Chapter Three

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Basilius realized his little wolf had lost consciousness when she had grown quiet. He could tell she wouldn't willingly behave for him. At least not yet. But he was glad she was resting. Her body was fragile, that much was obvious, and she had put up a good fight. He didn't want her to push her body to the limit. A bonus is that it made traversing the mountains easier. Especially when he had to begin navigating around large evergreen trees.

A feeling of familiarity washed over him as he approached his home, a large slate grey house surrounded by a tall stone wall, perfect to keep intruders out and stubborn omegas in. Walking in through the gate, he felt the small female beginning to stir again. He was honestly a little surprised that she was already waking up since she had not rested long.

Gently, he set her down and the little wolf propped herself up on her front legs before she began to revert back into her human skin, lacking the energy to stay in her feral form. In that moment, the alpha shifted as well. Her pale skin and white hair were illuminated in the moonlight, as if she were the embodiment of the moon itself.

Basilius happily welcomed the opportunity to run his eyes over her naked body, his want for her growing. He could have picked her up and carried her away to claim her, but she was in no shape to do so. He could tell she had a minimum amount of energy in her. Not to mention her physical form. Besides being covered head to toe in sandy dust, he could see every one of her ribs below her breast, which he was shocked still had a good amount of flesh. However, he didn't express it to the she-wolf.

Her red eyes narrowed in his direction as she silently curled into a ball on the ground, hiding her  body from him. He didn't show much of reaction besides calling for some other wolves.

"Elyse, Selene!" He called in a deep voice and two women rushed out.

"You've returned, Alpha!" 

"Welcome home!"

"Thank you... Please... Assist this wolf with a bath. Then feed her and put her to bed. If she gives you any problems, I am sure Andris wouldn't mind helping you." He said cooly, his dominant status clear to Meleni now.

"I believe we can handle her, Sir." One of the women said with a  self-assured nod.

The she-wolf kept her sour look, even as she was helped off the ground by the other females. Although the thought of food sounded good she wouldn't make it easy for that damned alpha. She wasn't a play toy for him. Or for anyone.

She bared her fangs at the alpha before she was dragged into the rather large house.  It had been a while since she'd seen something with architectural structure. For a moment, she felt in awe due to its beauty but remembered her promise to herself.

When the women tried to coax her into the bath, she snarled and tried to claw her way out, they were much stronger, forcing her into the luke-warm water, scrubbing her body clean and washing her hair before brushing at it for nearly an hour. The whole time, Meleni was whining and growling in annoyance and pain. but when they finished, her perfectly white locks were shining and smelling like honey.

The women guided her to a lavish room, a bed covered in pillows and blankets as well, surrounded by a sheer canopy that hung from the sheer canopy. To the side of the bed sat a table with chairs. The woman seated her before placing a bowl of soup in front of her along with some slices of bread.

"Eat," One says holding up a spoon to her mouth.

Meleni sat unresponsively. One woman tried to pry open her mouth.

"Our Alpha says you need to eat. So you eat." Her voice was strained while the other woman shoved the spoon in her mouth. Meleni whine and tried to push them away, yet they were stronger.

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