Chapter 15

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3 days later

Tiffany wakes up with Ethan's arms wrapped around her waist as she removes them and stands. she grabs her some clothes and washes up and dries off then gets dressed. She walks into the living room to see flowers and candles everywhere and breakfast on the table.

"omg what is this?" she reads a note on the table that tells her to turn around. she slowly turns around to see Ethan on his knees holding a ring up.

"oh my god!" tiffany covers her mouth.

"Tiffany you have made me the luckiest man alive,, i love everything about you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you make me the happiest man alive?"

"I - I don't know."

Ethan gets off his knees "you don't know? what don't you know about?"

"yes i'm happy that me and you are together but i'm not ready to get married"

"when i asked you before you said yes"

"that was before everything happened"

"as in before you hooked up with matt?" ethan asks.

"not even that"

"then what are you talking about?"

"i'm just not ready for this"

"it seems like me and you being together is not gonna go anywhere, we have a baby on the way too, what's stopping us from getting married?"

Tiffany sits there for a while "oh i see, you're still in love with matt?"

"No... i don't know"

"wow" ethan sits there for a while "you're doing this to me again huh?"

"i'm not doing anything to you ethan, i am still in love with you"

"you're still in love with me and at the same time still in love with matt, you can't pick both, it's either me or matt"

Tiffany covers her face "you can't make me choose"

"yes i can, i don't wanna go through this again, choose or i'll just go"

Tiffany sits there in silence for a few "i can't ethan"

"okay so by not choosing i know who you chose, it's okay tiffany, i'm still gonna be here for you, i will always love you" he kisses her on the cheek.

"i'm sorry" tears roll down tiffany face.

"it's okay" he kisses her on the lips "i'm not gonna stop you from going after what you want, it's a good thing i didn't move all my stuff back in yet" he laughs.

There's a knock on the door and ethan answers it to see jasmine standing there.

"hey girl" jasmine walks in. 

"hey" tiffany wipes her tears.

"what's wrong?" Jasmine asks.

"a lot"

"um do y'all want me to come back later?"

"no i was just going, i'll be back later" ethan hugs tiffany then leaves.

"what's going on?"

"he proposed"

"omg congrats!"

"but i said i don't know" tiffany sits down.

"girl, why?" Jasmine sits down next to her.

"i think i'm still in love with matt"


"yeah so things aren't gonna work out between me and ethan again"

"i mean if you love him then you love him, there's nothing you can do about your feelings, just let him know how you feel"

"i will"


Later on around 10:37pm tiffany gets a text message from jasmine.

Jasmine : girl, come open the door

Tiffany stands opening the door to see matt standing there.

"omg, what are you doing here?"

"Jasmine texted me" he says as he walks inside.

"i knew she was gonna do that" Tiffany rolls her eyes and closes the door.

"you're still in love with me?"

"um" tiffany walks over to the couch and sits "i don't know"

"tiffany, you can't be giving me mixed signals, i need to know cause i'm still in love with you, i really want us to work out, i miss you, i miss being near you, i miss touching you, i miss kissing you, i miss everything about you" he walks over to her grabbing her face "tell me what you want"

Tiffany leans in kissing him "that gives you your answer, i want you"

Matt grabs tiffany kissing her again as she wraps her arms around his neck. He picks her up as she wraps her legs around his waist as they continue to kiss.

"i love you" matt says.

"i love you too"


8 months later

"Push tiffany! you got this!" Ethan holds tiffany hand as she pushes.

"keep pushing, we see the head" the doctor says.

Tiffany pushes for a few more seconds when she starts to hear the baby crying.

"you did it" ethan hugs tiffany and kisses her on the forehead.

"it's a girl!" the doctor wraps the baby in a blanket.

Tiffany cries "oh my god can i hold her?"

"yes you can" the doctor hands tiffany the baby.

"oh my god look at her cute little face" ethan says as he starts to cry.

"what should we name her?" tiffany asks.

"i don't have any names in mind yet, may i hold her?"

"sure" tiffany hands ethan the baby "i need to rest a little"


There's a knock on the door and matt, jasmine, and anthony comes walking inside.

"hey baby" matt walks over to tiffany kissing her.

"omg, it's a girl!" jasmine walks over to the baby to stare at her some more "what's her name?"

"i like the name bella" tiffany says.

"so do i" ethan says.

"bella it is" tiffany smiles.


idk how else to end it so i'm ending it here 😂 i'm gonna be honest, i did not wanna write a second book only because i don't be knowing wtf to write about, i be getting stuck so it was hard for me to do a second book to this but i'm glad y'all love these books and i hope y'all can check out my other books ❤️

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