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"Take off that dumb hat boy." His father hissed. Sasuke took the hat off and tossed it onto his fathers desk. "Now I called you here because I was hoping you'd stop these childish antics you have been doing with this here, lady." He said getting up to stand in front of his desk, in front of us. I stepped closer to Sasuke. "Childish?" Sasuke growled. "Me trying to protect someone I care about, is childish?" His father chuckled. "Of course it is." He walked past us to the door. "The only person you should care about is your future wife not someone who is just using you for protection." He opened the door to reveal the lady with pink hair.

She walked in with a smirk on her face. "Well, well, well, we meet again." She stood directly in front of me and folded her arm in front of her flat chest. "Dad I already told you, I'm not marrying Sakura." I gagged mentally. He's supposed to marry her? Her forehead is basically a billboard that says 'HEY LOOK AT ME AND MY NON-EXISTENT TITS'. I chuckled at my own joke moving my hand to my mouth to try to contain my laughter. Sakura glared at me and moved closer but Sasuke moved in front of her protecting me front whatever she was going to do. 

"Back off." He growled and she stepped back. "Sasuke you know it would be great for the gang if you married Sakura and united the best with the second best." We looked at his father. "We'll be unstoppable." He had this evil look in his eyes. Like he was ready to kill me for taking his sons feelings. For taking his plans away. "Not gonna happen." Sasuke pulled my closer behind him. Hand gripping tightly on my waist. His fathers smirk turned into a frown. "Very well." His father made his way to the book shelf. "You'll have to face the consequences." He pulled on a book and a door behind us opened letting people with black suits come into the room. 

Sasuke was quick to pull me away from them but completely forgot Sakura was in the room. She grabbed onto me as the other people tackled down Sasuke to the floor. "Hey let go of me." I struggled to get out of her grip. This is what I get for not going to the gym. Sakura pushed me into the wall, still having a grip on me, and pulled my hands behind my back. I grunted when I hit the wall. "Let go of her!" I heard Sasuke yell. His father then started to chuckle his gross evil laugh. "I told you boy." His father began walking towards me. He stopped inches away and swiped away a piece of hair off my face. "Take her to the basement." 

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