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Ashton’s P.O.V

I never really understood what people meant when they said school was depressing, to me it was just a place you went to during the days to learn, to get the information and knowledge the society requires, a place where you meet new people and in some cases make lifelong friends. But I think I understand now. School is like a prison. You’re forced to go there every day, you’re forced to deal with people you just can’t stand and you’re forced to slowly watch your best friend turn into someone else, someone who avoids all human contact, someone who keeps to himself and doesn’t even bother to try and look like he’s interested. It hurts, it really really hurts watching Michael do this, watch him sit in the back of the classroom with his head resting on his arms, deaf to the outside world. And the worst part is that I don’t even know why. I have no idea what happened, but since halloween he’s been keeping more and more to himself, staying in his room and only coming out to practise with us and eat, although he never actually eats when anyone’s around, I just hear him come up the stairs, move around in the kitchen for a while and then he’s usually gone again.

And now here we are, just about to end the last lesson of the day, and I’ve hardly seen him at all today. I guess I’m lucky though, in a way, because how many people gets to see their crush in a daily basis? Hell I’ve even seen him naked, but that’s something I only allow myself to think about when I’m alone. But seeing him like that, watching him slowly crawl back into his shell, really hurts, especially since there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s just so frustrating.

“Mr Irwin, would you mind answering the question I just asked.” I’m brought back to reality by the teacher’s voice and I don’t even try to think of what could have been the real answer.

“The amount of apples you can carry with one hand varies depending on the size of the alien’s hat.” the room erupts with laughter and not even the teacher can hold back a smile, but when I look over at Michael, hoping he’ll be smiling as well, I find him just sitting there staring out the window and suddenly I don’t feel as funny anymore.


“So did you hear Ashton’s joke in biology? I’m actually not even sure it was a joke, he was probably just trying to be funny.” Luke’s waving his hands around like a maniac as he tells Chloe and Calum, who have PE instead of biology, about what happened earlier. They both seem to be at least a little interested in what he’s saying but Chloe’s the one he’s turned to since she’s the only one actually commenting on what he’s saying. I can tell that she, just like me, is trying to make sure he doesn’t trip on something as well, since he’s walking backwards and Luke’s never really been known for his amazing balance so if anyone’s going to trip over something and fall on his ass it’s Luke.

“Are you coming with us home Chloe?” Calum finally asks, deciding Luke’s done talking.

“No, I have somewhere to be.” she tells us, obviously not wanting to go into details on where she’s going. “I would have loved to but yeah, maybe I can come by tomorrow?”

“Of course.” Luke says, maybe a little bit too quickly. “I mean not too soon though, we’ll be asleep until like...late. I mean you could just let yourself in but I’d imagine that’d being pretty boring since we’d all be sleeping and there’s not a lot to do and yeah.” Chloe laughs at this and nods.

“Don’t worry Luke, I have a football game tomorrow morning so I’ll probably come by after that or something.” we’ve all slowed down to the point where we’re barely moving forward and Chloe now stops completely, the rest of us doing the same.  “But I do have to go now so bye guys, I’ll text you later okay?” she hugs me and Calum before turning to Luke. “don’t trip and die.” he laughs and pulls her in for a hug and once he let’s her go, a slight blush visible on both their cheeks, she turns around and looks at Michael, who’s been walking fifteen meters behind us. “Bye Mikey!” he doesn’t respond, probably didn’t hear her with the headphones in, and she sighs before running off towards her house.

8 Seconds // Mashton [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now