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(Daniel is an undercover cop, and Jay is a club owner who, also sells drugs and can actually talk .0.)

Just so you dont get confused
Jay is wearing a pink suit and
Daniel is a cop who is very nervous and awkward

The music was loud enough to be heard outside, where bouncers kept their eyes on everyone entering or leaving this corrupt nightclub. It looked harmless enough from the outside but that was only half the truth. The other half laid behind those pinkish coloured walls.
Drug abuse, gang violence, illegal prostitution... Those were only a few crimes, the club had gotten famous for over the last few weeks, the government and of course also the police becoming aware of this possible threat.

"I can't believe this..."
Stepping out of a black van, parked right behind a costume coloured pink luxury car, wearing a red shirt, that was unbuttoned only far enough to appear shady, tight white pants and black shiny shoes, the undercover cop quickly glanced down at himself. The outfit had been picked out well but- it was far from his favourite attire.
"I look like a pimp..."
He sighed, slicking his hair back, before finally entering the building.
It had been a good week, in which Daniel had kept his eyes out on the suspicious nightclub, that fittingly was located in a pretty bad part of the town. It surely had become a thorn in the police departments eye and he came to fix that.

Once inside, Daniel could only compare the club to a car crash. One wanted to look away but... it was hard for him. Never had he seen anything like that before. It didn't help, that the man was a pretty fresh cop too. Loads of Men and Women wearing nearly nothing at all, having weird old dudes as their audience. What a scary place this was.
Shortly before finding an empty spot to sit down at, the male had a, once again, very skimpy dressed female grabbed after his arm, trying to pull him along and 'show him something great'. He politely declined, sweating a little already. This club's atmosphere... disgusting. He really just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

The bathroom blurred out most of the music, a puff of smoke filled the stall. The man in a bright pink suit sat in the furthest stall from the door. It was where most of the graffiti was, he snickered each time he read every type of different slangs and profanities on the wall. Who knew people cared so much about fucking each other. But who even cares? This world is already fucked up.
He didnt care as much, he was too high to think anyway.

After his last puff a barely dressed man opened the stall, he had on a red swim top with small red matching bikini bottoms and a fluffed snow leopard printed jacket. The pink suited man rolled his eyes and grunted. What the hell is it now? The shorter boy urged him to take a look outside at the new comer. Jay shrugged it off, he wasnt in the mood for confrontation. Every single week he gets a random dude who wants to buy drugs or have something smuggled in. It's usually super pricey and they could never ever pay up front because "whoops I left my money at home can I pay you next time?"
He usually just throws those ones out.
About 30 minutes pass by and the music is still blaring loud. Jay puts back the weed into the bag and walks out of the bathroom. A lot more of people this night.
He quickly scanned the room to spot a well dressed black haired man, who stood out the most. His suit looked brand new and his hair was slicked back... He really looked out of place upon the others in the club.

His glasses shined in the light just above him, he strut over to where the other male was sat. "Hey, what's up baby. You new around here? How about a drink?" The blond raised his hand, "Vodka, make it two".

By now, it was more or less obvious. Most of the suspicions regarding the facility turned out to be true. How did they manage to stay under the radar for that long? It was a mystery to the young cop. Most probably didn't even notice how bizarre all of this was... too high already. Guys leaving for the bathroom with the prostitutes who roam around and all sorts of other rather taboo happenings had been completely normalised in here. This club was like a small town without rules. Every town needed rules. It was time to shut this nightclub d-

Cop and... Drug Dealer? [JAY X DANIEL]Where stories live. Discover now