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What do I need you for?

20 Ingram Street, Queens

The building was emptier than usual. The plants outside were dying, their once green leaves turning brown. I tugged the IRON MAN sweater around my shoulders, a gift Nat gave to me as a change of clothes, shivering in the cold breeze. I didn't remember New York being so cold.

My hair was blowing in my face, and I tugged it behind my ears to see where I was going. I pushed open the doors to the apartment, and rang the doorbell nervously. The machine rang a couple times, before a voice rang out from the speaker.

"Hello?" I heard them say, "can I help you?"

It was May.

"Uh- I'm here from Stark Tower," I spoke into the microphone, "My name is Y/- uhm, Mila. Mila Waters."

"Stark tower? Did Tony Stark send you?"


"I think I know what this is about. Come right up."

I heard the door clicked open, and I walked into the apartment building. What did she mean? I didn't even know why I was here, I just felt like visiting. I needed to see someone that I could talk to, even if they didn't remember anything from my universe.

I walked up the flight of stairs to the place I used to go to every week. I felt like I was back in highschool, going over to watch Star Wars with Peter. I missed Peter. I didn't hate him, even though I felt like I should have in the moment.

Once I got up to their floor, I paused before knocking on the door. The door swung open to reveal May, who looked exactly the same. Did she ever age?

"Welcome!" May said, her smile beaming, "do you want something to drink?"

"I'm okay-"

"Are you sure? We have apple juice!"

"Actually, yeah, that'd be great."

She pointed to the couch, and turned to go to the kitchen, "have a seat, I'll be right back."

I nodded, and went to sit down. The whole place looked the same. Exactly the same. There were some papers strewn about the coffee table, math homework and whatnot, but it was almost as if I had never left.

"Tony Stark? The rich guy? What's he want wit-" another voice rang out from the hallway.

I didn't recognize it. I'd never heard it before. I turned around to look at the man behind me, who was not Happy Hogan. He had brown hair, looked like Peter, but yet wasn't his dad. It had been so long since I looked at Peter's history report, so I didn't remember who this man was.

"Oh, hey," he said, holding out a hand, "I'm Ben. Peter's Uncle."

Oh. Oh no. Now I remembered.

Benjamin Franklin Parker. Trained to be a Military Police Officer, married May Reilly soon after breaking off her engagement with her ex-fiance. Born in Brooklyn, NY, Reported to die in 5 years.

"Mila Waters," I said, shaking his hand, "nice to meet you."

I didn't expect him to be here, and I probably should have. This wasn't good. What if I ended up letting his death slip, and he never did. That would change the future entirely, and Peter would never learn to use his powers for something more than a science project.

"I suppose you're here about Peter," he said, sitting down in the chair across from me, "specifically the event 3 years ago?"

"3 years ago?"

"Tony Stark saved my nephew during that whole whiplash fiasco. I doubted he'd remember it, but you're here, so I guess he did."

I could almost hear the happiness in his voice. I didn't know my dad saved Peter when he was younger. Did this happen in my world too? I didn't know what to say, but I knew I couldn't agree with Ben; that would change way more than I already had.

"I was unaware of that moment," I said directly, "I'm here for a different reason."

"Really? What is it?"

I opened my mouth, hoping my usual quick thinking would take over. Unfortunately, it didn't. I didn't know how to fix my mistake of coming here, and I was insane for thinking this could change something for the better.

Incoming Call!

I stared down at my phone and shuddered. It was Loki.

"I'm sorry," I said, "this is urgent, please excuse me."

I stood up and walked out into the hallway. I answered the call and put the device up to my ear. Loki's voice rang out loud and clear, and I let out a relieved sigh when I realized he was safe.

"Yeah, I escaped," he said, "stupid mortals, I've become more advanced."

"Where are you?" I asked, tightening the sweater.

"On my way towards you. I found your location on the tracker, and I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Loki, what's going on? You sound worried."

"Me? Foolish to think."

"Then why do you sound so panicked?"

"I'm just in a rush," he explained, "we need to get out of here. Now."


"We aren't in the right universe. I'm not sure where we are right now."

"I figured that out already. I agree, we should return back."

"Good," he said, "I'll meet you in the front. Be safe, and don't talk to anyone else."

"I won't."

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