Chapter 4

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2 days later

"So me and you have to start planning this wedding" Jasmine walks over to tiffany setting a coffee down in front of her then sits next to tiffany.

"We got plenty of time to plan this wedding" Tiffany sips her coffee.

"I know, i just can't believe i'm gonna be a bridesmaid, when are the babies gonna start popping out?"

"woah, calm down" Tiffany laughs "Not just yet"

"but i thought you and ethan were planning this?"

"i know but i already have mason, i wanna give it some time before i start popping out more babies"

As their sitting in the coffee shop they see matt and anthony walk in.

"Why does he always have to be where i am?" Tiffany whispers.

"Because you both belong together" Jasmine says with a laugh.

"Yeah right..."

Matt and Anthony walks over "what are y'all doing, stalking us?" Jasmines asks with a laugh.

"The other day at the club we were there first"

"Ain't it a coincidence we just keep running into each other though?" Matt asks as he sits down next to tiffany.

She scoots over a little "yeah, it is"

"What do you want again?" Anthony asks Matt.

"Caramel frappe"

"Okay" Anthony walks off.

"So tiffany, when are you and ethan planning on getting married?" Matt asks.

"We haven't set a date yet"

"oh" He replies.

Tiffany, Jasmine and matt sit there in silence until anthony comes back with their drinks.

"Well i'll catch up with you later tiff"


Anthony and matt leaves "he's obviously still in love with you"

"i dont think so, and he should have never did me dirty like he did"

"Yeah he shouldn't have" Jasmine sips her coffee "but at least he's trying to make things better"

"he wouldn't have to try if he never did it in the first place"

"that's true."


Later on tiffany is laying down in her room when matt starts calling her.

"Hello?" she answers.

"hey there beautiful"

"'matt what do you want?"

"you tryna hang out later before i leave?"

"you know ethan doesn't want me around you"

"so what, i wanna see you"

Tiffany stops to think about it "okay but only for an hour but then you gotta drive me home"

"okay, well get ready around 8pm and i'll come pick you up"


Matt hangs up.


"Are you really gonna go out with him tonight?" Jasmine asks.

"Yeah, only for a few"

"And ethan wouldn't care?"

"he would" Tiffany grabs her keys "that's why i'm not gonna tell him"

"wow, badass" jasmine laughs "well i hope you get lucky"

"don't even say that" tiffany rolls her eyes "i'll see you later"

"see you"

Tiffany walks out. She goes downstairs to see matt parked in front of the building.

"Finally" he opens the door as she gets in and closes the door.

"don't rush me"

"where do you wanna go?"


"okay" Matt drives off.

He drives for a few minutes when he pulls up to a bar.

"really?" tiffany turns to him.

"you didn't tell me where to go" he laughs as he parks.

"okay fine" she steps out followed by him as they walk into the bar.

They order them a couple of drinks and some food and starts to eat.

"so, how have you been?" matt asks.

"i've been fine"

"i've missed you"

"well i wish i could say the same" she sips some of her drink.

"stop playing like that, you know you missed me"

"well maybe a little bit but so what"

"that's all i wanted to hear" he smiles "don't you think we could be cool again?"

"we could but only cool as friends"

"that's what i meant" he drinks his shot then starts eating.

About an hour later they are done with their food and now laughing and talking about stuff.

"are you ready to go home?" Matt asks.

"Not yet, we can chill for a little longer"

"Well i'm glad you're warming up to me now" he rests his hand on hers.

"You know what i want?"

"What you want?"

She leans in "i want you"

"yeah right" he laughs

"i'm serious matt"

"no you're not, you're either drunk or you're just screwing with me"

"i'm not drunk"

Truth is she was drunk.

"Stop playing tiffany"

"Matt i'm not playing, take me back to your house"

He stops to think about it for a while "come on, let's go"

They both stand and walks out the door getting into his car and he drives off.

(this was short but so what lol)

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