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Put your hand in mine.

I closed my eyes, waiting to feel the bullet hit. There was nothing I could do. My mind kept flashing back to the last moment I had with Peter, his hand clutched in mine.

Oh, how I wished I could hold his hand one more time.


"Holy Shi- are you okay?"

My knee was bruising from where the metal had hit it, and my cheekbone was going sore.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I mumbled, annoyed that I blew my cover.

"Oh- um- no, sorry," he said, fumbling with his words, "h-here, let me help you up."

"I'm fine, thank you."

I stood up myself, not wanting to accept help from a stranger. I picked up my Hershey's Bar from the floor, and realized it had snapped in half. Great, not my snack was ruined too...

I looked up at the guy, who was staring at me.

"I-I'm Peter by the way." he said, holding out his hand. "Peter Parker."

"Mila." I responded, shaking his hand back. "Mila waters."


A loud bang rang out into the city, and I went flying backwards.

I crashed into the moving glass windows, and slumped to the ground, my back aching with pain.

See you soon, dad.

If this is what dying felt like, it wasn't so bad. I felt oddly at peace, with the exception of my pre-existing bruises.


Why did I not feel the gunshot wound?

I opened my eyes, putting a hand over my body. I was laying on the ground, my back pressed up against the window, but I didn't see any blood.

"What?" I stammered, confused on what had thrown me back.

Beck was lying sprawled out on the ground a few yards away from me, his gun flung out of his hands. He let out an indistinguishable groan, before rolling his eyes back into his head and passing out.

And then I saw him.

Peter's silhouette was reflecting off of the faint streak of moonlight, his hand outstretched towards where Mysterio would have been standing. The boy stepped out of the shadows, locking eyes with me.

On his hand was a repulser, still glowing from the previous energy burst. It fit him well, a perfect addition to the arc reactor in his chest.

"Peter..." I said softly, "did we win?"

I saw him flinch, before nodding his head and smiling. I tried to stand up, but my body hurt so much I fell back down. Peter rushed over, kneeling down beside me.

"Hey hey hey," he rambled, "don't sit up, I've got you."

"Thank you," I smiled, "you saved my life."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time," He teased, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes, placing a hand over his reactor, "you can't ever top this."

"I can't argue with that."

"I thought I died for a second," I said, "you know what I saw?"


"Remember when we first met?"

"Which time?" He laughed, pulling me into a hug, "Mila Waters or Y/N Stark?"

"Mila," I nodded, "do you?"

"How could I forget?" he teased, "you fell on your face."

"So you do remember!"

"Yes, I do," he said, "And I always will."


personally I can't wait for the next 2 chapters

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