Chapter Six

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After she finished her tea with Annita, Basilius brought her to an infirmary looking room, where they would meet Doctor Thalia. They began to go through a seemingly basic medical checkup, some of the instruments causing Meleni's nerves to get a little worked up. She didn't know what they were or what they did, but they frightened her.

However, Basilius was always quick to try and calm her. She hated it, but she did find his presence a little comforting. She'd rather not be alone with the doctor. Not with all the weird things she used to poke and pinch her.

In the end, aside from her weight and a bit of light sensitivity in the eyes, Meleni was in good health. And according to the doctor, she could return to a healthier state if she kept up with a good meal plan. Basilius was sure he would keep her well fed.

And on that note, he took her to eat lunch, the two sat in silence as they ate. Basilius wanted her to warm up to his presence a little. Yet, she wanted nothing to do with him, focusing on her plate of pot roast set in front of her.

For the rest of the day, he didn't bother her, to her relief. Though she wasn't given much to do, locked in her room. So she spent her time planning an escape. Her windows were bolted shut, though there were no bars. If she broke the glass, surely her guards would come running, along with a Basilius ready to ready to punish her. 

But just as she thought about her mate, looking out the window, she watched as he, along with a small group of wolves, headed out the gates in their wolven form. An opportunity strikes. Looking off in the distance, she saw dark clouds forming. Rain was surely coming. She would have to act quick before it came. 

Watching, she saw which way her mate was heading. South. She would go north then. Peering back to the door that had guards sitting behind it, she was quick to search for something to push in front of it. She dragged a chair over to it, propping it underneath the door handle. It wasn't much but it would give her a few extra seconds. Lifting the other chair, she used all the strength she could and slammed it into the window. With a loud crash, the window fell to pieces and the door handle began to jiggle. She stepped up to the window, ignoring the feeling of glass cutting into her hands and feet, peering down at the drop.

She was three stories up. But she could make it if she landed in the bushed below. Right?

Hearing the door burst open, the chair crumbling to pieces under the sheer strength of the guard. She couldn't wait any longer, she couldn't hesitate. She pushed out of the window, indeed hitting the bushes, but not without hearing a crack and a yelp. It took a second to recognize the sounds were from her. Her head was spinning with pain as she instinctively held her ribs. She must have cracked some of them.

She would have to deal with that later though. her eyes grew wide as she saw Basilius beta staring at her through the window. His eyes flared with worry, then a sense of irritation as he shifted then launched himself through the glass. Meleni let her wolf take form as she turned on her heel, ignoring the pain her chest as she flew toward the tall stone wall. As soon as he got close, she threw herself into the air, clawing her way up the wall. 

But Vasso was already behind her, grabbing onto her one of her hind ankles. He was careful not to break the skin, knowing his alpha would murder him if he did, though, he did begin to pull her down. The she-wolf hit the ground with another cry as she impacted again with her damaged body. This time it stung as if she'd just been injected with venom. She struggled to get back up again. Looking at the Beta with tear-filled eyes. 

Miraculously, she did force herself to her feet. Glaring straight dead at the large grey wolf that stood before her, blocking her from the wall. He let out a powerful growl, but not nearly as powerful as Basilius'. Still, it was intimidating. Clearly a warning to her, telling her to submit and return inside. But she would not. 

She let out a vicious bark and charged. But instead of attacking the beta, seemingly as he expected, she jumped onto him, her paws, pushing his face into the dirt. From there, she bit back a pained yelp and lept as high as she could, using the tall wolf's body as a step stool. A feeling of triumph flowed through her as he legs hooked onto the top of the wall, using her hind legs to propel herself as a scrambling mess over the wall. 

Again, she hit the ground, this time, the worst pain of all,  She was sure she broke many ribs, and when she moved forward, she was sure she sprained her ankle as well. It wasn't the moment to focus on it though. She gnashed her teeth together and began to painfully trot away before forcing herself into a run. She had to leave before her mate returned and to find shelter when the rain came. With a one-track mind, she began to get close to her max speed. She didn't care how much it hurt, she just needed to get away, she couldn't let herself be caged. 

Meleni had escaped. And she ran, not knowing where she was going. All, she knew is that she getting away from there.

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