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Zendaya and her parents finished the last of their breakfast, beginning to prepare for the rest of the day. Their not-as-close family were coming over later today for Christmas dinner.

"Z can you clean up the wrapping paper please?" Claire asked her daughter.

"Sure ma," the brunette replied. She gathered up the paper from the living room floor. Glancing out of the window Zendaya noticed a U-haul pull up in front of the empty house next door. Another car pulled up behind it. "Mom! I think someone's moving in next door!"

"That's nice sweetie! We'll say hi tomorrow or something! Finish cleaning up so we can get dressed and finish cooking!" Claire responded. Zendaya stood there at the window. She watched a couple get out of the front seats, and two boys get out of the back. Zendaya was about to walk away when a teenage girl got out.

She was almost Zendaya's height, off by an inch or two. Her hair was brown and silky tied into two neat French braids thrown over her shoulders. Her eyes were a dazzling brown, and her ass as plump as a peach. My God was she beautiful.

"Zendaya! If I have to tell you one more time-"

"I'm coming!"


Dinah unpacked her boxes in her newly selected room. Her dad put together her canopy and dresser a week ago when he and his wife bought the house. She has yet to make any friends, but little did she know how fast she would make her first.

Dinah turned her head towards the window not really paying attention. Doing a double take she now noticed the brunette getting dressed. She was tall, and her curly brown hair was now wet. Dinah assumed she just got out of the shower by the looks of the towel around her body.

Her jaw dropped when the girl's towel dropped. Just before the brunette turned around she noticed her neighbor staring at her bare backside. The two blushes breaking eye contact with each other.

Dinah's face got redder as her neighbor stepped aside and shut the curtains of her bedroom. Dinah giggled and bit her lip at the thought of seeing the girl's frontside. She hadn't gotten the pleasure of doing so, but she'd like to one day.

The brunette shook the lewd thoughts from her mind, returning to her unpacking. "Dinah! Come here please!" Her stepmom shouted.

Dinah trotted out into the hallway and down the stairs. Her dad and stepmom stood at the bottom of the steps with her brothers in hand. "The neighbors invited us to dinner later, but we're going to the store now. Wanna come or no?" Her dad asked.

The teen shook her head. "I'll meet you guys at their house. What time?"


"Okay see ya then." A few hours later six thirty rolled around when Dinah remembered she was supposed to be next door. Checking her phone she saw she had three missed calls and texts. Quickly grabbing her phone and key, she made her way to the house next door.

I hope it won't be awkward when I see her.

She made sure her appearance was presentable, and knocked on the door. After waiting a minute the door was opened by a tall black man with locs. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"My parents said you invited us over for dinner. I'm a little late," Dinah informed.

"Oh, you're the Hansen's daughter. Come in. They're in the living room with the rest of the clan." Dinah walked into the air conditioned house.

Man winters are different in L.A, Dinah thought. There was no snow, the days were just as long as if they were in summer, and the coldest it would get was a heavy breeze. The brunette walked behind the man into a room full of people. Scanning the faces she saw no sign of the girl from earlier.

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