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Chan had been throwing up in the morning for three months now it had also been three months since he had sex with his boyfriend Minho.   He already knew the verdict before he turned over the test to see those two pink lines.  He was pregnant. With Minho's baby.
The Next Day(at school)
After getting changed for P.E Minho sat down next to Chan and snaked his arm around his waist. They sat there in a comfortable silence with Chan snuggled in Minho's chest until the P.E teacher arrived.
"Ok lads, today you have your annual cross-country. You should probably know the drill by now but I will remind you of it anyway. It's four laps of the field, three laps of the netball court and one lap of the astro turf." To say Chan was nervous was an understatement, every year he came second to last. Minho would run with him and come last on purpose to save Chan from the shame. But this year he was nervous for a different reason, what if he hurt the baby? or had a miscarriage? He couldn't tell the teacher he was pregnant or he would rat him out to the principle who would in turn tell his parents who would definitely kick him out. Then since he would have nowhere to go he would have to tell Minho. But if he told Minho he would definitely lose his carefree mindset and Chan didn't want to ruin that. So he braved it and hoped  for the best. 

He held hands with Minho as they jogged at an alarmingly slow pace. Minho pretended not to notice how red Chan's face was despite the fact that they were only on their second lap of the field. Instead he continued talking about his cats.  
"----and then doongi knocked over---" he continued rambling on. Chan wasn't listening, he was trying to focus in his breathing instead of the churning in his stomach and the waves of nausea that possessed him. He squeezed Minho's hand to get his attention. Minho took one look at Chan's face, picked him up bridal style and sprinted to the toilet.
   Minho rubbed Chan's back and muttered sweet nothings into his ear while Chan hurled his guts out. Tears welled up in Chan's eyes, and was continuously blinking them away. When he looked up he immediately made eye contact with a very worried Minho. 
"Are you ok?" he asked so gently that Chan felt a lump form in his throat. 
"I'm fine, I think it was just something I ate,"
"Chan," Minho said sternly, "I know you, ok? You don't get sick easily. In the time that we've known each other you've only thrown up once. If somethings wrong you can tell me, you don't have to take it on by yourself." Chan took a deep breath in. 
"Ok," he started of slowly, "I'mkindasortapregnantbyyou," Chan said in one breath. As soon as the words left Chan's mouth Minho let out a huge breath of air.
"Don't ever scare me like that again," he said with his hand on his chest, "I thought you were gonna say you had cancer or something. We can figure something out about the baby, it's ok Channie." 

Time skip
Eventually Chan's belly got very big and swollen so he just wore baggier clothes but he couldn't go to school anymore. The only problem was he still hadn't told his parents. So instead of staying at home he would still get up at 6:30am to get ready for "school" and then he would go over to Minho's house. Minho's parents were on a business trip so he had the whole house to himself. Problem solved. Of course neither of them asked what would happen if Chan went into labour at 2 am in the morning on a Friday. But unfortunately for them that's exactly what's happening.

Chan woke up to a sharp stabbing pain in his tummy. He gritted his teeth and clutched his stomach. He checked the time 2:11 am. He prayed that the excruciating pain he had just felt was a Braxton hicks. He couldn't be in labour. There was no way fate could be so twisted. Right? He tried to go back to sleep but there was a constant, intense pressure in his hips. He kept tossing and turning in his bed with tears in his eyes. The pains kept on coming at regular intervals and he would bury his face in his pillow to muffle his sobs and cries of discomfort and pain. By the time his alarm clock rang he was in crippling pain and struggled severly to get to the bathroom. He knew that this was real labour and if he was correct the contractions were  13 minutes apart. He cried as he took a shower, standing up created severe pressure in hips but if he sat down he wouldn't be able to get back up and he didn't want to smell so he tried to cope with the pain. He got dressed after 30 minutes of struggling. He wore black leggings and an XXXL oversized hoodie. The contractions were 7 minutes apart. He was hesitant to leave the house. He should probably tell his parents, they need to know sooner or later. He was about to have a baby for God sake. What is he gave birth on the way to Minho's house, he'd be all alone. He opened the door to his parents room, prepared to confess  but he was met with their snores. And if you have Asian/black parents you'll know what it's like when you wake them up. He could feel the baby dropping lower and lower, if he didn't leave now he would probably have the baby in a street. He shut their bedroom door and was prepared to leave, he put his nike sandals on his swollen feet. His key was in the lock when he let out an ear-piercing shriek and fell to his knees. He felt the worst pain ever and his leggings were completely soaked in amniotic fluid and a bit of blood.He heard his parents running down the stairs. 
"What's wrong baby?" asked his mother
"AAAaaaaaarghhhh," Chan could only scream in response. He was in A LOT of pain. He took  deep breaths in and out until he was in slightly less pain.
"I'm having a baby," he said in one breath, by this time he didn't really know what he was doing and he was dizzy with pain. His parents clearly didn't understand what he said  and his mom got out her phone to call the ambulance.She was finding it hard to communicate since all she could hear were Chan's wails and screams.
"Eomma I'm tired, it hurts. Eomma make it stop." He screamed clutching onto her. His dad cradled him close to his chest.
 "Sssshhhh, it's OK bubba, the ambulance is on it's way." His dad said wiping the sweat from Chan's damp forehead. 
"I-i-i n-n-ne-eed tto p-push," Chan managed to choke out. 
"Push what?," his mom said, confusion evident on her face. Chan couldn't really talk at this point due to the immense buildup of pressure and pain on his lower half. He just lifted up his hoodie to reveal his bloated stomach.

"Wake up Babe, Wake up," Chan felt strong arms shaking him, he looked up to see Minho's loving face. 
"Did you have a nice sleep," he asked, somewhat concerned.
"I had the strangest dream ever," he answered, "but I'm not going into the details, all I can say is we are NOT having sex until we're married,"

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