chapter 1

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23:00 Paris, France
48.8566° N, 2.3522° E

Paris, France at midnight was one of the world's most valuable jewels, it was practically priceless. She figured she would steal it if she could. From her outdoor seat, just below her she could see people, tourists posing for pictures to take a piece of this jem with them. Most people came to Paris for love. Some marked anniversaries for old love, for others, it was the beginning of new love.

Lisa Manoban wasn't in Paris for love. She had her eyes on something much, much more worthwhile. She sat nonchalantly dressed in a simple black pantsuit from Luisaviaroma, at a table in the Le Jules Verne, enjoying a crème caramel. Normally the Le Jules Verne was closed around nine-thirty, but it was a special anniversary. It was the day the Eiffel tower was completed and opened to the public.

Popping another bite into her mouth, Lisa slowly savored the sweet taste, enjoying how the soft texture was, as it melted in her mouth.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Lisa didn't bat an eyelash as Rosé appeared before her, dressed elegantly in a soft pink halter dress. She sat down across from Lisa, plucking the spoon from her hand and serving herself a piece of the crème caramel. Lisa wrinkled her nose in distaste.


Rosé smirked, no matter what she did, she could always get a reaction from Lisa. The poor girl just didn't know how not to react to a little teasing.

"You know you love me." Rosé teased as she held the spoon just out of Lisa's reach, shoving more of the crème caramel in her mouth hastily.

"I definitely don't." Lisa swiped at Rosé. "Come on, give it back."

"Stop fooling around." A sharp voice cut through their earpieces.

Across the room, Jisoo sipped her champagne with a smile as she engaged the president of the BNP Paribas SA bank and older city officials in small talk. It was almost as though the cold command hadn't come out of her mouth at all.

Lisa pouted, mischief glinting in her eyes. She snatched the spoon back from Rosé who frowned. Lisa stuck out her tongue eating another bite of crème caramel.

"Aww, Jisoo's cranky."

"Behave Lisa." Jennie's voice entered their earpieces with a chuckle.

Jennie flipped lazily through the menu in front of her, four tables down and two to the right of where Lisa and Rosé were sitting. At first glance Jennie looked like an innocent customer, however she was carefully observing the people in attendance.

"You have the Minister of Commerce to your left." She chided. "Have some manners Lisa."

"But I'm bored." Lisa whined as she set down her spoon beside the now empty plate. "When do we get to the fun stuff?"

"When Jisoo can steal the bank president's key card." Jennie replied as she ordered a chicken paillard and red wine.

"Unless of course," Jennie paused on purpose, a smirk curling on her red lips. "you want me to help you out, Jisoo?"

"I can handle this." Jisoo hissed. She turned slightly to send a glare at Jennie, who merely winked back.

Tonight was the night. They had planned, trained, and prepared in every way for the next hour. In an hour or two, they would be pulling off one of the greatest bank heists in history, and Jisoo would be damned if they screwed up. Not only were they risking their lives, they would also be risking their reputation. Just the thought made Jisoo jittery. She gripped the stem of the glass tightly, keeping her eyes on the president.

"Tick-tock Jisoo. You are certainly taking your time, aren't you? Dear me, ever the socialite. Can't even get your hands dirty." Jennie teased instantly interrupting Jisoo's thought process, as Lisa and Rosé laughed.

"Rosé, do you have access to the BNP Paribas SA bank's security? We need everything ready correctly, if we want to pull this off right." Jisoo snapped trying to get the other girls to focus back on the real reason they were in Paris, at this affluent dinner party.

"Way ahead of you. I can at least do my job, Jisoo." Rose chirped as she ordered another crème caramel.

Jennie and Lisa's laughter crackled in Jisoo's ear, irritating the elder.

Jisoo rolled her eyes, glancing at Jennie to get the younger two, to settle down.

"I think we should cut Jisoo some slack, she doesn't pickpocket often." Lisa smiled as her eyes met Jennie's across all the tables.

"You can just say you need help, I won't judge." Jennie smirked as she swirled the red wine before taking downing it.

"What did I say about drinking on the job?" Jisoo growled.

"I can handle my liquor."

"Like you handled the job in London."

"Geez, it was one time."

"It was also more than one glass of wine."

"Lisa! Not helping." Jennie groaned.

This time it was Jisoo, Rosé, and Lisa chuckling.

Jennie liked a little drink to loosen her nerves. Tonight was going to be a big night for them, and it could make or break them. To say the least, Jennie didn't want nerves to be the reason she would mess up, if she did at all. She took two bites of her chicken paillard before setting the silverware down. She watched Jisoo as she laughed entertaining the older men who had flocked around her like flies to honey. Jisoo looked like she was having trouble staying near the bank president who was now moving away from her and chatting with some other men, just out of Jisoo's immediate reach. Jennie shook her head and sighed.

Jisoo is taking way too long.

She ordered another drink.

"Jennie, what are you doing?" Jisoo's warning tone filling Jennie's ears as she received the wine.

Jennie didn't answer, calmly waltzing over to wear the bank president stood, red wine in hand.

"Rosé be a dear and call that waiter over." Jennie murmured into her earpiece.

If Jisoo couldn't do it, she would, damn it.

Rosé smirked, easily catching onto Jennie's plan. She signalled for the waiter, who began to move towards her arriving just in time to crash into Jennie who was just in front the bank president.

It was so smooth it didn't look practiced. Jennie pretended to cry out and trip. Then, with practiced ease she flicked her wrist, showering the bank president's white shirt in her red wine as she fell to the floor.

There was an immediate commotion. The waiter stammered apologies in French as he attempted to rectify the mess he thought he had created.

"Oh mon Dieu! Young lady are you alright?" The bank president, ever the gentleman reached out to help Jennie up, despite the mess on his shirt.

Jennie hid her smirk as she took his hand and pretended to stumble closer to the president, her hand smoothly retrieving his wallet and keys from his pockets, before correcting herself with a blushing smile.

"Je vais bien merci monsieur. I am so sorry for ruining your shirt." Jennie tilted her head in concern.

"It is not a problem, young lady." The bank president smiled. "I can always replace my shirt."

"Poor, sheep." Lisa snickered as Jennie made her way the bathroom. "He has no idea what just hit him."

"Jennie, I had it under control." Jisoo huffed, setting her drink down as she too, prepared to leave the dinner party.

"Consider this a favor, Jisoo." Jennie chuckled. "You can always thank me later."

Jisoo sighed. Some things never changed, like Jennie's spontaneousness.

"Let's get a move on ladies. We have work to do."

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