Chapter Two

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"She was the strangest wolf, I've ever seen, Andris. She climbed a cliff like a mountain goat. She was so desperate to get away."

"I can tell. She managed to escape you. Either you scared the absolute shit out of her or you're losing your strength. And I doubt the second one..."

Two men squeezed into the back seat of a car, relieved to feel the air conditioning. One had jet black hair and chocolatey brown eyes that showed a sense of playfulness. He was known as Gamma Andris. The second was a man the size of a bear, his powerful aura choking the air of the car. This was the Alpha Basilius, a creature not to be trifled with. Which a particular female had recently done.

"When I reached the top of the cliff, she stared at me with big red eyes. She looked shocked to see I'd followed her... As if she didn't realize what I am." Basilius explained as the began to move.

"Red eyes? What is she, a ghoul or something?" Andris chuckled, to which he received a deep warning growl.

"No, albino, I believe... Her fur was white, and she had a pink nose. No dark colors to be seen." The alpha took a moment to think but then continued a second later. "But, she was in an alarming state. I could see her ribs under her fur. I am surprised she was even able to shift in such a form. It must be exhausting for her."

"You seem very caught on this feral wolf, Basilius." The man smiled a bit.

The alpha stayed silent. He was lost in thought. He wanted that female. He wanted to claim her as his and yet he couldn't which was irritating. He always won a chase, he always got what he wanted. Yet, she was something he couldn't have. The moon goddess was cruel sometimes.

Meleni clawed, pulling herself onto the bank of the river. She had lost the wolf finally. Tired, she let out a gentle whine as she began to use her aching muscles to climb out of the tiny canyon. Slowly, with sopping heavy fur, she began to return to her den. However, a dust cloud stopped her, along with the sound of an engine. Although she was tired, her wolf pushed on, forcing her to follow the car. From a distance, hiding behind rocks and laying low to the ground, she followed, despite her body disagreeing with all the traveling she was doing in the hot sun. She realized they were approaching the mountains, probably from a pack that lived there. She made a promise to herself that she would stop when they began to drive up to it.

Curiosity and the determination of her wolf were the only things carrying her now. Her paws hurt, but when she wanted to go home, she stopped and turned back toward the mountains. There was just an aching feeling that kept pulling her along.

She had been so caught up in trying to turn back, she hadn't realized the car had stopped near the foot of the mountain. All the doors were open. There was no movement. Meleni pressed her body into the ground as she watched intently with her red eyes. She didn't move a muscle until a familiar scent wafted over her. In a panic, her head twisted around, only to find the alpha from before staring deep into her soul with his golden eyes.

In a panic, she quickly darted up from the ground, running as fast as her legs could carry her. Although her body screaming in agony. Again, she heard the thunder of the wolf chasing her. She felt herself beginning to wear down as she began to climb one of the smaller mountains. It was hard. There was little energy to be spared. Yet, Meleni pushed on, miraculously making it to the top after a few seconds. But things took a turn as she began to run down the other side. Crying out, she began to tumble down the side, the massive wolf still behind her. After she finally stopped rolling, she struggled to her feet again, her head spinning.

For a moment, she was too dizzy to even feel the jaws clamping down onto the scruff of her neck, lifting her up off the ground like she was a pup.

The female wolf was quick to snarl and sit and growl and thrash around. But her efforts made no difference. The large wolf began to carry her up the mountain. This scared her, causing her actions to become more ferocious and desperate. She was being dragged from her home, the place she had grown up. She wanted to stay. She didn't want to be in the hateful eyes of a pack again.

Time began to pass, the sun began to set, Meleni grew weak, yet she was still left snarling at the brown wolf that held her scruff. He ignored it, traveling up the side of the mountain with ease, even while carrying another wolf. The stamina of an alpha was quite scary to her. Because while he pressed on up the mountain, she was growing too tired to even make any noises. Her body was limp in his jaws, aching too much to move. At some point, her eyelids became heavy. Despite her attempts to stay awake, exhaustion claimed her as everything went black.

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