and onto my ears. A faint buzz was drifting out of the speakers, so I tapped it twice to turn it on.

"All comms are online," I spoke out, pacing back and forth, "Ethan are you getting any data?"

"Affirmative, Miss Stark."

"Perfect, when is Agent 0 coming?"

"He has just arrived, shall I send him up?"

"That would be fabulous," I smiled, glancing at Peter and raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, who's Agent 0?" he said, before taking a long pause. I stared at him blankly, but then he dramatically gasped, "an assassin?!"

"Absolutely not Peter, that's ridiculous."

"This better not be Loki disguised as someone else," he grumbled, scrunching up his nose.

"Loki left for Asgard weeks ago, if he was back he'd probably make some grand entrance," I laughed, "like crash through the window with a giant dog."

"You're just quoting Norse Mythology now.."

"Eh, I think it's cool."

"Okay but who is Agent 0!!!"

Usually I'm not one to choreograph dramatic entrances. Which makes sense, because I didn't choreograph this one at all! Sometimes things just happen to work out perfectly. As soon as Peter asked that question, the doors to the laboratory slid open, and Agent 0 strode through.

The look on Peter's face was priceless.


working on my quarantine glow-up, how about you?

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