Chapter 11

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Sorry y'all i'm really getting bored with this book 😂 like honestly i'm running out of ideas, i'm gonna end this book in a few chapters.

2 days later tiffany drops mason off at school and on her way back she runs into Matt standing in front of her door.


"what do you want?"

"i wanna apologize for acting like a dick the other day"

"honestly matt i'm tired of you apologizing, you shouldn't be doing anything for you to apologize for"

"i know but you tryna tell me if i was going out with another girl you wouldn't be jealous?"

"i wouldn't be because i moved on and you should too" she grabs her keys out of her purse unlocking her door.


"matt, i'm gonna love you regardless because we once had something and you're the father of my child but i don't think things are gonna work out between us anymore"

"okay fine, that's fine, you have a good day" Matt walks off.

Tiffany walks off inside as she lets out a sigh and locks the door. she sets her keys down on the counter top then walks off to her room. She ties her hair up when Jasmine starts calling her.

"hey" she answers the phone.

"i have to talk to you about Matt"

"what about him?"

"so tell me why i saw him yesterday and he was basically trying to ask me out, he asked did i wanna go out with him to eat and i straight up told him no"


"yeah" jasmine laughs "you know he's only doing that because he's jealous of you and drew"

"well thank you for letting me know that"

"you know you my bitch, i gotta let you know everything"

Tiffany can hear someone knocking on her front door "ugh, i hope that's not him" Tiffany leaves her room.

"he's literally obsessed with you" Jasmine laughs "i wish i had someone obsessed with me"

Tiffany walks to the door peeping through the hole to see Drew standing there.

"It's drew, i'll call you back later"

"okay, later" Jasmine hangs up.

Tiffany opens the door "hey, what are you doing here?"

"i just came to see your beautiful ass" he walks in with a smile "i came to spend some time with you"

"aw, that's cute" she smiles and kisses him closing the door behind him.

"i bought chinese food" he holds the bag up.

"ooh, what did you get?" she grabs the bag and walks into the kitchen followed by him.

"i know you love dumplings so i got some dumplings and i also got some shrimp fried rice with chicken"

"you're about to see me be mad fat"

"go head girl" he laughs.

she puts some food on a plate for her and drew then they walk into the living room and sits. she puts on a good movie as they eat and watches the movie.

They watch some more movies and tv shows for a while when Drew speaks up.

"so i was thinking is it okay for me to stay the night?"

"i guess, why do you wanna spend the night all of a sudden?"

"i wanna spend some more time with you, get closer to you" he pulls her closer to him.

"you wanna spend some more time with me or are you just tryna fuck?" she laughs.

"spend some time with you" he laughs.

"i mean i have no problem with the other choice" she smirks.

"oh yeah?" he leans in slowly kissing her.

his tongue parts her lips as he shoves his tongue inside her mouth. he starts sucking on her bottom lip then pulls away.

Tiffany sits on top of him and starts to kiss him again as he pulls her shirt over her head throwing it on the floor then starts to suck on her titties. (she had no bra on obviously)

"you wanna go to your room?"

"it doesn't matter" tiffany pulls drew shirt off throwing it as they start to kiss again.

"you got a condom?" tiffany asks.


"i didn't buy any so just pull out" she stands taking off her shorts and panties as he removes his clothes too. he thrusts inside of her as she lets out a soft moan. he thrusts in and out of her as he sucks on both of her titties. he speeds up his pace as she moans louder.

"you like that?" he starts sucking on her neck while playing with her titties.

"yes" she moans wrapping her arms around his neck.

with a few more thrusts he nuts inside of her.

"i'm sorry, i kind of cummed inside you"

"omg, i told you to pull out"

"i know, i'm sorry, i'll buy you some pills, don't worry"

"okay" They both stand putting their clothes back on. He lays down as she lays on top of him and they start to watch tv again.

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