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 requested by muiseishere.

Woojin stared at the negative pregnancy tests in his hands with teary eyes. He felt Chan pull him in for a hug and he screamed into his chest. Why was he so weak. They've been trying to conceive for three years now. What was wrong with him. He really thought he was pregnant this time. He kept on crying until he felt physically sick and he threw up violently into the toilet bowl. He hated this. He hated how weak he was, how useless. He hated how Chan pretended to be strong when inside he was hurting. He hated how much he disappointed his mother, who really wanted grandchildren. He continued to scream and cry for what felt like forever while chan rocked him side to side and threaded his fingers through Woojin's hair. Eventually his cries subsided into occasional hiccups, that chan found ever so cute, Woojin was on the brink of sleep when  Chan finally spoke up.
"Tomorrow we're gonna go to the clinic and find out what's wrong. We can still fix this babe, it isn't over yet,"he said and all Woojin could do was nod in response and let sleep devour him.

Time Skip (next day at the clinic)
"Mr and Mr Bang" said the receptionist, " the doctor will see you now, in room g103" Both chan and Woojin got up and walked into the room. Woojin was so worried that he was beginning to feel sick. His head was spinning as he entered the doctors room. He managed to quietly call out Chan's name before his whole world went black. Chan turned around at the speed of lightning but did not manage to catch Woojin instead his arms caught the air. He had to ignore the sting of embarrassment as he picked up Woojin and lay him on the hospital bed. The doctor gestured for Chan to leave as he got out some medical instruments. Chan sat in the waiting room and played with his necklace. His ex bought it for him but he was not going to return it 'cause it was 24 ct gold. What was taking so long, surely it was just nerves. Finally the doctor called him back into the room.
"It turns out you coming here today was completely pointless," said the doctor, "Woojin is about four months pregnant.His stomach has grown a bit so I'm surprised you didn't notice." he said as he handed me a leaflet on male pregnancy. He patted me on the back as he left the room "good luck with the mood swings." Chan lunged  himself at Woojin and engulfed him in a huge bear hug. He kissed him so many times muttering a series of thank you's.

Time Skip(NIne months pregnant)
"Aahhh," Woojin let out a cry of agony and Chan came rushing into the room. "What hurts, is the baby coming," he asked in a concerned voice. Woojin could only scream in response. He gripped onto Chan's arm as if his life depended on it. "Helpme, " he screamed over and over again as chan rushed him to the car. He continued to let out strangled noises of pain, while he lay in the back seat as Chan zoomed towards the hospital then suddenly the pain just stopped. He told Chan and they decided to go to the hospital together just in case. 
"They're called braxton hicks,"the doctor said, "They're technically false contractions and you can really feel the difference between them and real labour."
"What do you mean" asked woojin, his voice quivering slightly
"The real thing hurts much more" said the doctor " especially since you're male, my husband was just dolphin screaming the whole time and scratching me."
This really made Woojin and Chan panic. Woojin panicked because he thought he was gonna die from these 'fake contractions' what would he do when the real time came.
Chan panicked because Woojin almost drew blood from his arm this time so would woojin rip off his arm next time.

 Time Skip (Two weeks later)
Woojin rubbed his swollen stomach feeling slight discomfort. He got up and went to the kitchen. As he was warming up his pancakes he felt a sharp pain in his tummy causing him to drop his plastic cup. Thankfully he hadn't filled it with water and chan was in the shower so he couldn't hear much.  He just kept breathing in and out with  his eyes closed. 'These damned braxton hicks' he thought to himself as he bent down to pick up the cup.Everything was fine for about 20 minutes or so. He had finished eating and was ironing some clothes for the baby. He felt another pain and closed his eyes. When it had passed, he put a timer on on his phone. He had a suspicion that this was real labour but he didn't want alert Chan incase it was fake labour again.  And sure enough as the timer struck 19 minutes he felt another pain, it was a tiny bit stronger than the other ones but he was finding it less painful than the braxton hicks. He  didn't want to tell Chan yet because he didn't want to worry him.  He was in the basement with Changbin and Jisung. He needed to keep producing music and Woojin knew if he told Chan he was in pain he wouldn't leave his side. 'I still have about two hours min' Woojin said to himself. He decided to go into the peach and gold themed nursery and he sat in the white rocking chair, rocking backwards and forwards as he drifted into a deep sleep.
   "Mama, look,"said a little girl with black hair "I drawed us. This is Dada and this is me, This is You and this is the baby." she said pointing at various points in the picture.
"Well done sweetie it looks beautiful," Said Woojin admiring the series os swirls and scribbles his daughter had left on the page. He stuck it to the fridge just as Chan came in and engulfed him in a  warm back hug.

"Babe you alright" ..."Babe" called chan multiple times after he ended his 3racha session. He made his way upstairs ,"babe, babe you alright?". He looked in all the rooms until he got to the nursery, to see Woojin just waking up and stretching. "I'm sorry," said Chan, "I didn't realize you were asleep." 
 "It's fine" said  Woojin. I was gonna have to wake up anyway. He was worried that a pain was going to come and that Chan would witness it so he pretended to need the toilet.
"Can you help me up,"he asked Stretching out his arm, "I need to pee" The second  Woojin got to the toilet he felt a sharp stabbing pain ripple through his lower half turning his legs to jelly. He sat on the toilet seat taking deep breaths like his OB instructed. When the contraction had finished he took out his phone from his hoodie pocket. He put on a timer to see when the next contraction would come. When he had finished using the toilet and was washing his hands when he felt the worst pain ever. He checked his phone,
Eight minutes apart. "There's still time" he said to himself. 
"Time for what?" asked Chan from outside the door. 
"For us to.. umm.." 'GOD PLEASE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO SAY' "For us to buy some more things for the baby," Thank GOD Woojin thought to himself. 
"Well we can go out at four o'clock" Chan said checking his watch, "It's 2:30 now so we've got a while. Do you wanna watch a movie with me,"
"Sure" said Woojin and just as he was taking the first few steps towards the living room he felt a strong pain. His breath hitched in his throat and he held on to the wall to steady himself. When the  contraction was over he looked up to see Chan's worried eyes. 
"It's just Braxton hicks," Woojin said ,"No need to worry" but Chan still looked doubtful. 
"Ok, why don't you go sit on the couch and I'll go make the popcorn."
"Woojin nodded and walked over to the couch he felt a pain when he got there and let out a gasp. He checked the time. 2:37. He thought he had more time. How will he tell Chan. He pushed all those thoughts to the back of his mind as Chan arrived with the butter popcorn. He sat down with a sigh.
"What movie do you wanna watch?" he asked, looking at woojin with pure love in his eyes. Woojin looked back at him. This is one of the reasons he loved Chan, the way he treated him like a princess. They both leaned in to a passionate kiss until Woojin pulled out with a hiss. He rubbed the underside of his stomach with his eyes closed. CHan looked at him with skeptical eyes as if to say 'are you sure you're ok'
"I'm fine," Woojin said with a hint of aggression in his voice.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to know if you were Ok," said Chan, He knew it was the mood swings but he couldn't help but feel hurt.
"Well next time mind your own business," Woojin spat. Within seconds he realized what he'd said "Chan I'm sorry, My tummy is just hurting a bit. I didn't mean it. "Woojin said.
"It's Ok, Let me just go and get the cream then I can massage your tummy. yeah?" As Chan was getting the cream Woojin felt another pain and checked  his watch. 5 minutes apart. He was in so much discomfort due to a build up of pressure near his pelvis. He felt the baby drop inside him. He needed to tell Chan. When Chan came back with the cream and started massaging his swollen stomach Woojin had to try so hard to not moan with relief. He felt the tensed muscles around his stomach slacken and everything was fine for about three minutes. Then he had another contraction. He bit his lip to refrain from making any noise to give away his pain.
Chan's arms fell limply to his sides, "Woojin babe, why did your stomach just go hard?" The contraction was still going on so Woojin just held up one finger while he focused his breathing. 
"You're in labour aren't you?" asked Chan. Woojin only responded by bursting into tears.
"I'm sorry," he said between sobs "I just didn't want to worry you," 
"It's ok babe. It's ok," said Chan "In a second I'm gonna go get the bag and then we can got to the hospital"

Time skip(at the hospital)
"He's ten centimeters dilated so he can start pushing in a minute." Said the doctor. Chan nodded and Woojin didn't respond since he was in crippling amounts of pain. He rejected the anesthetic since he didn't want to be hazy when he saw his baby for the first time.
"Ok woojin, on your next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can. Pulling your thighs towards your chest. Ok 1..2...3.....PUSH!"
1 hour  later
"Channie I'm tired" said Woojin. He had been pushing for an hour now and he was in serious pain. Chan kissed his hand whispering sweet nothings into his ears.
"Yes you can babe, you can do this." said Chan. If he could be the one in crippling pain instead of his baby he'd swap in a heartbeat. But he can't so the best he can give is his support. "Think of rin,Think of our little girl." said Chan. Woojin nodded his head pushing with all his might.
"Well done. I can see the head. With a few more good pushes she should be out."
Woojin continued to push and push and push with all his might until the sound of his beautiful baby girl crying echoed around the room. The doctor gave the baby to Woojin to hold.
"You've done it," said Chan on the verge of tears "We have our baby girl"  

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