House of Wolves

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~ AN: Who else just LOVES Chloe? She's amazing! Anyway, here we go /M ~ 

Ashton’s P.O.V

“Sigmund Freud was, and is to this day, without a doubt one of the most famous people active in areas around psychology. He was born in 1856 in Austria and that’s where he lived most of his life, before escaping to London in 1938.” I try, I honestly do try to be interested in what our teacher is saying, but it’s just not getting to me. It’s almost as if the words bounces off me instead of actually reaching me, connecting. I’m just not interested, psychology just doesn’t interest me at all.

When the teacher turns around to write something on the board I take the chance to look around the classroom to see what my friends are up to. Luke and Calum, who actually are sitting next to each other, seem to be passing notes to each other, trying to contain their laughter. Chloe is sitting right in front of me and is writing in a small notebook, although I’m pretty sure she’s not taking notes for class. Michael was, for some reason, placed in the very back of the classroom when we first started here and I’m expecting him to be asleep but he’s not, he’s got his eyes glued to the teacher and is following her every move, occasionally looking down to write something in his notebook. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Michael this interested in class, most of the time he’s asleep or doing something completely different from what we’re supposed to. Before I get a chance to do something to get his attention however, the teacher turns back to the class and I have to go back to pretending to listen to her.


The rest of the day is pretty boring and after what feels like forever we’re finally on our way home again. I’m walking with Calum and Luke with Michael and Chloe ahead of us. Those two have been practically glued together all day and I’m not gonna lie, I’m extremely jealous. I want to be the one making Michael laugh like that, but whenever I, or one of the other boys, has tried to talk to him today he’s flipped us off and walked away and I have no idea what we did wrong.

We get home and all of us walks into the kitchen to get something to eat, just like always.

“You need to go grocery shopping Ashton.” Calum tells me after rummaging through the pantry for a few minutes. That’s another thing we discovered when we moved here, everything’s easier if we all have things to do, so instead of taking turns cooking and cleaning, we’ve decided that I do the cooking and grocery shopping, Calum and Luke makes sure the house is clean and Michael does the laundry. So far it’s been going pretty good, although I have no idea when Michael get’s the time to actually wash our clothes, and I definitely think it’s a whole lot better than it would have been if we’d tried to take turns cooking and cleaning and stuff.  

“I can come with you!” Chloe says, jumping down from the counter where she’s been sitting for the past ten minutes. “I love grocery shopping, and it get’s a lot funnier when you don’t have to do it on your own.” I nod, glad to get some company, and she runs out of the room to put her shoes on.

“practise at five okay? be back by then.” I nod again and Luke goes back to trying to find something to eat. I look over at Michael, who’s been sitting by the table since we got home, and our eyes meet for a second before he gets up and walks over to the door leading down to the basement. He closes it and I sigh, listening to his steps as he walks down the stairs. since this house is pretty small we had to improvise when it came to who slept where, when we moved here we only had two bedrooms. The plan was to try and separate them so we’d get four smaller rooms but that didn’t really work out. Someone, probably Michael, then pointed out that the basement was pretty damn big and that it had a wall you could like pull out from the other wall and create two rooms instead of just one. The only problem then was that it’s really really cold in the basement. But somehow that’s what happened. Luke and Calum are sharing the bigger bedroom, I have the smaller one and Michael sleeps in the basement. I actually don’t think he minds, I think he likes being able to do whatever he likes, like play his music as loud as he wants to and stay up all night playing video games, without having one of us complaining and telling him to go to bed. Next to Michael’s room is the “studio” where we practice, it’s basically just a room filled with instruments and the band posters we couldn’t fit in our rooms, that you have to walk through to get to his room. In one of the corners of the studio there’s this door that leads to where the generator, at least I think it’s the generator, is so that part of the basement is always pretty warm. But I guess Michael would tell us if it got too cold down there.

“see you guys later then.” I grab the grocery list and my wallet before walking out to where Chloe is waiting and slipping my shoes on. “let’s go.”


“Do you need this?” Chloe holds up a package of rice and I shake my head. We rarely eat rice, since no one really likes it and it takes ages to cook it, and we still have a whole package left from when my mum did the grocery shopping for us when we just got here. “What about this?” this time Chloe’s holding some spaghetti and I give her a thumbs up. She runs over to where I’m standing with the shopping cart and throws the spaghetti in.

“So Chloe…” I start pushing the cart down the aisle, not really knowing what to say. “what’s up with Michael today?”

“He’s on his manperiod.” she says before walking over to the cereal, picking up four boxes and dumping them in the cart. I just stare at her and when she notices she starts laughing. “I’m just kidding! Oh my god you should have seen your face!” she tries, or at least I think that’s what she does, to imitate me and she looks so silly I can’t help but laugh. “no but I don’t know, I’m guessing he’s just tired or something.” she then says as we start walking towards the registers. “it’ll pass.” I nod and start unloading the cart.

“You coming back with me?” I ask and she nods.

“you won’t get any work done if I’m not there to keep you from doing things you’re not supposed to.” she says before starting to pack the bags with groceries.

“Good point.” I pay before helping her pack the rest. “let’s go then, it’s almost five.”  

8 Seconds // Mashton [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now