Jeongchan: Why are you ignoring me

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Jeongin POV

With shaking hands I turned over the stick. Two white lines. I blinked. They were still there. I blinked again. They were still there. My eyes glossed over with tears. I ran into my room and slammed the door, clutching the pregnancy test to my chest. I could hear someone knocking on my door.
"Babe. Babe what's wrong?" It was Chan. 
"I've ruined his life," I mumbled to myself.
"What did you say?" Chan asked gently. I guess he could sense that his lover was in distress.
"Nothing! GO AWAY," I screamed. I leaned against the door and hugged my knees to my chest.

I stayed like that until a wave of nausea hit me. I unlocked the door at the speed of lightning and sprinted towards the bathroom. I kneeled down in front of the toilet and hurled my guts out into the bowl. It wasn't long before Chan barged in and started rubbing my back. He stayed with me until I was just gagging now and again. I guess he really knows how to deal with an upset Yang Jeongin.
"Chan," I said weakly before he left, "Thank you," He nodded his head in appreciation with a small smile on his face and then he left. I stood up shakily and leaned on the wall for support. Just as I was about to flush another wave of nausea swept over me and I dropped back onto my knees.My throat burned as I dry heaved into the bowl. I started crying just as Chan came in again. "Babe...shhhhhh..shh....shhh....... It's ok i'm here. Channie is here yeah," he said in a soft voice as he started rubbing my back again. I continued dry heaving and gagging as the rest of Stray Kids came to see what was going on.
"Guys no offence but I don't think Innie would want you all crowding around in here." Said Chan to the rest of the group so they left while I was still a dry-heaving and gagging mess. I slapped the side of the toilet bowl out of frustration. I just wanted it all to end.

When it was all over, Chan stayed with me this time. My whole body was shaking from the adrenaline especially my hands and legs so he helped me up. He held me by my waist as I brushed my teeth. His strong arms made me feel safe but I knew it wouldn't last. Once I told him I was pregnant this was all going to end. When I had finished brushing my teeth he scooped me into his arms bridal style. I curled into his chest as he carried me to my bed. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

I really need to tell Chan about the baby soon. My bump was really starting to show now and it wouldn't be long before he would see or feel it. As usual I woke up and threw up but it was 7:33am on a saturday so the rest of the group were asleep. I started making breakfast for the rest of the group when I started to experience light cramping on my lower abdomen. I leaned on the kitchen counter for support.

When the cramps had died down I got out a frying pan and poured some of the pancake mix onto it. Whilst the pancake was cooking I googled whether cramping was normal in the early stages of pregnancy. Thankfully it was but if it gets too severe I should see a doctor. I put my phone down and continued making the pancakes, occasionally stopping when the cramps got stronger.

There all done. I placed the massive stack of pancakes down on the table. I went back to the kitchen to pour some orange juice.
"Morning love." Chan said from behind me. He snaked his arm around my waist. Oh no! Oh No! OH NO! I internally screamed. I managed to slightly suck my tummy in but it hurt like hell and it only made the cramps worse.
" Morning," I said back without looking at him but my voice was strained it was obvious that something was wrong. My eyes glossed over with tears and I was so glad that my back was facing him or he would have seen my pained expression. "Can you let go off me p-please?" I asked but I stuttered and my voice broke in the middle. In an instant he had removed his hands from my tummy and I was free to breathe again. I tried to discreetly rub my tummy to soothe the pain.
"What's wrong?" he asked "Did I hurt you?" He sounded so concerned and loving that I contemplated upon telling him about the baby then and there. I just shook my head as a few stray tears rolled down my cheeks.
"I just have a tummy ache." I said and he turned me around to face him, wiping my tears.
"You didn't have to do all this if you were in pain, shall we go sit on the sofa? "He said softly. I shook my head.
"Can we...ah... can we wake the others up for t-their b-b-breakfast."The pain was really getting intense. But how intense is intense when it gets to severe. I once again leaned on the table for support. My Elbows all the way to my fingertips were flat on the table and my bum was stuck up in the air. It did help to ease the pain a bit and Chan was rubbing my back. 'Maybe I should tell him now' I thought. 'Let's wake up the other members first.' I took a deep breathe in and regained my posture.
"Channie, I need to tell you something but can we wake up the other members first please,"
"That's fine, " he said, "I'll wake up Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix so you can wake up Minho, Jisung and Changbin." We parted ways.

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