Chapter 2

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Tiffany wakes up to the smell of breakfast being cooked and stands stretching. she walks into the living room to see ethan making breakfast and mason sitting down watching cartoons.

"Good morning beautiful" He walks over to her kissing her.

"Good morning"

"I made you and mason breakfast and i also wanted to apologize for yesterday, i had some time to think about it last night and i was in the wrong for yelling at you"

"well thank you for apologizing"

Ethan sets a plate down in front of tiffany then walks over to mason handing him a plate of food too.

"I've gotta get to work but i most definitely have something planned for you later" Ethan smiles pulling tiffany in kissing her.

"I'm excited" Tiffany smiles "i'll see you later baby"

"See you later" Ethan grabs his stuff and walks out.

15 minutes later there's a knock on the door and tiffany stands looking through the peep hole to see matt standing there.

"shit" she stops for a second then opens the door "can i help you?"

"Yeah" he walks inside "it's gonna take like 5 minutes"

"okay" she closes and locks the door.

"Daddy!" mason jumps up running over to matt and jumping on him.

"hey there fella!" he picks mason up "you've been behaving?"

"yes daddy"

"okay good, i have to talk to your mom for a few so can you go in the back real quick?"

"okay" matt sets mason down and mason walks to the back into his room.

"I'm gonna be out of town for a week, i have this important work related thing that i have to go to"

"Okay and you're telling me this why?" Tiffany says with an attitude.

"Because i usually take mason for the weekend"

"okay i'll get anthony or ethan to watch him while i'm at work"


"okay well have fun" Tiffany pushes him towards the door.

"Wait" Matt stops and turns to her "I miss talking to you, don't you miss talking to me?"

"Not really"

"Come on tiffany, you know you miss me" with one hand he caresses her cheek.

"No" she moves his hand away "you cheated on me twice, i want nothing to do with you"

"Come on, you don't mean that" He leans against the door "and once again i'm sorry for that"

"saying sorry isn't gonna make it any better"

"I know, i don't know why i would do something stupid like that"

"i don't know either, anyways you gotta go"

"okay, well at least let me say bye to mason"

"Mason, come here!" Tiffany yells.

He comes running into the living room "Mason, i'm gonna be gone for a while but i'll see you soon okay?"

"okay daddy"

Matt kisses mason on the cheek then puts him down and mason runs into the living room to watch cartoons again.

"Okay well i'll see you later" he smiles at her.

"See you"

Matt walks out and she locks the door behind him.


Later on around 8pm Ethan gets back home walking in with some flowers.

"Hey there beautiful" he walks over to her kissing her on the lips "these are for you"

"thank you baby" she grabs them "i love them"

"and i love you" he grabs her face kissing her.

"i love you too" She puts the flowers in a vase then pours water into them and sets it down.

"So..." Ethan slowly walks over to her "i was thinking me and you can try making a baby"


"yeah, i want to have children with you, i want to build a family with you, so this brings me to my question" Ethan gets down on one knee "Tiffany, will you marry me?" He takes a box out of his pocket opening it.

"Oh my god" tears start rolling down her face "Yes!"

Ethan stands grabbing her kissing her again then slides the ring onto her finger.

"it's beautiful" she admires the ring as he wipes her tears.

"you're beautiful" he smiles kissing her again "so, do you wanna take this to the bedroom?" he smirks.


He picks her up taking her to the back as he sets her down on the bed then closes and locks the door behind them. He pulls his shirt over his head throwing it on the floor.

"Come here sexy" tiffany leans back on the bed with a smirk.

Ethan smiles getting on top of her kissing her.

(ending it here, don't wanna do a sex scene yet 😂)

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