The Sound of Silence: Part III

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 GISELE SPOTTED HER SISTER sitting on a bench staring out into the ocean as the sun set

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GISELE SPOTTED HER SISTER sitting on a bench staring out into the ocean as the sun set. Walking over to Amelia, she sat down next to her holding out a plate of her favorite street tacos. Looking closer she noticed her sister was heavily pregnant.

Looking over, she gasped in surprise to see her little sister was right beside her and not halfway across the world.

"Wow, and to think I came all the way to see you and share my tacos with you." Gisele sarcastically said.

"Did Addison call you?"

She shook her head, "Oh my god, Gigi. I'm so happy to see you," Gisele sarcastically joked, "No, she didn't call me, a Charlotte King called said you needed me. She didn't tell me why, just that there was a situation. Now I know what the situation it," she motioned to her protruding belly, "but seeing how I haven't gotten any messages from mom, Derek, or the three wicked witches, I'm thinking there's something more going on," Gisele saw her unfazed facade slowly fade away, "I get you don't want mom, or Derek, or any of our sisters knowing but you need someone to lean on and I am that someone. I won't tell anyone anything, not if you don't want me to. I'll be here as long as you need me to."

Amelia wiped a few stray tears away, "But you hate pregnant people."

Gisele shook her head, hating how everyone blew her dislike of the idea of pregnancy into a phobia of pregnant woman, "Okay, I don't hate them, I just feel uncomfortable when I think about being pregnant, like when you can see the baby kicking and the outline of the foot," Gisele felt a shiver go down her spine as she explained, "It's not normal and you aren't just some random person, you're my big sister. I'd do anything for you."

Amelia leaned in to hug her baby sister but before she could Gisele sat the plate of tacos on the bench before she bolted over to a nearby trash can and emptied out her stomach contents.

   "You're not pregnant too, are you?" Amelia joked.

Gisele scrunched up her face in disgust, "Ew, no. Just nauseous from the flight."

   "You didn't take your meds?"

   "I didn't have any left. This was an unscheduled trip."

   "I'll write you a prescription when we get back."

Gisele wrapped her arms around her sister, "I'll be fine for a while, let's just watch the sunset."

   "So you were pregnant," Amelia nodded, "And you only told Gisele?" Once again she nodded, "Why?"

Amelia sighed, "Because I knew she wouldn't judge me and everyone else would. I'd be disappointing them again."

   "Because you—"

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