Jinson+Bambam: I'm not hungry

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Jinson+ pregnant bambam.
Jinson are married but Bambam who is pregnant is living with them.

Ding Dong.
"I'll get it!!" Shouted Jinyoung as he jogged towards the front door. The second he opened it he was met with a sobbing Bambam and he basically fell right into his arms.
"What's wrong?" JInyoung asked actually sounding concerned for once. "did he not take it well?" He picked Bambam up and carried him inside the house.

When Bambam had finally calmed down he decided to tell Jinyoung and Jackson (who had now decided to join them) what was wrong.He rubbed his three month old baby bump.
"He slapped me an-and he said th-that m-me and t-the baby have r-ruined his life," he burst into a fresh set of tears while rubbing his 4 month baby bump. Jackson gasped and pulled Bambam on top of his lap. "I'm n-never going b-back there again-n." Bambam choked out in between sobs. Jinyoung threaded his fingers through the crying males hair tenderly.

They stayed in that position for a long time and Jinyoung started thinking about the effect on the baby.

"Bambam I know your upset but you need to calm down it isn't good for the baby." He didn't want to seem like he didn't care about Bambam but they had to think about the baby as well. "Do you want me to get you anything?" He continued stroking the younger's hair while he calmed do.
"No ," He wasn't really crying anymore he was just staring at the wall and letting occasional hiccups pass through his dry lips.
"I'll get you a glass of water," Jinyoung said patting Bambam's back. He came back with a glass of water and and a jam sandwich. He handed them both to Bambam who was quick to shake his head.
"'m not hungry," he mumbled still staring at the same spot on the wall.
"At least drink the water," Jinyoung said as he put the sandwich down on the coffee table. Bambam took the glass from Jinyoung, "Thanks hyung," he said quickly and then he drank half of the glass in a series of slow sips.
"Do you want to try the sandwich?" Jinyoung asked in such a hopeful voice that Bambam couldn't say no. He took one bite of the sandwich and looked up to see Jinyoung beaming down at him. "See it's not that hard,"Jinyoung said, "Do you want to have another bite?" Bambam internally sighed already feeling nauseous. He had just about managed to swallow his relatively small bite when he gagged, "I think I'm gonna be sick," He groaned as he got up and sprinted towards the bathroom. He could do nothing to stop the tears from spilling out of his eyes as he puked violently into the toilet bowl.

Later that evening when Bambam was sleeping Jinyoung went to check on him. He saw how peaceful and cute Bambam looked and he started subconsciously stroking the sleeping males hair.
"Hyung will take care of you," he muttered,"I won't let anything bad happen to you," He placed a tender kiss on Bambam's forehead.
"Nyoungie can you come to bed now please," Jackson's voice broke Jinyoung out of his trance.
"One second Seunie , Good night Bam," He said, whispering the last part.


"Morning Bambam," Jinyoung said as he walked into the living room to find a nine month pregnant Bambam watching cartoons.
"Morning Hyungie," Bambam said. He sounded really tired which made Jinyoung worry quite a bit.
"Did you manage to get any sleep last night?" Asked the older.
"One or two hours" Bambam said, " but she keeps me up all night, kicking my ribs my bladder and making me need to pee every minute. God I just want this pregnancy to be over,"
"Awwww. It will be over soon, she'll be here any day now. Have you eaten?"
Bambam shook his head, "I don't think I can stomach anything,"
"You need to eat for the baby's sake," Jinyoung said gently, ". I'll make you something simple."

As Jinyoung turned around to go to the kitchen Jackson engulfed him in a big hug.
"Morning babe," Jackson whispered in his husky morning voice and he planted a soft kiss on Jinyoung's lips.
"Good Morning," Jinyoung replied and he gave Jackson a kiss. It deepened and two sneaky tongues were thrown in. Jinyoung put his hand down and fingered Jackson's clothed dick. He felt how easily he had made his husband go hard and he smirked.
"Oh, I'm gonna fuck you senseless," Jackson moaned as he pinned Jackson to the wall.

"Guys I'm right here," Bambam whined causing the two older males' cheeks to flush a deep shade of red. "Where you actually about to RUIN my PURE eyes," Bambam exclaimed.
"Sor- wait but you have to have sex to make a baby!" Jackson said giggling, "You can't get anything past me,"

"Anyway let me go make your breakfast," Said jinyoung, "Porridge or Toast?"
"Porridge please," Bambam said quietly while stroking his stomach. Bambam grunted as she kicked his bladder like it was a football. "Hyung," he called out, "Can you help me up,"
"Of course,"
"Thank you," As bambam stood up to go to the toilet he could really feel that she had dropped down further and as he waddled to the bathroom. 'Only a little while left' he thought 'you can do this bam,'

Once he had finished using the toilet bambam sat at the dining table so he wouldn't have to get up again. He had little to no appetite and he didn't know how he was gonna eat the food that Jinyoung had taken his precious time to make. When Jinyoung brought him the small bowl of porridge the pregnant male had to try hard not to gag in the elders face.

"I'm full," Bambam declared when he had eaten half the bowl.
"Can't you just eat a little bit more. Look, you just have a tiny bit left." Jinyoung encouraged.
"If he's full, he's full," Jackson said and he patted his husbands back. "Let it go,"
"No!" Jinyoung snapped, outraged that Jackson was opposing him, "He needs to eat for the baby. Why should we deprive the baby of Nourishment just because Bambam is still sad about his break-up"

"It's not like that!" Bambam wailed putting his head in his hands and bursting into tears.
"Now look what you've done," Jackson sighed "Bambam what's wrong," He said giving the pregnant male a hug.
"I didn't mean to make you cry," Jinyoung said earnestly.
"It's not that" Bambam sobbed out.
"Then what is it?"
"EVERYTHING!!"Bambam exclaimed. " My hips, my waist, my feet, my back. everything hurts. I haven't had a full nights sleep in months. I have absolutely no appetite and I know I need to eat but I can't!!!" Bambam completely broke down and sobbed into his Hyung's chest. "I'm tired.I want it to be over."

"Just bear it for a little while longer," Jinyoung said joining the group hug. "I won't force you to eat anymore if you really don't want to,"
"Really." Jinyoung confirmed, "Now let's go and finish watching Crash Landing on you!"

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