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Narcissa told her not to go. She had begged and pleaded. But Bellatrix was having none of it.


"Bella...please...I need you...I don't want anything to happen to you"

"Don't be silly Cissy...I'm one of the strongest followers Voldemort has...Nothing is going to happen to me...i'll be fine"


Those words were circling around Narcissa's head. Going round and round as she saw a flash of green light and watched her sisters body crash to the floor.

Everyone thought that Narcissa had left with her family but the truth was she hadn't. She had stayed behind to watch over her sister. It's not like she could of actually done anything but it was the thought that counted. 

She was only meters away but and had to use all of her self control to not come out of hiding to blow Molly Weasley to pieces. The one thing she could do though was cry. Her screams of agony were drowned out by the noise of missed spells and shouting. She screamed and cried until her throat was hoarse and there were no tears left. She watched as the Weasleys hugged eachother and comforted eachother. She wished she had someone to comfort her like that. She wished her sister was there to comfort her like Ron was Ginny. But no...her sister was laying dead on the floor. All she wanted to do was run over to her and pick her up, slap her a few times and try to wake her up. But she couldn't. 

She was numb. Numb to the core. She didn't even feel Lucius pick her up and take her home. The image of her sister was flashing infront of her. 


"You will get're too..."

"Too what? I like hurting people yes...and yes there are going to be a lot of angry people there who probably do want to blow me to bits...but i'm stronger than they are...I won't be beaten...not now and not ever"


She climbed into bed and stared up at the ceiling, Lucius tried to comfort her but she rolled over and moved away from him. She was hurting...and there was nothing that could help that.

A Sisters HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now