Chapter 3: An Unusual Mission

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Hey guys!!! Thanks for voting and reading my story. Anyway, I know that I didn't update for weeks now and some of you are curious to know what is behind that bush, so, I won't hold you up much longer and here you go!! Enjoy :)

I do not own Fairytail!

Sting P.O.V

        We took a mission here in the village of Furui. It is rather peaceful and not many people are residing here. It was a simple request, actually. All we have to do is stop the Golem from terrorizing the village. "Sting-kun is the greatest" Lector said proudly and I smirked with triumph. "Fro thinks Rogue-kun is great too." Fro humbly announced. And they started arguing about who the best one is. "Hey guys! Let's go claim the reward." I shouted and the two exceeds stopped their argument. Lector followed closeby while Frosch went to Rogue's shouder.

After we received our reward, Rogue and I decided to just walk going back to the guild, even though it will be tiring and longer. "Besides, it's better than that damn train anyway." I scowled. If only we have a healer like that blue haired dragon slayer. Fairytail is damn lucky to have a munchkin like her. I thought, grumbling to myself. When we reached the forest, an old man stopped us from passing. " Are you all passing the forest?" he questioned with concern. Rogue and I looked at each other. Something about his tone makes me curious so I asked "Why?"He sighed loudly. "Well, just be careful. A great creature is guarding the forest. It doesn't like intruders wandering around its territory. Many loggers and hunters went to the forest and never came back." He said. His eyes are evident with fear as he recalled what happened in the past.

"Tch, don't worry old man, do you even know who you're talking about? We're mages from Sabertooth. Like that would stop us from passing throught this forest. We can handle anything, even this 'great creature' you're talking about." I remarked, pride swelling within me. "Well, you may be a mage but, normal mages aren't strong enough compared to the forest guardian. A year ago, a cloaked girl entered the forest despite my warning. She was emitting a strong but lonely aura. I've never seen her again but I know that she isn't dead yet. I mean, the village became peaceful since she entered the forest. No howlings were heard and there was no dead and injured people since then. Partly because of the fence we put up, to keep the villagers in here, where it's safe." He said while walking away.

The trees were slightly swaying and leaves are dancing with the wind, before twirling down to the ground. A great creature. . . and a powerful girl. . . and me. . . a mage. . . Then I remebered what the old man said and "Hey! Don't just walk away like that! And I'm not a normal mage! I am the Great Sting Eucliffe of Sabertooth. I'm gonna blast you all away with my White Dragon Slayer magic, right Lector?" I shouted, annoyed a little bit, but no one replied so I looked back at them. Rogue is staring at the forest, a distant faraway look in his eyes. He seems to be thinking deeply. Frosch and Lector are also staring in the woods. Lector has his arms crossed while Frosch is pouting, feeling sad for the girl.

"C'mon Rogue, lets go. I'm starving and we better get home quickly." I grumbled and jumped over the fence. Landing on the other side, I heard Rogue say "Let's go Frosch" and climbed to the fence as well. They were all trailing behind me when suddenly, a bright white light appeared in the middle of the woods. A powerful aura of magic is pulsating where the light appeared. Moments later, the light died down.

"What was that?!" I stated, shocked at the amount of magical energy being released. "Come on, let's see what that was" Rogue suggested and I merely nodded. "Frosch thinks so too" I heard Frosch say and climbed to his right shoulder. We ran to where it was and felt the magical energy pulsating closer and stronger. Then, we saw a clearing and ran towards it. The aura felt closer and stronger then. . . it's gone. It vanished, like it wasn't even there to begin with. Both of us stopped dead in our tracks, confused as to what happened. What? How could something so strong and powerful suddenly disappear like that? Rogue seems to be thinking the same thing. "Sting-kun, are you okay?" Lector asked. I gently patted his head and nodded. "Is Rogue-san alright? Frosch is getting worried" Rogue's exceed said. Rogue just rubbed the exceed's little head and softly smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine Frosch. C'mon Sting, let's see where that light came from."

He started walking towards the clearing and I followed closely behind. When we stepped out of the trees, the sight left us speechless. We were stuck to the ground, processing the scenery in front of us. There is a small river and after it are trees, or what seems to be left of it. Most of the trees are broken and twigs and branches are scattered on the ground and in the river. Rogue walked forward and picked up something.

Curious, I walked towards him and found an old, worn-out dummy. Blood marks and scratches are visible, as well as tattered cloth, showing that the person must've been training hard. Picking it up, a variety of scents flooded my nose. I smelled the metallic scent of blood and sticky sweat, since its the strongest. Inhaling deeper, I distinguished a faint smell of cherry blossoms and honey suckle, so faint that it could vanish into thin air. "Cherry blossoms and honey suckle..." I trailed off. "You smell it too?" he asked and I nodded. "It means someone is here in the forest, and judging by the doll, he or she must be staying in here... maybe to train." Rogue said, hand on his chin, thinking deeply.

I picked up the dummy and told everyone that we would just give the dummy to the owner next time. "But why not just leave it here?" Rogue asked. "Well, how will we remember the scent, besides, this dummy is interesting judging by the material they used. The cloth seems weak but judging by the look of it, this is atleast a year old and yet the dummy didn't crumble into pieces yet. If I could make a dummy like this one, I could train as long as I want without actually destroying the dummy." I answered and started walking. "You could just spar with us you know" Rogue countered but I waved it off, saying that the Guild's Doctor will be in too much work.

Walking in silence for about 5 minutes, Frosch spoke up. "This forest is scaring Frosch. Let's go home." "Don't be such a scaredy cat Frosch, Sting-kun is here to protect us." Lector said with his usual proud grin, but I know that deep inside, he is scared too. "Frosch thinks Rogue-san will protect us too, right?" Fro asked, looking at Rogue. "Yea." he answered softly.

*        *        *        *        *        *        *        *        *        *        *        *        *


Hey Guys!!! It's good to be back. Sorry if I let you all wait. This pretty much gave you an idea on what will happen next... I think...

Anyways, sorry again... I've been pretty busy. Stupid school!! From Tests to Projects to Reports.. ugh... trust me I just wanted to cozy up in my room and type the story I've been writting down.

See you all in the next chapter... depending on how schoo treats me... :)

P.S. Happy Belated Birthday to................... ME!!! that's right!! November 3 was my day. Can you guys guess my age? :)   Will be happily waiting for your guesses

I'm so tired now so... goodnight y'all :D

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