Chapter Fourteen

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After an awkward tea break with Annita, Meleni grabbed her suitcase and was led to a car where Basilius was waiting with Vasso. Vasso took her suitcase and set it into the trunk of the car before escorting her to a door and opening it for her. It had been a long while since she'd been in a car. Sitting down, she waited a minute while Vasso shut the door for her. Then Basilius climbed in next to her.

Relief washed over her, making it feel like her wolf was soothed enough into hushing up about not liking their distance between them. Meleni offered him a sheepish smile to which he replied with a smile in return.

His eyes shifted to the seatbelt and he was quick to grab it and buckle it for her. "I want to keep my little luna safe, including in the car." He purred to her, caressing her cheek before buckling himself.

Vasso sat in the front passenger seat, next to a wolf she vaguely remembered that morning. He sighed and shook his head.

"My apologies Alpha and Luna, but seeing as we're on a diplomatic trip, try and keep the pda on a downlow. It's not proper for two wolves of your status." Vasso turned back and warned them.

"What? Are they going to find it unsettling if I show them just how much I worship my precious mate." Basilius smiled playfully before kissing her cheek, then along her jawline.

Vasso turned his eyes back forward as a flustered Meleni bit her tongue trying to keep quiet. Gently, she grabbed his cheeks and shifted his kisses away from her. He let out a soft growl as she did but she shushed him by pressing a finger to his lips.

He just stared at her with challenging eyes. Instead of challenging back, she simply layed her head against him and grabbed his arm and wrapped it around herself as they took off from the large building that she would now call home.

The drive seemed long, dragging on for what seemed like for ever, though it was just a few hours. The time in tbe car was mostly silent, Meleni just snuggled against her alpha while she watched trees flick by with lazy eyes. It was a moment she was sure to remember. Every little detail was comforting. The warmth of her Alpha, the sound of his beating heart, his smell. Everything.

But it was drawing to an end as she noticed that cabins began to fly by. Lifting her head off Basilius, she looked out the window, her fingers pressing agaisnt the cold glass.

"We're almost there?" She turned back to Basilius, who nodded a little.

She moved back close to him, intertwining her fingers with his. She was nervous now. She blinked and looked down at her lap a few seconds as she began to tear up. Basilius was quick to notice. He gave her hand a soft squeeze.

"There's nothing to fear, my luna. I will be with you. Everything will be fine." He pressed his free hand agaisnt her cheek, lifting it to make eye contact with her.

Upon blinking, a tear slipped out of her eye and he quickly wiped it up and placed a kiss on her cheek, trying his best to comfort her. She whined and shut her eyes tight, just resting her head into his hand softly.

"I am scared... What if I mess up and there is war?..." She forces out a choked up whisper.

"I won't let it happen, Meleni... Have faith in your alpha." He teasingly whispered back and pressed a kiss agaisnt her lips before petting her head.

"Don't worry, Luna..." Vasso turned in his seat. "Even if we did go to war, we are a stong pack."

Slowly, she nodded in reply, wiping away her eyes while sniffling. She took in a deep breath and straightened herself out. "Alright. I can do this. As long as I have my mate by my side..."

"Of course you will," Basilius purred, proud of his little mate for being so brave.

The car halted in a driveway of a large pack house. Basilius slipped out the door and offered a hand to Meleni, gladly grabbed hold as ge helped her out of the car. Vasso climbed out and motioned for the wolf who had driven them to grab their luggage. The three of them made their way towards the door that was now opened, a tall and lengthy she-wolf coming down to greet them. Meleni couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful she was. She had dark hair and pale skin, like the night sky and the moon. And her eyes were a chocolate brown that seemed to shimmer.

She smiled as she stepped towards them, her eyes showing a sense of coldness, as if she wasn't all that happy they were there. No one pointed it out however. This eas a diplomatic trip after all. And she would be trying her best not to start a war.

"Welcome Alpha Basilius, Beta Vasso..." She dipped her head to Meleni's male companions before her eyes landed on Meleni herself and she paused.

"My Luna, Meleni." Basilius spoke for her, which she was grateful for.

However, when he mentioned her name, the she-wolf's eyes grew a bit wide with recognition for a second. Meleni questioned it, wondering if the wolf had ever met her she wasn't sure. She really hoped not. Because it would mean she was from before...

"Luna Meleni. Welcome to the Red Fang Pack. My Alpha has been waiting for your arrival and has asked me to show you to your rooms. Please, follow me." With that she turned on her heel and strided back inside. It was a large building and quite beautifully made. There was a feel about it that was so familiar, but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. It was an uncomfortable feeling so she just pushed it down and pressed herself agaisnt Basilius.

The pretty wolf led them up the stair case and onto a second floor, down a long corridor until they finally stopped. She pointed to two rooms.
"Here they are. I hope you enjoy your stay. You're free to roam the building, but please stay out of trouble. And be ready for dinner but 5:30."

And with that, she was done and gone.

"One hell of a way to treat guests..." Vasso grumbled and went into his room.

Meleni sighed and slipped into the other room, followed by Basilius. Once the door was shut behind them, she turned to him and quickly hugged him tightly. The aura she got from the building made her feel an overwhelming feeling of fear. She didn't like it. Of course, Basilius picked up on this, quite intune with his mate's emotions.

"What's wrong?" He gently rubbed her back as she held onto him.

Meleni stayed quiet a long while before shaking her head at him. She whined and looked up. She didn't want to make a big deal out of it. After all, it was probably just that she was nervous.

"It's nothing... I am just still worried. I've never done something like this..." She whispered and looked up at him. "I just needed some comfort."

"Alright... Well I can comfort you all you want." He kisses her gingerly, running his hands through her hair.

Meleni welcomed it and allowed herself to relax. However, it didn't take away from the uncomfortable, nagging feeling.

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