Haunted House

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~ AN: sorry it took so long for me to update, I had to help with things around the house and stuff but yeah here we are :) /M ~ 

Michael’s P.O.V

“Aussie! You ready for Halloween?” I sigh and slam my locker shut, ignoring the guy trying to talk to me. I hate halloween, it’s just an excuse for people to dress up as something they’re not, to hide behind masks and give false impressions, or, if you’re a girl, dress like a slut without getting treated like one. I guess I used to like it, since there are pictures of me going trick or treating with Calum as a child, but somewhere along the way I stopped and now it’s one of the worst times of the year. Unfortunately, the rest of the people I lie with doesn’t realise that.

“Michael!” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. “Are you excited for tonight?” Luke places his hands on my shoulders from behind and I immediately shake them off.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about but whatever it is I’m not going.” I tell him before walking away, trying to get lost in the crowd and get to class before he catches up. I’m not that lucky though and just as I’m about to turn a corner an arm lands on my shoulders and I’m pulled into the room where we usually hang out. “I’ve gotta get to class.” I say, trying to get past Luke, but he shakes his head and pushes me down on one of the couches, next to Calum.

“you still have fifteen minutes, Chloe has history with you remember.” Chloe looks up from her phone and nods before going back to doing whatever it is she’s doing. “Now, you’re coming with us tonight and you don’t have a say in this.”

“For fucks sake Luke I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” I throw myself back on the couch, accidentally hitting my head on the wall behind it but ignoring the pain and glaring at Luke, who’s still standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

“He’s talking about the halloween party Jack and Finn are throwing tonight.” Ashton tells me from where he’s seated next to Chloe on the other couch. I groan and hide my face in my hands. I hate parties, I hate halloween and I hate Jack and Finn, the two loud twins in my math, English and biology class. I have a few classes with just Finn as well, but when he’s not with his second half he’s a bit quieter and I can almost stand him, as long as he stays quiet.

“Nope, there’s no way in hell I’m going.” before anyone get’s a chance to stop me I get on my feet again and leaves the room, speed walking through the halls to the history classroom and taking my seat in the very back of the class. Chloe enters the room a few minutes later and takes the seat next to me. I can tell she wants to say something, probably try to talk me into toing, but she doesn’t say anything. Instead she pulls out her notebook and writes something down before pushing it over to me.

Why not? :(

I look up at her but she pretends to be busy reading and I have no choice but to write my answer down.

Don’t like parties, don’t like costumes, I’d rather stay home.

I push the book back to her side of the table and watch as she reads it and picks her pencil up again.

Please Mikey :( Pretty pretty please. The boys really wants to hang out with you and you don’t have to dress up much. Pleeeease, I need someone to help me with my costume

I sigh as I read her next message and then I make the mistake of looking over at her, just to find her giving me puppy eyes and pouting, looking extremely adorable.

“fine, I’ll go” I whisper before giving her the notebook back and laying my head down on the dest. If I have to socialise all night, or sit and watch my friends socialise, I need some sleep.

8 Seconds // Mashton [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now