Far Away

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~ AN: So here we go, first chapter of my new fanfiction. This chapter is kinda short and hopefully they'll be longer in the future. I might also change from first person to third person because idk, that's what I'm used to, but we'll see. I'm also gonna name the chapters after songs that I feel fit with what's happening in the chapter or idk maybe I'll just feel like it. I don't really have anything planned out so we'll see what happend okay? /M ~ 

Ashton’s P.O.V

“Who ate my cereal!” I groan and roll over to my stomach, hiding under a pillow, as the door to my room is pulled open and Luke storms in. “Ashton! Did you eat my cereal?” I ignore him, trying to fall back asleep, but before I can do that he pulls the covers off my body, exposing it to the cold air in the room.

“What the fuck Luke!” I open my eyes and sit up, trying to find something that’ll keep me warm. “I didn’t eat your stupid cereal, you ate it last night! Now give me my covers back!”

“Oh, right. Forgot about that.” he throws the covers back on the bed and I quickly pull them up over my body. “you might wanna get up though, school starts in an hour.” he then quickly leaves and I roll out of bed, ignoring the cold floor as I run over to the bathroom across the hall.

“Why didn’t you wake me sooner?” I ask Calum, who’s standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair, as I pull off my boxers and step into the shower.

“I thought you were awake.” he says, shrugging, and I turn the water on, hoping it’ll warm me up a bit. “oh and we’re out of hot water!” he adds just as the freezing cold water hits me. I swear loud enough for the whole street to hear but can still hear Calum laugh as he leaves the bathroom.

“how the fuck did we run out of hot water? It’s like seven am.” I continue to talk to myself as I quickly wash myself, not wanting to stay in the shower longer than necessary, and then steps out. I then walk back to my room to get dressed before heading over to the kitchen, where Luke and Calum are trying to eat their breakfast as quickly as possible. I ignore them, trying to stay mad because they didn’t wake me earlier, and take me place on the opposite side of the table. We eat in silence before getting up, leaving our bowls in the sink and heading over to the door.

“We’re leaving!” Calum picks up his bag and I take the keys from the table next to the door. The door to the basement opes and Michael appears, fully dressed and with messy hair. “have you had breakfast?” Michael rolls his eyes and puts his jacket on, ignoring Calum as he walks past us and leaves the house.

“he’s eaten.” Luke tells us. “he’s out of cereal.” something we discovered when we moved here was that we simply cannot have one box of cereal, partly because it’d be empty in five minutes but mostly because we all like different types of cereal, so after a week or so we decided to have one box each, just to make things easier. Turns out it’s helpful in more ways than once, since we can tell who’s eaten and not by what boxes are in the trash.

“Come on then, let’s go.” and with that we leave the small house we’re living in and start walking towards school.


Michael must have walked pretty fast because we don’t see him at all before we get to school. We all headed over to our lockers, that somehow ended up in completely different parts of the school, and once I’d gotten what I needed for the first two lessons, psychology and math, I headed over to where we hang out, in a small room right next to the biology classroom. I push the door open and find the others laying on one of the couches in the room, both of them trying to read the chapters in the psychology book that we’re supposed to have read before today. I take a seat in the couch opposite to them and pull out my phone, unlocking it and opening the instagram app. I scroll through my feed, liking a few pics and commenting on one or two, before taking  picture of Luke and Calum. I post it with the caption “cake in action” before locking my phone again, just as the door opens.

“Hi guys!” Chloe enters the room with Michael not far behind and sits down next to me. Michael decided to sit on the floor instead of on the couch and Chloe moves so he can lean against her legs. “What are you doing?” Chloe was one of the first friends we made when we moved here from Australia two months. She moved here from the states a few years ago and we all really clicked, I’m actually not even sure who she met first.

“those two are trying to do some last minute homework.” I tell her gesturing towards Luke and Calum. “and I’m not really doing anything.” she nods and the conversation stops. I soon pull out my phone again and goes back to scrolling through instagram and twitter.

The next time I look up, fifteen minutes later or something, Michael is laying on the couch with his head on Chloe’s lap, sound asleep as she runs her fingers through his hair. Out of the four of us, Michael’s definitely the one that’s closest to Chloe, it’s almost as if they’re dating. I really hope they don’t though, because that would make things even worse for me. I’ve had a crush for Michael since we started being serious with this band thing, so for about seven months now, and he’s completely oblivious to it. I don’t even know if he’s interested in guys. The boys, and Chloe, all knows I’m bisexual and for some reason Luke felt the need to tell us, the boys, he’s straight after I told them. Calum said something like that too but Michael just shrugged and mumbled something before leaving the room. According to Calum, who’s been friends with Michael the longest, Michael’s never had a girlfriend and that could mean he’s interested in boys but it could also mean he just haven’t found anyone to be interested in.

“Okay guys, come on.” Calum get’s on his feet and pulls Luke up with him. “class starts in five.” I stand as well and Chloe pushes Michael off the couch. He gets on his feet and flips her off before leaving the room. the rest of us follows and Chloe walks up to Michael, saying something that makes him laugh and that makes me want to kick something or flip something over or just… do something. I hate it, I hate having these feelings for someone who’s completely oblivious, but I can’t help it, like at all.

8 Seconds // Mashton [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now