Chapter 10

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this chapter was a little boring but oh well 🤣

2 days later tiffany is laying down in her room when she starts to get a call from drew and answers it.

"hello beautiful" he says.

"hello" she smiles.

"so i was just wondering if you felt like coming to my telly tonight, just to get some drinks and some food and chill"

"um... i don't know..."

"okay, you don't have to if you don't want to but i promise i won't bite, unless you want me to" he laughs.

"okay, let me see who can watch mason"

"okay, ima text you the address, see you later"

"see you later"

Drew hangs up the phone and Tiffany texts matt.

Tiffany : hey

Matt : hey

Tiffany : i got a question

Matt : you know you can ask me anything.

Tiffany : okay, can you watch mason for a few today? I have to go somewhere.

Matt : sure, around what time?

Tiffany : around 6 ?

Matt : okay sure, i'll be there.

Tiffany : thank you

Matt : anytime.


Later on Tiffany starts getting dressed as she waits for Matt to come. She looks through her closet looking for something to wear and ends up putting on this outfit.

There's a knock on the door as she walks to the front unlocking the door and drew is standing there.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up, plans changed" he looks her up and down "you are looking real sexy by the way"

"thank you but Matt is gonna be here any second"

"so what, y'all aren't dating anymore"

"but you know he gets jealous"

"so what, you're not his girl anymore, he needs to grow up"

"okay but-" Tiffany is interrupted by a knock on the door.


Drew walks to the door opening it as jasmine is standing there.

"nice to see you again" Jasmine walks in.


"Jasmine, what are you doing here?"

"I was here to ask you about something but it looks like you're busy"

"No i'm not, what's up?"

"So i got this date later and i don't have anything nice to wear so i was gonna ask if i could pick something out from your closet?"


"Okay, i'll be right back" Jasmine walks off in the back.

"So..." Drew stands there.

"So" Tiffany looks over at him looking him up and down "you look nice"

"Thanks sexy" he smiles "so where do you wanna go?"

"it doesn't matter"

"okay, what about a bar?"

"that sounds nice"

Theres a knock on the door as tiffany walks to it opening it to see Matt standing there.

"i'm here to -" he walks inside and stops when he notices Drew "what is he doing here?"

"he's here to take me out"

"so this is what you wanted me to come here and watch Mason for? so you can go out with him?"

"why aren't i allowed to go out and have fun? i'm a grown woman, i do what i want"

"really? well i guess you're just gonna have to find someone else to watch him" Matt storms out of the apartment.

"He's acting like a little ass child"

Jasmine comes out into the living room "damn, what happened?"

"Matt got angry because drew is here now i have no one to watch Mason"

"I can cancel plans and watch him" Jasmine says.

"no, you go have fun"

"we can stay here if you like"

"that seems like what we're gonna have to do" Tiffany says "you look good by the way"

"oh, you like?" Jasmine does a spin "of course you do, it's yours" Jasmine laughs "i'm gonna get going though" Jasmine hugs tiffany.

"okay, have fun"

"thanks, you too" Jasmine winks at tiffany then leaves.

"Do you want anything to drink or to eat?"

"i was gonna say something nasty but i stopped myself" he laughs "i'm good" he sits.

"okay" she laughs and sits down next to him.

"do you remember the first time we met?" Drew asks.


"that was when i knew i wanted you but you was already messing around with Matt next thing you know y'all got together and you got pregnant"

"well i don't know what to say"

"you don't need to say anything and i don't wanna do anything before asking so is it okay if i kiss you?"

"it's fine" tiffany smiles.

Drew leans in kissing her as he grabs the back of her head with his hand. She moves closer to him wrapping her arms around his neck. He wraps both his arms around her waist then pulls away.

"that was one of the best kisses ever" Tiffany laughs.

"Yeah i know, i heard i'm a good kisser" Drew smiles and laughs "I wish i could do some other things to you tho" he smirks.

"well too bad mason is sleeping in the other room" she laughs and stands walking into the kitchen and getting her some water.

"i know" he laughs "still though, if i could i would"

Tiffany walks back over and sits "would you ever go on a real date with me? like out to eat at a nice restaurant?"

"yes, just let me know when"

"Okay" he smiles.

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