Sleeping Monster

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Gisele took a sip of her matcha as everyone filed into the room and took a seat.

"Who called this emergency meeting?" Derek asked.

"I did but I never said it was an emergency," Gisele said, "Anyway, I want more protection for the interns."

"What are you talking about Gisele?" Callie asked.

"The thing with Bailey, everyone was quick to blame Leah. Just cause us interns are learning and new doesn't mean that you attendings never make mistakes."

They all looked at each other knowing she was right.

Derek nodded, "You're right but I just feel like we are throwing Bailey under the bus."

"Come on. That is not what we're doing." Jackson said while making his coffee.

"We are throwing her under the bus," Gisele said, earning a glare from Jackson. She held her hand up in defense before walking over and sitting on the armrest beside her brother.

"No, it seems like that's exactly what we're doing." Callie said.

Jackson stopped and turned around, "Two of our patients are dead of the same post-op infection. A third one's barely hanging on. It was time. We get the CDC
in here and figure this thing out." He said and sat down.

Meredith shook her head, "By treating Bailey like a criminal? She hasn't done anything."

"I hope that you're right," Jackson said, "Truth is, we don't know that yet. CDC is simply asking us to temporarily freeze Bailey's files."

"Oh, come on." Derek said.

"And that we not discuss this investigation with her. So today, just keep your distance."

Cristina scoffed, "That is ridiculous."

"Also I think now's the time to put out a statement."

Everyone including Gisele said no.

"Whoa. Whoa. About what? I mean, we don't even know if Bailey's the source of this thing." Arizona said.

"If one of ours is at fault and we just sit on this information, we look like we're trying to cover something up. The only way to let the public know that we can be objective is by being transparent." Jackson explained.

Callie looked at everyone else, "Vote?"

"I'm just saying, people should learn the news from us." Jackson added.

"There's no news." Derek said.

"Okay, vote?" Callie asked.

"There's no news yet." Jackson said defensively.

"Vote?" Callie asked again, "All in favor of no press release."

Everyone but Gisele and Jackson raised their hands.

They all expectantly looked over to Gisele, "Baby?" Cristina asked.

Gisele slowly raised her hand.

Callie nodded, "Okay. No press release. No statement. Clear?"

After a moment of no one speaking, Gisele quickly left the room knowing Jackson would want to speak with her. She was about to go into the stairwell when she was gently pulled back. She turned and saw it was Jackson.

   "Why didn't you have my back in there, we're supposed to be a team. Now instead of it being five against two, it's six against one."

She sighed, "I know but I don't agree with you. It's too early to make a statement, we should wait until we actually have news to tell... Besides aren't you the one who told me not to let anyone bully me into making a decision, any I'm always on your side because it really is five against two." She said and opened the door, leaving him behind.

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