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Hyunjin POV
This stupid  boy. I'm gonna kill him. I flung myself full speed. And I felt our bodies go crashing towards the floor. I just kept hitting him and  hitting him while he kept hitting me and hitting me.
I could hear the other members shouting at us to stop but all I could see was red. I kept on hitting him until I heard the pitiful sobs of  seungmin crying. I decided it wasn't worth it upsetting my baby because of this skunkrat. As I was getting up to leave I felt jisung drag me back and he delivered a harsh punch to my gut.
I felt a particularly strong wave of pain. But I couldn't let him have the satisfaction of knowing he's won. I gave him a dirty look then proceeded to walk away until I felt him grab me.

I tried to warn him,"Han Jisung! Get the fuck of me!" I screamed and to my surprise he actually did it. Stupid boy, following instructions like a dog. 🐩

Time skip. An hour later,

I had finished taking my shower and cleaning my wounds when I began to feel a slight discomfort in my lower abdomen. I made my way into me and Chan hyung's shared room. I prepared myself for the earful. The whole "I'm  so disappointed in you" speech, but it never came. Chan was busy scribbling down lyrics and had his headphones on. To be honest I was so glad because the pain in my abdomen had intensified. I bit my lip as I felt another pain.I laid down in my bed hoping that would ease the pain. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt a whole string of camps ripple through my lower abdomen. I sat up and put my shoes on hoping that it would ease the pain if I took a walk. I staggered towards the door. I was halfway there when I felt my legs give way beneath me as I felt the strongest string of cramps yet. I tried to grab the attention of Chan hyung ,who had his back facing me, but I was struggling to catch my breath as I broke out in sweat. The pain was getting worse and worse by the second. It got to the point where I was fighting to keep my eyes open. I managed to let out a feeble scream before everything turned black.

Chan Pov
I removed my headphones after hearing a very faint scream. I turned around to see Hyunjin passed out on the floor as the rest of stray kids rushed in. Seungmin immediately let out a small shout and I watched as tears welled up in his eyes. Everyone was frozen. None of them knew what to do. But I did. I called an ambulance and described the situation. All I heard were Seungmin's pitiful sobs until all of a sudden Changbin interrvined. "Guys whats that," Changbin said pointing at Hyunjin's crotch area. I looked and there was a slightly darker patch around his crotch area on his already black jeans. I dismissed it thinking it was just pee. However this did make me panic because pee can mean a number of things. Bad things. I decided we should try and lift him onto his bed since it was probably more comfortable. As we did so I watched as a series of red drops fell from his crotch area onto the floor. He was bleeding. I could only hope that the ambulance would get here soon.

Time Skip
Seungmin's POV 
We were all in the waiting room until the doctor came out and asked if Hyunjin had a boyfriend. To which I replied that I was. He asked me to come inside the room.
    Hyunjin was still passed out on the bed.I felt my eyes prickling with tears once again as I looked at his pale skin. I regained focus of what i was here for.
"Do you and Mr Hwang happen to be sexually active?" He asked. I nodded my head unsure of where this was going. "Even though this is rare and uncommon Mr Hwang is pregnant. However we think he might have had a miscarriage. Right now we are just waiting for the results."  "What, How?" I exclaimed out of pure shock. Then it dawned on me. 

3 months ago
"Hyunjin Please," I begged for the 100th time that week "Please. Only once. Just this once. Please." Nothing "plEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEse let me top, What are you scared of?" 

"Urgh. Fine, but just this once"
I was overcome with joy. After months of relentless begging my wish had finally come true.

Present Time
Hyunjin's gonna kill me. Hyunjin's Gonna Kill Me. HYUNJIN'S GONNA FUCKING KILL ME. I've ruined everything, how are we gonna debut now. Everything is over. I've destroyed Chan hyung's dream. He's waited so long for this. I couldn't breathe. What have I done. I ran out of the hospital room. Through the waiting room and straight outside. I heard Chan shouting my name behind me. I couldn't face him. How do I tell him. I kept on running. I could hear Chan's frantic screams getting louder and louder. "Seungmin please, Seungmin it's Ok." "No it's not!" I screamed falling to my knees. Loud sobs erupted from my mouth, my hands were shaking and I was fighting for my breath. I felt him wrap his arms around me And he pressed my head into his chest as he rested his chin on top of my head. I was fighting for breath. I kept on crying like a great big baby while he stoked my hair and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. When I had calmed down and my great,big monstrous sobs had quieted down into little hiccups. He positioned me to face him and just said, "I know," This phrase alone sent shivers of panic down my spine, "I know Hyunjin is pregnant and it's OK, I'm not really supposed to tell you this but We are debuting in march next year, we have time OK, We have time for hyunjin to have the baby and get his body back into shape while catching up on lyrics and dances. It's OK seungmin, It's OK." All the crying had made me feel a bit sleepy so he gave me a piggyback ride all the way to the hospital. When we got back to the waiting room the other members were giving me my space but I could tell they wanted to know. I sat down staring at the dirty floor until the doctor called me into the room.
   I looked at Hyunjin ,who was still passed out on the hospital bed.
" The baby is fine. It looks like you've for a fighter in there, " he said with a more playful tone for the last part. "However on a more serious note, Mr Hwang has some slight bruising on his lower womb. This could cause complications in the future so be sure to keep Mr Hwang well rested, well fed and away from stress. You're welcome to wait here with Mr Hwang and when he wakes up he can be discharged."
   After the doctor left the rest latest kids filed in one by one. Chan sat down on the chair next to me. "You Ok?" He asked and all of a sudden I realised I wasn't. A fresh wave of tears started and Chan once again smothered me in his embrace. I wanted to be the mother of our out child/ren. I wasn't ready to be a father. Hyunjin was gonna hate me. What if Jyp kicks me out of the group. What if Hyunjin breaks up with me. All of these insecurities came out in fragmented sentence as I once again soaked Chan hyung's shirt with my tears.

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