Chapter 1

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"Mason, Get up and get ready for school" Tiffany taps her son on his shoulder as he starts to move around.

"Come on, it's 6:30, you have to leave for the bus at 7:20"

Mason yawns and wipes his eyes then sits up in bed and just stares across the room. (you know everyone does that when they wake up for school and they just sit there for a while 🤣)

Tiffany walks out of the room and into the kitchen and starts to cook breakfast.

"Hey baby" Ethan walks over kissing her on the cheek from behind.

"Hey, are you hungry? or you have to get to work?"

"I could stay and eat" Ethan walks over to the coffee machine and pours him some coffee.

"Good because you're always rushing out of the house early"

"it's not my fault my job needs me so early"

"I know that"

Mason comes into the living room stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Are you excited for your first day of school?" Ethan walks over to mason picking him up.


"Okay well go wash up and get ready" Ethan sets mason down and mason runs to the back.

"Here" Tiffany hands Ethan a plate of food "I'm gonna go get dressed"

"Okay baby"

Tiffany walks off into her room changing into her work clothes. She ties her hair up and grabs her purse and coat off the wall and puts it on.

"looks like i'm gonna be the one having to leave early today, my boss texted me and said they need me" tiffany walks back into the living room.

"okay that's fine, i'll see you later" Ethan kisses tiffany on the lips.

"See you later" Tiffany leaves.

As she's waiting for the elevator she gets a call from her brother anthony.

"hey anthony"

"hey, guess what?"


"i'm coming upstairs right now"

"you are!" the elevator opens and standing there is anthony.

"Anthony!" she hugs him as he laughs hugging her back.

"I missed you little sister"

"I missed you too, i haven't seen you in 2 years"

"Yeah i know, also some more news, bianca is expecting"

"I love that, congrats!" Tiffany hugs him again.

"Thank you"

"Do y'all know the gender yet?"

"Not yet, it's still a little too early"

"Well i'm glad for you and bianca" Tiffany steps onto the elevator with him "i was on my way to work" Tiffany presses floor 1 and the doors close.

"Have you talked to matt recently?"

"Don't even bring his ass up"

"Okay, my bad"

Me and matt aren't on good terms, He's cheated on me twice, i feel so dumb for taking him back the first time he did it, i've learned my lesson now.

They get on the first floor stepping out "How long are you staying in new york?"

"I'm gonna be here for 2 weeks"

"Okay well i'll see you when i get back from work"

"Okay, i'm gonna go up to talk to mason and ethan, i'll see you later" he hugs tiffany.

"see you" Tiffany leaves getting into her car and driving off.


Tiffany gets back home later unlocking the door to see anthony sitting in the living room with someone. She gets a good look and finally sees that the person sitting there with anthony is matt.

"Um, what is he doing here?" She sets her keys down on the counter and her purse.

"I'm sorry, i invited him over to talk and catch up"

"He can't be over here"

"Stop talking like i'm not here, you can talk to me"

"I don't wanna talk to you" Tiffany takes off her coat hanging it up "You gotta go"

The front door opens and in walks ethan with a confused look.

"Okay i'll go, Anthony i'll see you later" Matt starts walking towards the door

"See you later"

Matt leaves and ethan walks towards tiffany slow "what was he even doing here?"

"I invited him over"

"Why? You know he's not allowed in this house"

"why because you said so? this is also tiffany place and she had a kid with matt, he can come over whenever he wants"

"Anthony!" tiffany tells "stop"

"I'm done, i'll see you later" Anthony storms out of the house angrily.

"Why would you let him in here?"

"I didn't, i just came back too"

"Well it's anthony fault then, you know i don't like him or want him in this house!"

"Well i already told you i wasn't here so don't yell at me!"

"okay, i'm sorry" Ethan grabs his phone and he walks out the door.

Tiffany walks into mason room to see him sleep then walks over and kisses him on the forehead. She then walks out and into her room changing her clothes. She lays down not even eating and slowly falls asleep.

(this chapter was fast and boring but ima try to make the next chapter longer)

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