YBWM (You Belong With Me)

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Her first couple of weeks went by in a haze, learning new things, creating a space for herself in the house, and growing to respect the Kamables and even acidic Mala, who, behind her rough manners and sarcastic comments was a caring and nurturing woman. Her friendship with Kalyani had only just begun, but in a matter of days, they were as thick as thieves. Before she had come, Kalyani was given free rein on everything. But now, Inaya was there to temper her impulsiveness and push her to study or get ready on time. She helped out as much as she could. But when the family would go out, she would have nothing to do after tidying Kalyani's room. On one such day, when everyone else had gone out, and Mala was dozing, Inaya was sitting in Kalyani's room, wondering what she was supposed to do with her free time.

That's when she went to the floor to wall bookshelf and picked up a thin book. She sat down on the floor and opened it. It took her two hours to read one page, but she did. All the lessons at her mother's knee weren't for nought. She remembered the alphabet, but she didn't know the meaning of the words. Still, the simple act of reading a page filled her with joy. She was so engrossed in the page that she didn't hear Mala walk in.

"What do you think you're doing with that book?"

The book fell from her lap as she sprang up from the floor and turned to face Mala. "N..Nothing. I was just trying to." she stammered.

"Trying to what? Read?" Mala asked sternly.

"Yes, I...was."

"Where did you learn how to read? Have you ever been to school?" she asked suspiciously.

"No, I've never been to school. My mother used to teach me when she was still...alive. I don't remember much, but I do remember most of the alphabet," she answered.

"Hmph, well. Next time you want to borrow anything of Kalyani's first ask permission. I have no problem but don't treat their things as yours. We both are here of their goodwill, let us not take advantage of them," said Mala.

"Okay, I will ask her when she comes back."

"Good. Reading is a very useful skill, they won't mind."

Inaya breathed in relief, but immediately shelved the book.

She spent all evening worried about how she would ever ask Kalyani or her parents to let her read, but in the end, it turned out that she need not have bothered at all. Mala had apparently already told them about her wanting to read, so when they met for dinner, Mr Kamble said, "Inaya, I am pleasantly surprised that you can read. I presume that you have had no formal schooling, so I will bring out some of Kalyani's old books that you'll find useful. If you run into trouble, she can help you out."

"That's so perfect papa, she can help with my homework too!" Kalyani giggled.

Her parents laughed. "You should do your own homework, but help Inaya out, from time to time."

"Yes, papa. I will," Kalyani promised. Inaya's heart bloomed with joy at the prospect.

Days passed, and weeks, then months. Inaya became a permanent part of the household. Kalyani especially grew to be extremely fond of her. She tutored Inaya until she could read anything on her own. She gave her a dictionary so that she could even discover new words. 

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