chapter 25

643 33 5

01:00 Seoul, South Korea 37.5665° N, 126.9780° E

The moment Lay found the Aetherius Aurora he knew it had been too easy.

There it sat in front of him and Chen in all it’s pink shiny wonder on a plush black velvet pillow in the middle of the room, under the fluorescent light. For a minute, Lay couldn’t help but wonder how on earth he had considered Blackpink as one of the most dangerous criminal gangs.

That was however, until Chen had simply walked up to where the diamond was, plucked it off of its plush velvet pillow and tossed it over his shoulder without the slightest care in the world.

“Chen, what the hell?!”

“Fake.” Chen had spoken just as the diamond shattered to bits of glass at their feet.

“Any idea where the real one is?”

Chen merely kicked at the glass shards, ignoring him. Then again Lay wasn’t surprised with Chen’s behavior. He and Lay had never seen eye to eye in the first place. But now, the other agent was holding a secret that could ruin the team.

Chen’s involvement in Suho’s appearance at the agency was an issue to say the least. In Lay’s eyes the sooner Chen told Xiumin the less chances Suho might end up dead. Lay had tried to train Suho only for the other to run away from him.

“No offence, but you’re kinda cold. You’re so detached from people that you can read them too well. You don’t let them have their secrets. Instead you drag their most private issues out for all to see. Maybe if you met more people, or had more friends you would understand. No one likes being exposed, and that’s all you do. Expose people.” Sehun had bluntly told Lay over a cup of coffee when Lay had asked for his help in understanding Suho’s actions.

“Any idea where the real one is?” Lay repeated his question hoping Chen would answer.

“Well.” Chen snapped as he folded his arms across his chest. “Seeing that I am not a Blackpink member. I don’t think I can tell you.”

Lay pursed his lips at Chen’s answer.

“Look I know we aren’t on the best of terms, but can we at least set that aside.”

“L’s down.” Chen ignored him as he tapped uselessly at his watch. “We’re gonna have to search manually.”

Lay nodded. “I’ll cover this side. You do the other.”

Without another word, Chen took off into the other room.

Lay sighed looking over the room before he headed down the opposite hallway.


When Kai stepped into Blackpink’s apartment, he knew something was wrong, it was like a cold shiver in his bones. When Sehun went down the opposite hallway and disappeared into one of the rooms there, the hair on the back of Kai’s neck went up, like an omen.

So, to say the least, Kai couldn’t find himself entirely surprised when he found himself on the opposite end of Jennie’s knife in a well lit walk-in closet.

“Come on now big boy, we’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Jennie chuckled as she backed him into a corner.

“How do you know who I am?” Kai swallowed slowly, trying to avoid the sharp edge of the knife.
“Call it a hunch.” Jennie smiled sharply. “Now why don’t you tell me what the guy I handed his ass to in Busan is doing in my closet.”

Kai wracked his mind for a possible escape route, but there was only one door and Jennie was right in front of it.

Sehun anytime now would be good. Kai silently hoped the other agent hadn’t run into another member of Blackpink and could show up to help.

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