Chapter Nineteen

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Violent scenes ahead.

Meleni sucked in a  harsh breath, stepping onto a rather large fallen log. It was rotten for the most part. It's soft, caving in frame reminded of herself. She might have once been strong, but over the years of suffering and now her predicament of finding her mate had weakened her beyond any state that she'd ever been in. Letting out a frustrated growl, she jumped off and kept walking through the towering trees swaying in the chilled breeze. She hadn't realized when she stormed off that she had left her coat back home. However, the cold air felt nice against her skin which burned with pain and irritation. 

As she came across a small stream, she stopped, kneeling down to stare at herself in the water. She looked tired, her eyes puffy from having cried for quite a while. And her face was flushed. Whining at the image in the water, she wiped a few more tears that slipped out. This never would have happened if she had stayed in her den if she would have never met Basilius. She wouldn't have been forced to become luna, wouldn't have had to see her abusers. She wouldn't be pregnant... She wouldn't be so in love... in pain. 

Meleni's chest heeved as she began to sob again. She pressed her ice-cold hands up to her face and just held them as she relieved the feelings she felt.

 Some time passed, she wasn't sure how long, but long enough for her to have run out of tears to spill. She wiped her eyes and stood up straight. The sun was beginning to set behind the horizon and the moon had begun to show it's self clearly. Looking to it, blinking slowly, she asked with a silent prayer for help from her goddess. A second passed and she turned, following the flow of the water. She hoped it would lead her to something nice. Something to show her destiny.

As she contninued, the stream slowy got wider, with more of a rocky side. She stepped over the slick stones carefully, jumping down small cliffs and over fallen trees. Eventually, she found it led to a lake. A flock of geese swam along the shore before waddling onto the bank, shaking off the extra water soaking their feathers. They walked over to some of the bushes, which is where their nests appeared to be. Meleni watched as they went back to theirs homes, and small honking and quacking noises began to fill the air. It was the babies. 

Meleni smiled slightly and gently touched her stomach softly. Gently she rubbed it. It held her own baby inside. It made a warmth sprout inside her heart. It was her precious baby. And Basilius's. Meleni looked up to the moon once more before tilting her head up to the sky. Then it was back to the geese. The family of geese were all getting ready to sleep for the night. She was tired. And she was certain her mate was too. She wanted to be with him again. To cuudle close and sleep wrapped in his arms. A feeling told her he was wanting the same thing. 

With a quick step, she began to return to the way she had come. But she stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the sound of water stiring and the sound of it being flung onto the ground. Swinging her body around, she saw predatory eyes of a monster. It was Alexio. He threw his large body against her, roughly pinning her agaisnt the ground. His snapping jaws threatened to catch her face in them, the only thing preventing was her desperatley trying to push him back. 

She allowed her wolf to take form, relying on what defensive insticts it held to protect her. She had never learned to fight, so it was all on her wolf's will to survive. Crying yelps left her body as she struggled to squirm from away from him. Flailing herself helplessly, she managed to claw at his neck and stomach. Blood began to drip from the scratched. However, he wasn't all that fazed. He simply growled, locking his jaws around her neck. He didn't put enough pressure on her to do real damage, but the threat was there as he slowly tightened his grip. Her stuggle and cried became dampened by the fear that resided over her. 

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