chapter 26

785 32 32

02:00 Seoul, South Korea 37.5665° N, 126.9780° E

The universe had a habit of fucking Sehun over.

Like really fucking him over.

It fucked him over the moment he was born. Weak lungs had kept him in the hospital for a year after birth, and then breathing complications had kept him in and out of the hospital for much of his childhood. All the while his brother, Oh Hun had been the perfect healthy baby boy any parent could want.

The universe fucked him over again, with his own parents. Who decided that Sehun should be hidden from the spotlight. Famous Senator Oh couldn’t run a good campaign with a sick son, so Sehun was hidden away, while Hun had gone everywhere with their father. A perfect boy with perfect grades and a perfect smile.

Of course, this didn’t fly too well with young Sehun, who soon decided to get himself into a boatload of trouble in order for his family to pay attention to him. That didn’t end well either and Sehun found himself shipped to a British boarding school. Alone.

Ah yes, Sehun was familiar with the feeling of being fucked over, so when a cop jumped out of nowhere telling him to put his hands up, Sehun merely sighed.

Here we fucking go again. No mission well planned ever goes according to plan.

So naturally, Sehun did what he did best.

He ran.

It was better than fighting a cop, he figured so when Sehun broke into a sprint, he tapped his comm.

“Um guys, no rush or anything, but the motherfucking cops are here.”

“The cops?!” Chen’s voice crackles through Sehun’s ear. “This is an empty apartment complex, what the hell are they doing here?”

“I opened fire on that guy D.O mentioned,” Baekhyun replied. “That’s probably why they’re here. We need to scatter, like now.”

“What about the diamond?” Chen blurted. “It’s here, but it’ll take time to get it out.”

“Ditch it! Forget the log too.” Xiumin’s voice cut in. “We can’t be caught by civilian authority.”

“Where the hell is Kai?!” Chen asked. “I’m looking through our comm locations and I have no signal from him.

“His comm isn’t working,” Sehun replied. “I tried contacting him. I think his comm is broken.”

“Fuck. Do you think he’s okay?” Baekhyun hissed.

“I’m sure he can take care of himself,” Xiumin interjected. “Kai’s capable.”

“This was supposed to be an easy mission.” Baekhyun sighed.

“Easy my ass.” Chen scoffed.

“Anyway, Suho and I are gonna pack and leave. We’ll see you back at HQ.”

“D.O, come in. Where are you?” Xiumin asked.

“I lost the boy. I can’t find him. He went through a vent. Lay are you there?”

“Yes. I’m leaving the building now. Cops are heading this way. I see four cruisers outside.”

“Shit, do you think that boy is still after us?” Baekhyun swallowed nervously.

“No, I shot him in the arm, that should slow him down. But everyone, do as Xiumin said. Clear out, and don’t get caught.” D.O ordered. “Sehun, you need to shake that cop.”

“Easier said than done.” Sehun huffed. “This guy’s a fucking Olympic athlete.”


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