Chapter Ten

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Mature chapter ahead

After having spent the whole day in the same room, Meleni felt her broken ribs healing already. But, the two did little to interact. Instead, Basilius did paperwork and she paced the room. Occasionally, Meleni would stop, trying to draw Basilius' attention to her. She was bored. He'd give her a small kiss on her cheek or nose before he continued with his work. It wouldn't be until late in the evening when he finally finished.

However, Meleni was irritated by him, once again, sitting in her nest wrapped in a blanket. When he sat on the bed, she growled. Half because he was ruining the work she'd put into the nest, half because he nearly ignored her for the day. He didn't let it bother him. He simply sighed, fixing the nest when he laid in it. 

"Meleni..." He began to purr to her. 

She cursed. His purring seemed to easily soften her up as he wrapped his arms around her. Even though the blanket, she could feel his heat. It reminded her of home, it made her feel calm. She sighed and melted against him. Slowly, he pulled back the blanket from her, his eyes skimming over her. She could hell he wasn't disappointed. 

A soft whine escaped her and he smiled with a small laugh. "I am sorry, you must have been warm. I just needed to see you. I needed to see you're all mine..."

Her cheeks lit up, but she gave him a small pout, turning away. 

"Here, come lay with me. I'll keep you warm." He offered.

Meleni rejected it, turning away from him. His wolf didn't like that. Unable to accept this, his wolf forced itself out and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closely. She whined and glanced back, but didn't struggle. His body heat was too enticing. However, she didn't like his hands resting on his hips. Or rather, she didn't like the tingling sensations that made her heart flutter that his touch caused. 

Shrugging it off, she shut her eyes to sleep, though they opened once more as she felt his head between her neck and shoulder. She could feel his extended canines brush across her skin. Her wolf was quickly excited by this, but Meleni let out a low growl, to which, he backed off. Though he kept his head between her crook, enjoying his skin against hers.

The night passed by fairly suddenly. When she awoke, Basilius was gone. She was fine with that, however. Sort of. She missed the warmth of his touch, finding the room cold without him. But she didn't get another second to think about it. Selene and Elyse came prancing through the doors, breakfast, and clothing in hand. They mumbled their good mornings, sat her at the table to eat. Once it was over. They brushed her hair, dressed her and was on their way, leaving her alone again. 

Meleni figured she would sleep in after that. But as she lay in her nest, a  sudden cramp began to form in her stomach. At first, she was a little taken aback, but the realization set in. She was going into heat. She hopped off the bed, running to the door and locking it. Outside, she heard heavy footsteps followed by some growling. Sounded like a wolf having a tumble with the guards. 

She backed away, another cramp raking through her, causing her to stumble. A whine escaped her as she moved to the bathroom. She began to feel hot all over. Again, she cramped up again, doubling over onto her knees. Her body began to tremble as she crawled to the sink. Pulling herself up, she looked in the mirror. Her face was flushed red. Turning on the water, she splashed cold water on it. It was no use, she still felt hot and even itchy.

Turning around, she quickly shut the door to the bathroom, locking it. Slowly, she stumbled to the bath, turning on the cold water and sliding into it with a sigh. It was soothing for nearly a minute before the discomfort came back, followed by another tearjerking cramp. Meleni grit her teeth before crying out.

But she knew there was only one way for her to get relief. Her wolf was begging her to seek out her mate, or anyone who could stop the pain, but preferably her mate. But Meleni didn't move, turning off the water, but still submerging herself in it. She just hugged herself and whined as the burning spasms ran through her.

However, she heard the bedroom door open with a slam. Someone had broken through. Good, her wolf thought. Meleni could smell him. It was Basilius.

"Baby, open the door." His voice was low, demanding. 

Meleni felt a sensation between her legs, his powerful voice coaxing her from the water. Slowly moving toward the door, she yelped with a cramp. Basilius acted immediately. The door opened with a crash. In an instant, she was in his arms, a happy feeling running through her. This was her alpha. All hers. A purr rumbled through her for a second, soothed by his contact.

But Meleni needed more, and Basilius knew it. Not only did he find himself craving her due to the scent she let off, but half of it was because his wolf could tell her cramps were agonizing. He lay her in her nest and she purred again. It was their nest.

A sharp spasm caused her purr to cut short and curl up with a whine. Basilius growled as he began to peel the wet clothes off of her, tossing them away to reveal her soft pale skin. He hated to see her in pain, especially when he could end it for her.

It wouldn't be long before he's completely stripped her. He took a few seconds, just drinking in her perfect wiggling body. She pressed her legs together, trying to somehow relieve herself. Noticing it, Basilius let out a small chuckle and trailed her fingers up her legs until they reached her thighs. At first, his touch was soft. Then he gripped it causing her body to stop a moment.

He didn't even have to open her legs himself, she quickly opened them for him, revealing her already dripping pussy. He smirked as she wiggled her hips around desperately.

"Basilius..." She softly cried. "Please... Take my pain away."

"Of course, my goddess." He breathed out and lowered his hand to her lower lips.

Slowly, he began to stroke her wetness, back and forth slowly. She squirmed under his touch but a soft growl easily made her sit still. After a second of making her desperately whine and shiver under his touch, he slowly rubbed her clit in a circle. The small wolf began to grind her hips agaisnt his finger.

Then she let out a satisfied gasp as she slid a finger inside her. When she tried to buck her hips, he grabbed her thigh and stopped it. She looked at him with another cry. He wasn't going to be that cruel. He began slowly sliding it in and out again. She melted against the bed, slightly tugging at the blankets below her.

"Damn, baby..." He let out a playful growl as he ran his eyes along her body, drinking in her response.

She only smiled a bit as she began to pant a little bit. He slipped another finger inside her, slowly is pace a bit, as she was a little bit tighter around his fingers. She squirmed a bit and softly hummed at the feeling. As she began to adjust slowly, he does up, causing her to let out a few happy squeals.

Slowly, she felt herself growing closer to the edge, gripping the soft blankets in her small white hands. Basilius could tell, and he felt the excitement growing in himself as he watched the faces she made. Lazily staring up at him with half-open eyes, a small smile playing at her lips as they eased out soft moans. Staring at them a few seconds, he swooped down and caught them in a kiss. It was hot and passionate, leaving her breathless.

When he pulled back she felt pleasure spiral through her as she hit her climax. Her hands snaked around his neck, gently clawing into his skin as she let out a rather loud groan as she tilted her head back. She came onto his fingers, becoming a panting, sticky mess.

Letting out a soft sigh, she leaned back on the bed. Basilius could see how tired his mate was. As much as she wished to share the ecstasy with her, he knew her small body would need rest from her head. And seeing as he had given her comfort, she would be able to relax for a small bit.

He laid next to his mate, allowing her to curl her body up against him, placing her bare leg onto him, as well as placing her hand onto his chest. Wrapping an arm around her, he held her close. A soft purr vibrated from her as she softly smiled and fell asleep.

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