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~ AN: So there's a few things I've been meaning to say for a while now but I keep forgetting it so yeah. First off: I don't know shit about the English schoolsystem or being drunk or high or what it's like to live in London so I'm just improvising and you'll have to live that because I can't really do anything about it. 

Secondly: this will probably be a really weird and shitty and possibly rather short fanfiction, so a lot will happen pretty soon. Just so you're aware of that. 

Okay, you can go on reading now. xx /M ~ 

Michael’s P.O.V

“Dude! Duuuude wake up! Come on Niiiick!” I whine and sit down on top of the man passed out on the couch, repeatedly poking his cheek. “I can’t find my….can’t find my finger pants!” when he still doesn’t respond I give up, slowly getting up and walking out of the room, stepping over passed out people and inhaling the thick smoke that still lingers. “need to find gloves.” I say to myself as I enter the kitchen, looking under the table and in the fridge, before finally finding the gloves in my pocket. Once I’ve put them on I finally leave the house, stumbling out the door and starting to walk back home. By now I know the way, after stumbling home from Nick’s place multiple times a week for the past month I could probably find the way back in my sleep, even if I’m high.

It takes a while, but eventually I get home and after trying to unlock the door for what feels like an hour I realise it’s unlocked and I finally get inside.

“There you are.” I turn around when I hear the disapproving voice and find Calum standing in the doorway. He looks extremely tired, like he hasn’t slept at all, and his shirt looks like it’s...shining, it looks a lot brighter than normally.

“Oh hey Cal. I was just looking for the...the cereal water.” I tell him, opening the top cabinet, the one where we keep the plates. “and the sugar bagels, you know the one’s Ashton bought yesterday.” I hear Calum sigh from somewhere behind me before he walks over to me, taking my hand and pulling me over to the table. “You know what I saw on my way home? I saw these...these cat puppies and they were so cute! Can we please get a cat puppy?

“Michael, you’re high.” he tells me and I nod. Silly Calum thinks I don’t know I’m high, I’ve been this tall for like a year. “Why?” I shrug, already bored, and continue looking for the sugar bagels, the doughnuts, and the cereal water, milk, it’s called milk Michael. “Okay you know what, this has got to stop. You can’t keep doing this Michael.” Calum pulls me on my feet again and starts walking to the stair leading to the basement. “I don’t even understand, you never liked getting drunk and now you’re out every weekend getting high?! Seriously.” he opens the door to my room and leads me over to the bed. “take your clothes off and go to sleep.”

“I’m not gonna sleep with you Calum!” I exclaim, walking over to my desk and sitting on the floor next to it. “I’m sorry but I’m not...i’m not gay. I’ll never be gay, I like boobs.” Calum sighs again and gets up, leaving me alone in my dark room. I hear him say something as he closes the door, but i’m pretty sure he’s not talking to me so I just ignore it, slowly getting up and walking over to my bathroom.


Ashton’s P.O.V

“I’ll never be gay, I like boobs.”  I’ve been trying to get those words out of my head for almost twentyfour hours now but they keep replaying in my head. Why did I have to go downstairs to make sure Michael was alright last night? Why couldn’t I just have let Calum handle him and gone to bed?

It hurts more than I thought it would, hearing him say that. It’s not like I actually thought he’d actually like me, not at all, but I used to at least have some hope. Now I don’t, now I just sit here alone at three am, waiting for him to get home so I’ll know he’s safe.

“Ash?” my head snaps up and I find Luke standing in the doorway, looking at me. He’s wearing nothing more than his TMNT boxers and his hair is all over the place, so I’m guessing he’s slept for at least a little while. “what are you doing up?”

“just you know, waiting for Michael.” I tell him, shrugging. Luke smiles softly and sits down next to me, pulling me in for a hug. He knows, both he and Calum does, about my crush on Michael and I’m pretty sure he understands what’s going on.

“you know, he’s not really feeling well right now I guess. It’s not like him to be out like this, we can’t assume what he’s saying is true.” he says, leaning back and running a hand through his hair. “he’s just being a teenager, it’ll pass.”

“when did you get so smart Lucas? You’re only seventeen.” I ask and I can’t help but smile because he’s just so….so Luke.

“when I fell in love.” he answers, catching me completely off guard.

“Wait...what are we talking about? Chloe?” he nods and blushes.

“like...I’ve liked her for ages and then she kissed me and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and she’s just so beautiful and I just wanna talk to her about it and ask her to go out with me but I can’t because I’m too shy and clumsy and I just don’t know what to do Ashton what do I do?”

“well uh...I guess you just tell her, or like….grab her face and kiss her like she did to you and you just go for it. I don’t know Luke it’s not like I’ve ever been there.” I answer. I never expected him to come to me for advice, Calum’s the one who’s been in relationships that’s lasted longer than a week, he’s the one who knows how to get the girl.

“yeah, I guess you’re right.” Luke slowly nods and I go back to watching the lame movie I’ve been watching for the past hour, something about people with swords and arrows killing each other. It’s probably something Michael would have loved to watch, but Michael’s out getting drunk so he wouldn’t know it’s on.

“I’m gonna throw up.” the voice scares me, probably because I didn’t hear the door open, and before I even get a chance to get up and help Michael Luke’s rushed over and is now holding him up with a arm wrapped around his waist.

“i’ve got this Ash.” he says and Michael opens his eyes and looking over at me, smiling softly before Luke pulls him over to the bathroom. He emerges fifteen minutes later, alone this time, and sits back down next to me. “Do you think we made a mistake moving here?” he asks. “I mean back in Sydney nothing ever happened, we didn’t fight, we didn’t get drunk and we just...I don’t know I just feel like this wouldn’t have happened.”

“If we hadn’t moved here we wouldn’t have met Chloe.” I point out and he slowly nods.

“that’s true, and I don’t want to not meet her, she’s amazing.” I nod and we sit there for a while before he gets up. “I’ll go to bed now, you should too. Goodnight Ashton.” and with that he’s gone and I’m alone again.

8 Seconds // Mashton [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now