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(Note. I do not own Resident Evil it is owned by capcon. I do not own RWBY it is owned by Rooster Teeth.)

HUNK: Copy stand by.

*Elevator door opens*

*Stabs A guy in the chest and snaps the other guy's neck*

*enters code and door opens*

HUNK: You guys must be the new delta team, report.

Beltway: Names Beltway, nice to meet ya' Mr. Death.

Spector: Spector here, all set

Vector: Vector here, good to see you again sir.

Lupo: Call me Lupo, Delta team squad leader.

HUNK: Command, I've rendezvoused with Delta Team.

U.S.S Command: Understood, Now find Birkin and secure those samples, Failure is NOT an option.

HUNK: You heard him, let's move.

HUNK: We're entering the lab of Doctor William Birkin~~an umbrella scientist attempting to sell classified samples of a weaponized virus strain to the U.S Government.

Lupo: You mean like Umbrellas' T-Virus?

HUNK: No. This is a new gene-altering compound, Birkin's developed called the G-Virus. It's significantly more powerful and he is in possession of the only known samples.
There's a detachment of Umbrella's Biohazard Countermeasure Service on site who will likely try to protect him.
They're unaware of this operation and are considered expendable.

Beltway: Aren't we on the same team? Can't we just pick up the phone and call?

HUNK: The U.B.C.S are just mercenaries, they can be bought, we can't assume their loyalty to the company.

Vector: So what the objective?

HUNK: Intercept Birkin and secure the G-Virus.

(Timeskip to birkins lab)

HUNK: Guard this door do not let ANYONE approach.
You, come with me.

Alpha Team member 1: There he is.

William Birkin: So, you've finally come.

HUNK: Doctor we're here to collect the G-Virus sample.

William Birkin: Sorry, but I won't just hand over my life's work.

HUNK: Stop it! You might hit the samples!


(End of the prologue)
(Sorry if this story is bad it's my very first story so yeah heh chapter 1 coming when ever I publish it)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now