Twenty Two

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"You have a visitor." Bert McCracken smiled, standing in front of the two brothers who lay on the concrete floor together.

"Both of us?" Gerard asked cautiously. He really didn't want a repeat of what had happened to Mikey.

His little brother sat to the right of him, his head on Gerards shoulder. An angry purple bruise lay across his cheekbone, accompanied by dry blood that stuck around his nose.

Mikey was exhausted. Mentally and physically drained. The revelation of who Pete really was and what his brother was involved in had hit him harder than one of Bert's punches.

He had never meant to involve himself in something so dangerous. He thought that Pete was just a simple business man, alongside Frank and Andy but apparently not.

Mikey couldn't help but wonder why Pete never told him. Granted, they'd known each other a matter of days but it's pretty essential information to tell someone you were getting involved with.

God, the little brother didn't even know what he meant by 'getting involved with'. Was Mikey just a blow job to Pete? Maybe Mikey was just young and naive. He'd never been with anyone and had only just really come to terms with his sexuality.

The youngest Way brother would fall in love with a guy that held the door open for him. Hell, he'd thought about the time the mail man had passed him a letter and their hands accidentally brushed, for like a month straight.

Up until he met Pete, of course. Because Pete was just so fucking nice to him. They had kissed and done other things, which meant a lot to Mikey. But those things would mean a lot to an inexperienced 19 year old. To Pete, it had probably just been another blow job.

Mikey wasn't even sure why he was trying to figure this all out. It wasn't like he'd see Pete again. As far as the boy knew, this was his life now. Until Bert decided to kill him.

"Yes, both of you. Follow me." Bert smiled, causing Gerards face to fall.

He helped his brother up and held his hand whilst walking up the familiar rickety stairs.

They expected to be led back into the office however, they were taken to a large living room. That's when Gerard became confused, he expected another questioning. His mind raced at who the visitors could be and took an even tighter grip of his brothers hand.

Bert was smiling menacingly which only sped Gerards heart up further. His captor pulled him away from his shaking brother and to the middle of the room.

Mikey was now about 8 feet away from Gerard but suddenly felt extremely vulnerable. He couldn't help but think this was when he'd die. His slim figure trembled and it took everything within him not to cry and plead for his life on the spot.

Gerard kept his eye on Mikey. Trying to ignore the fact Bert was now stood behind him with his arms wrapped around the redheads waist. Gerard felt the mans breath on his neck before he planted a soft kiss to the back of it, making Gerard cringe.

"Make sure they're patted down for weapons." Bert instructed to two guards who were stood by the door. The men nodded before leaving the room. Gerard assumed it was fetch his 'visitor'.

Bert removed one arm from Gerards waist, only to grab a gun from the table around him. He returned his arms to the original position, kissing the redheads cheek and giggling.

"It's about to be a good day, Gee." Bert practically sang. It sent shivers down his spine.

As foot steps grew closer to the living room, Gerard felt more afraid. He alternated between looking at the door, and his little brother who looked as though he was about to faint. Mikey was now white as a sheet which only made his bruises stand out more.

Gerard's rapid heart beat came to an immediate halt when his boyfriend, accompanied by Pete Wentz cautiously made their way into the room.

Frank and Gerard made eye contact immediately. The older man couldn't help but smile slightly at the fact he wasn't too late, and the redhead he loved was still alive.

That was until he realised that Bert McCracken had his arms wrapped around him.

"We have your money." Frank stated, motioning to the brief cases.

"Where's the third musketeer?" Bert laughed. Holding Gerard tighter, loving the way Frank couldn't do anything about it.

"That's irrelevant." Frank replied bluntly.

The two guards collected the brief cases, opening them to make sure they contained money and then lay them on the table.

"Go stand outside the front door, just in case we have any uninvited visitors." Bert spoke through his smile. I guess anyone would smile though, he had just become a millionaire.

"We've followed through with our half of the deal, now you can hand over Gerard and Mikey." Frank spoke strongly, but Bert just smiled wider.

"I'm not sure you know, I'm beginning to enjoy your boyfriend." Bert laughed, leaving another lingering kiss on Gerards cheek.

Frank attempted to step forward but was held back by Pete who knew that they wouldn't stand a chance against a man with a gun.

Pete couldn't help but take in Mikeys appearance. He seemed so broken and frail. Pete wanted to wrap the poor boy in his arms there and then but he knew he'd have to wait.

"I'm okay, Frank." Gerard spoke softly, smiling sadly at his boyfriend. He wanted to reassure the man who was clearly fuming.

"You know, after everything Gerard has shown me. I feel like he's worth a lot more than a hundred million dollars, don't you think?" Bert spoke venomously, feeling Gerard tense up.

"How much do you love Gee, Frank?" Bert asked, smirking at the tattooed man who took deep breaths before him.

"Where are you going with this?" Frank spoke through gritted teeth.

"Do you love him enough to die for him?"


A/N- little cliff hanger :)

I'm not very happy with this chapter but I'm so exhausted and have so much college work to do. I've not updated for 2 days and just wanted to put something out up.

I'm gonna be uploading every day for now on though so don't worry :)

I hope everyone's having a nice day!

Lots of love,


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