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Minho POV
We were all in dance practice. I'd been slacking for a while and I really needed to catch up with the rest of the group. Everyone was on break and had gone out to get some snacks but I felt like I owed it to Stay to be on top of my game all the time and Jisung stayed with me while I did one more run through of the dance. It still didn't look perfect and smooth the way it should. I felt funny and I was really tired. I'd been getting really tired really quickly these days for some reason. I was just about to turn the music back on when Jisung jumped on my back whining like a little kid.
"Stop dancing and cuddle me,"
"No you smell. Get off me," I said shrugging him off.
"Please. Come on baby you know you want to."
I was about to cave in and say yes then I regained my focus on what was important.
"No. Get off me and stop whining. We cuddle all the time but this is the only chance I get to practice."
He got of me almost immediately. He looked really sad and I felt a bit guilty but it's not my fault he wants to cuddle at inconvenient moments.
I played the music and I was about halfway through the dance when gold spots started clouding my vision.

Jisung POV
I watched as he swayed side to side he staggered backwards and then collapsed. I ran towards him and caught him just before he hit the floor. I didn't know what to do everyone else had gone to get food so I did the only thing I know how to do. I laid his head on my laps and started crying. I struggled to get my phone out and call chan hyung because of the tears blurring my vision. He picked up after four rings.
"Hello," hearing his voice calmed me a little.
"Hyung, help me, it's Minho he fainted," I managed to choke out
"Jisung calm down. Don't cry everything's gonna be fine. I am on my way."
" OK,"
The line cut and a few minutes later he burst through the doors picked Minho up and carried him out of the room. "Come on Jisung!" He shouted.

Time skip.

Jisung POV
The doctor came inside the room with the results.
"Everything is fine," he said after clearing his throat. "It was just a case of exhaustion and you can go home as soon as he wakes up but Mr Lee needs to be more careful now for the sake of the baby."

"He's pregnant!?!?¿¡" I exclaimed. I was shocked beyond words. I'm going to be a dad.
"Yes" he said leaving and shutting the door being him.
I felt all the eyes in the room turn to me. Followed by a series of fan girl like squealing.
"Imagine Minho hyung with a baby bump though, he would look so cute," I said I couldn't help but join in.
"Guys what's going on?" It was Lee know.

Minho POV
I sat up in the hospital bed and looked around me. Everyone was looking at Jisung and talking about someone being pregnant.
"Imagine Minho hyung with a baby bump though he would look so cute," Jisung said. Why are they imagining me with a baby bump.
"Guys what's going on?" I said after sitting up. All of them had the same stupid expression. They looked at me jaws slacked and turned around to face me slowly as if they were scared of me.
"None of you have answered my question. And why are you imagining me with a baby bump?" I asked but I knew the reason.
"I'm pregnant aren't I?"
They all nodded looking down at the floor.

Time skip
6 months pregnant

Minho POV

Not that much has happened since I found out. Me and Jisung brought our own apartment. When we told Stay they were more supportive than you can imagine. We were in the car on the way to a fan meet. I was sandwiched between Jisung and Hyunjin. I was feeling very hot and my back ,feet and hips were killing me. I had a cushion behind my back and I was fanning myself with my hands.
When we finally got there I got down from the car ignoring Jisung, who had placed out a hand to help me down. Stupid fat foolish chipmunk. He put his sperm in me and now look. I was fat, stretch marks littered my bulging stomach. My feet were swollen. I wanted to eat all the time. The baby kept on kicking my ribcage and my bladder making me need to pee all the time. I cried in the shower everyday because I couldn't get out.
But finally God heard my prayers. When we were at the fan meet a cute fan bought me a back support and gave Jisung a ointment to rub on my back. I couldn't wait to get home and test it out.

Time skip.
8 months pregnant

Me and Jisung were at home deciding on baby names we had loads but we couldn't pick one so we made a list of 60 names 30 names for each gender and put them in a hat. The girls name was decide to be Mo-yeon and the boys name Si-jin. I was happy that our little bundle of joy was going to be here. We went to bed well Jisung did I was still awake and really hungry. I shook him gently and he didn't wake up. I patted him, tickled him, slapped him, he didn't wake up but all of the sudden I got an idea.
"Jisung it hurts. The ba-aah- by. It's coming." I panted and groaned. His head shot up he picked me up and practically ran down the stairs. This is fun I should try it again sometime. His reaction was so cute but I had to break it to him.
"Since your downstairs now please can you make me some French toast."
"Your not in pain?"
"I'm not. Now French toast please with strawberries. And grapes."
"What the hell Minho?" He sounded angry. The baby was kicking my ribcage again and I rubbed my stomach to try and calm them down."It's 11:56pm Minho I'm going to bed." he actually just did that. I felt this overwhelming anger coursing through my veins.
"Han fucking Jisung!! Get down hear right now!" I was greeted by silence. So he's ignoring me now.
"Stop being so petty. You have a child on the w-. Nngh" I fell to my knees after the worst pain I have even felt rippled through my lower region.
"Cut the crap Minho. Don't act as if your in pain. I won't fall for it,"
"I'm n-not lying, Jisung." I gasped. Blood gushed out of my penis and I was in a paralyzing amount of pain and I couldn't move my lower half.
"Jisung....Please. I'm bleed-AAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
My body started shaking uncontrollably and I was barely awake. I felt Jisung pick me up just as I slipped into unconsciousness.

Time skip

I had a near miscarriage and had to have a emergency c-section. According to Jisung I was asleep for three days but it was all worth it when I held my baby girl mo-yeon in my arms.

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