A whole day had passed and with every minute that trickled by painfully, Gerard Way was beginning to lose hope. At this point he believed that Frank had chosen his business over his boyfriends life and that fact alone hurt more than anything those men could ever do to him.
The captors knew Gerard weak spot by now. Whenever he'd fight or attempt to deter them from their nightmarish actions they'd emotionally blackmail the redhead.
They would tell Gerard that if he didn't cooperate, Mikey would die.
Every couple of hours the basement door would open and Gerard's heart would fall. Bert would ask the two boys to choose who gets taken upstairs and every time the redhead would offer himself. There was no way in hell these demons would touch his baby brother.
Mikey wouldn't let Gerard make that decision easily though. He'd scream, cry and do everything in his power to sacrifice himself but the eldest wouldn't allow it.
Gerard knew Bert found him attractive. Not just because Bert had told him that but because of his actions. And with that knowledge he knew that the man would go easier on him than he would with Mikey.
Bert would never physically abuse Gerard as he didn't want to 'mess up his pretty face' but he'd do unspeakable things. However, Gerard would much rather endure these unspeakable actions than have his brother go through a beating.
He already felt responsible for Mikey being kidnapped alongside him. If anything else happened to his brother, he wasn't sure he could live with himself.
Of course Mikey bombarded Gerard with questions. He was so upset and confused but Gee couldn't answer them. He would just tell Mikey that he'd explain it all to him eventually and him not knowing was for his own good.
Inevitably, Mikey got angry at not knowing. He felt patronised that Gerard couldn't trust him with the truth but it was incredibly difficult to stay mad at your brother when afraid that death was looming over the both of you.
The two were fed twice since being brought in, but neither ate the food. One reason was due to fear of poison and the second was because of some sort of hunger strike they'd unofficially taken.
They were also made to use a bucket for a toilet which was incredibly demeaning and inhumane but most definitely not the worst part of the situation.
The basement door opened once again causing Gerard to bang his head against the wall in annoyance.
He couldn't believe the man that he called his boyfriend. Gerard would whole heartedly have taken a bullet for Frank. He loved the man, but the feelings clearly were not reciprocated. If they were, Gerard wouldn't be in this position. He guessed that some people just preferred money and power over love.
"So who's the lucky guy today?" Bert spoke up, rubbing his hands together menacingly.
"Me." Gerard mumbled half heartedly. He stood up despite it being difficult from weakness and particularly sore areas.
"No, Gee. Please let me go today." Mikey begged. It was quite clear he was crying which he hadn't stopped doing since he'd gotten here. Gerard had accepted the inevitable at this point, he was just exhausted. Mikey however, was just petrified and really fucking perplexed.
"I'll be back soon, I love you." Gerard spoke sadly to Mikey, ruffling his brothers hair before following Bert up the stairs.
"I guess Franks made his decision." Bert smiled, enjoying torturing Gerard further.
"Yeah." Gerard sighed.
"Don't worry doll, you and I will have a lot of fun together." He laughed, pulling Gerard into his office.

Toxic- frerard
FanfictionFrank Iero liked to refer to himself as a business man but really he was more of a drug lord. His life revolves around sex, drugs and making money. Well, that was until he met a certain red headed stripper who he just had to have. Trigger warnings: ...